Jogging bros get in here
Coming back from a knee injury, ran for 1.5 hours and I feel great
Post your routine
Jogging thread
sitting and shitposting
I started going with my dad every other day. 15 laps, however long it takes.
Not sure if it counts as jogging but managed to run 8 km in 43 mins last week. Trying to get it under 40 mins.
Good work user, what was your injury?
Just getting back into a routine of 30 minutes m-w-f lads. Dropped 7kg in about 4 weeks since I graduated
Fatman that started jogging 7 weeks ago, doing 8km in 52 minutes, can't imagine how I'll be able to do 10km.
I need to start running again. Any tips for starting after years of inactivity
That is pretty good, I don't regularly run, not for awhile at least. When I did my best was 4 miles in 32 minutes. That is basically the same pace as you. It was on a treadmill though which is far easier than actual terrain.
Just start slow and accept that you're gonna be like shit in the beginning. If you just keep going out you improve a huge amount over the next few weeks.
I ran a sub 5 minute mile in the 10th grade
Started running again six weeks ago after a long, sedentary period. Smoker and quite a bad drinker. Lost a little bit of weight but my diet and drinking habits are still bad. A lot fitter though. Running 5k three times a week. PB of 26:31 yesterday. When I started I could barely run 1k without needing to walk. Not fat, just heroin addict like insides.
This, as I explain here You'd be surprised how fast you'll improve.
Patellar tendinopathy, I had to stop running for a couple of weeks so I replaced it with swimming.
Based. Wish my father would be more athletic like your father
That's great. I started running in february and now I usually run 10km/hour
Can confirm I went from stopping every 5 minutes to running non stop for more than an hour in 4 weeks.
Liking this thread lads, I tore two ligaments in my ankle in March and reading this thread I really got an urge to get going. Still gotta wait for physio's permission but fuck getting fatter
>Based. Wish my father would be more athletic like your father
I'm only now starting to appreciate it haha, I realizet it was a bit embarassing that he does more sport than me at 23. Started to play tennis and football again as well.
It's cool to run with someone, it kills the boredom a bit and the other person motivates you on days you really don't feel like it. Maybe you could ask a friend?
Tore my acl a couple of years ago, I had never been more depressed not being able to do anything, just make sure you hit the physiotherapy hard user
Yes, I should but I struggled to make new friends at uni and I kinda lost my HS friends. I actually started running because I was feeling down (stress from uni, lack of friends, weight gain) and it has helped me quite a bit.
Coming back from injury, had an easy 10k with friends yesterday. Heartrate is shit right now.
Will go back to regular training most likely in two weeks.
I'm in the same boat dude. All HS friends gone from the town and I have to travel to Uni and come home after class which means I barely socialize with anyone. Doing sports and shit helped me as well, I started doing pull ups and crunches on running breaks and gonna start hitting the gym in a month. Hang in there mate, tomorrow will be better :)
Running helped me make new friends, get in shape (obviously) and somehow this is attractive to other people.
I hope you lads don't run the same route every day and actually alternate between different routes
I have my old high school field track, the local park and the river bank.
>tfw hs qts check you out during gym class
Though nothing can really top running in nature
I used to run the same 8k route when I trained for high school cross country any time I ran on my own. It's comfy to have a routine. It was also a nice mix of hills and flat.
Cycling is the undisputed king of endurance sports.
>that awful heel striking technique
Buy yourself new shoes. I find it's a great motivator.
/cyc/CHADS report in
lose weight
have sex
Based and puckpilled
jogging is gay
Going to do the 5k monthly race from Strava now
Is a cyclist a good runner?
This thread is more /fit/ than Yea Forums, but I jog a 5k as my second workout three days a week. Be sure you're stretching afterwards. Your joints will thank you by your 40's.
Depends. How regularly does the cyclist run?
I train mostly with triathletes and the best cyclists are usually bad runners (can't develop much speed or constant pace) but have good heart rates.
This, jump rope>jogging
Ran 6.1 km on a trail in the woods in 35 min, how's that? Note I'm in shit shape
Avid marathon runner here. 10 miles this morning. Rock out with your cock out.
Had 13 km run yesterday evening. Couldn't go today because there was a storm out. Tomorrow I planned going 7 km morning run and 14 km evening run. Have done those occasionally.
10km yesterday with friends, 5k today at 26 minutes. Training for a 21k in September.
wtf her toe
went out running this evening, I had pretty bad form, but I saw 7 deer and one hare so that was nice
How do I impress my oneitis who runs 5k in 18 mins?
nope, running is much better excercise for the body
finland knows
after few years of inactivity started running lately and i have a problem
after running like 1,3 km i am not short on breath, but my legs really do give up
my shoes are trash though and my form is not good yet
I hate running. I'm seriously flat footed and every time I start a running routine it doesn't take many days until I start feeling like my shins are going to split apart. I tried ignoring the pain and ran regardless, ended up fucking up my left knee (which is my dominant side when playing football) forever, probably because my form must've been all over the place since I was too busy trying to endure the pain.
Fuck off running isn't a sport
Yes, it is, mong.
Same settings, I just don't have any effective shock absorption it seems.
Several years ago I tried to get into jogging/running, but after a while it was too much for my back as well. All the shock from bouncing while running went through my spine.
I can walk fast, and have done so when mountain hiking all day long, not so much of a problem except for fatigue, but when I start running, my whole system falls apart.
No it isn't, favela monkey. Walking isn't a sport neither is running. And no, that wobbly leg walking where they all shit themselves isn't a sport. Fuck no. Case closed.
You don't get a say, mong.
I'm currently running about 6 miles a day roughly 5 days a week. Training for an iron man.
Im training for Iron Man by watch the Avengers first!
You don't get to call anyone mong, favela monkey. You are one rung above pajeets on the Yea Forums hierarchy.
>choosing literally the worst form of cardio
Get a load of all these poorfags with no access to an elliptical or a pool. Enjoy your foot and leg problems from needlessly high-impact cardio.
Might want to throw in some swimming and cycling too there champ.
What's it like having everyone at the gym look at you and laugh? Only girls and 60 year old obese men use that machine
Shhhh, it's over now. You may leave the thread now.
>obese men
Check his flag.
Bye, subhumans not allowed in this thread.
Fuck off pedro why don't I go over there and fuck you in the ass you faggot favela monkey
Shhhhhh, bye mong. Shoo shoo.
I've never ran past a 5k, there is literally no need to do it. I worked my 5k time down to around 21 minutes, which isn't awful, but I'm never going to extend the distance because it's pointless.
It's objectively the most logical cardio machine. Like I give a shit what mouthbreathing plebs think of it.
>gives you just as good of a cardio workout with a much lower injury risk
Only a fucking idiot wouldn't use it.
only fat, subhuman individuals (not people) use ellipticals
>Cardio machine
There's your problem.
It's a practical thing to have if you live where it's 100 F+ in the summer.
What the fuck is your problem Pedro? You are shitting up this thread with your retarded attempts at trolling. Are you grumpy because it's too hot and sweaty in your tin roofed shack?
i only swim
it's about 100 degrees freedomheit with the humidity right now, and can swim year round at home
knees are kind of fucked up from running when younger anyway
No mongs allowed.
>he jogs
I purposefully blare my horn when I drive past every jogger. It startles them, fucking hilarious
we've got ourselves a rebel lol
I appreciate the compliment but joggers are no better than vegans in my book. When I look in my rearview mirror and see them inhaling the coal from my truck it seriously makes my day.
Not allowed where? In your favela sweat-box with the other 30 members of your family? No thanks, I'll stick to my 5 bedroom, clean, air-conditioned house thanks.
Good night, fat mong. Only humans allowed ITT.
God I wish I was you.
You'd have to have sex first.
I think we can all agree that Asics makes the best running shoes. Nike is absolute shit tier
It's really sad that I smirked at this post
Your sister doesn't count, Joe Bob.
running shoes are meme
guarantee I could smoke anyone ITT barefoot
If barefoot > running shoes why do no pros run barefoot?
Because it's a meme and the minimalist meme died early. Some pro runners used minimalistic shoes in majors back in 2008~2010 but none got wins.
Rolling down a hill doesn't count, fat fuck.
Can my dog join?
Is this a doggie thread?
Dogs are closer to humans than brits. Also /span/.
Uh oh... little Pedro is TRIGGERED! Rent. Free.
Bye Pedro, I've got important stuff to do, try not to get shot tonight when going for a shit in your communal outside toilet in the slums where you live.
Mong, shoo shoo.
Is there not something better for youto do, Pedro, in the favela on a Friday night, than shitposting on Yea Forums on multiple threads? You live in one of the more debauched degenerate countries on earth. Why don't you go buy some nice crack on the corner, or hire one of the many lusty big bunda whores on your street (but not your mother). Or find a tranny if that's your thing.
No surprise to see this opinion came from someone claiming that a 21 min 5k is not 'awful' lmfao
That little shit has twice as many legs as me, it's not fair.
>takes pic of ass in tight spandex "teehee im sexy"
>"don't objectify me creep"
Women truly are vile creatures.
Going to do 5k or more in 90 degree weather tomorrow. I love shirtless runs in the intense heat.
Nobody wants to see your jiggling pepperonis, Billy-bob.
Shush, subhuman.
Help me out joggingbros. I want to build stronger endurance, but I sometimes get this sharp pain in my insides. Should I push through it and embrace the pain?
Gonna run lmy 5 or 6th 21k in a week. Ran the same race last year and made my personal best time, around 1:51. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to train very much, if anything at all. So If I crack 2:10 I'll be happy.
how do I get past the 5km stage? Do I need to stop lifting?
What's a good training program for 21k? I can't run more than 12kms without wanting to KMS.
Classic, dad. Absolutely classic.
>Coming back from a knee injury, ran for 1.5 hours and I feel great
Gee I wonder how you got your knee injury retard
Wearing ITB straps fixed my knee problems
Jogging is for queers. Go cycling
>cross-country skier
>picture is clearly an alpine skier
>start running
>bottom of shins start burining
what's wrong with me
Only one route is available to me, so yeah.
dont punish your legs so much. You're probably landing hard on your heal when you run. Try to concentrate on running mid-foot for a while, eventually you'll be able to retrain yourself, just remember not to settle into or lean into your steps. Try to glide when you run is one way to describe it.
i also get a lump on the side of my shins, which i think is just really bad shin splits
Dumb newfag questions here.
What is the right way to breathe? Through your mouth?
If i can run for about 16 minutes with 5:25 min/km pace, should i lower the pace to run longer distance instantly or should i keep the pace until i can run more?
jogging has to be most retarded thing ever. why do it would you could ride a bicycle or go swimming which wont fuck up your knees
through your nose at first, you shouldn't be forcing yourself to breathe through your mouth until you start to get going. the general ideal is 4 steps for 1 breath
enjoy your ruined benis cyclecuck
Didn't run well this morning
Life is suffering. After 6 months of training, my best 5k time is still only 27 minutes. Like fucking breathing though a straw.
Everyone who bothers with 5k is impressed by a marathon no matter the pace. Just stay sub 4:00 and you'll be fine. Also running women are bitches, just like horse women.
How is squash that much higher than Badminton and Tennis? And Badminton that low anyway. Doesn't make any sense to me. Also Archery above Golf? How is that measured. Shooting as much arrows as possible for an hour? Afaik when you play Golf you walk around a lot, so even if you don't run from ball to ball / hole to hole, you should be higher than that. And how the fuck do you measure cricket anyway? And last but not least >cross-country running 600
Absolute bullshit.
That sucks dude
Just spam corticoids in yourself like the professional athletes even though they aren't ashtmatic
I assume it means you're playing each sport as intended (including breaks) but even then it doesn't really make sense. Could you imagine a 60 minute 1 round boxing match? Decathlon is a 2 day event with big breaks and it's considered the hardest so go figure
i see. it's just that i get out of breath much faster through the nose.
it's the opposite, breathing hard through your mouth will get you tired faster. breath through your nose, then breath through your mouth