just fucking eat a bit less and go for a jog. it's easy
Just fucking eat a bit less and go for a jog. it's easy
I see people jogging all the time desu
Not only eating less, but eating better too. Stop putting mayo and butter on everything, including toilet papers.
and has anybody ever seen you jogging?
Yeah. I jog sometimes in my uni's campus
My knee is fucked though.
>Dude just go to the doctor!
Flag. We don't have healthcare. It would cost like $2,000 just to get an MRI
Butter is American way of life though
That's not real, right?
Maybe if you had one redeeming skill or ability you'd be able to get a decent enough job that comes with benefits. Why should society pay to fix your knee if you have nothing to offer?
Yep, it's real, video taken live from King Harlaus' butter silo.
He isn't american. He is a brit using an American proxy. The same guy who made the car park thread
It's very real
why do such a shit exercise? Wrecks your joints stomping on concrete.
Train a legit martial art or do some HIIT
Stop gesturing with your hands so hard when you're talking, Italy
I'm sick of it
>It hurts when I jog on the pavement
Holy shit Nigel, didn't take you for being such a wuss
That's why you go to the track at the local school or run on grass at the park. Anyone who regularly runs on concrete is just asking for knee and hip replacements at 50 years old.
I find it both tasty and gross at the same time.
Even with insurance they'll fight against you getting an MRI. I've had one before and it took like 8 months from my first doctor's appointment to finally getting the MRI
My parents do them all the time desu. Never had any problems.
get a job lol. even $12/hr spic line workers get comprehensive healthcare where i work
I bought some running gear and shoes but every cunt driving past stares at me and it puts me off
That's because you are probably a retard
Then you have shitty insurance or a lazy primary care doctor. I had a fucking Obamacare poverty plan which is highly discounted in my state if you make under a certain amount before I got my job and real insurance, and even that shitty ghetto doctor had no problem writing a referral for an MRI. If a doctor isn't listening to what you are telling them, you find a new doctor.