Can we agree that this guy needs to go

Can we agree that this guy needs to go

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Yeah go to the Canadian equivalent of white house and personally hand the trophy to Trudeau.

Drake is based

he'll go when the raptors lose in 6 games

Drake is beyond based

I wish one of these pussy apehoop faggots would break his punk ass nose with the ball already

>got bodied by pusha and then tried to bully Kanye instead because he's pussy

Daily reminder that Pusha T btfo'd him into fatherhood

i dont' care about any of that e-drama shit lol

Yea Forums

Drake's an idiot, Kanye is the only rockstar left in the world.


naw, he's based

>Pusha T

>Drake is based
>a guy that calls himself champagne papi on instagram is based

go kill yourselves

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i don't really like him, but damn he has some bangers

the state of redditors

tjats not raey simmered

he seems like an ok dude but his music is god-awful

Yes, he's the worst kind of famous sports fan, cunty, loud, handy and worst of all, he's got a stupid fucking mug.

when he's gone it will be an interesting study in marketing to see that with enough financial backing, a company can literally sell anyone as a star

You tears

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>muh satan worshipping celebs

fuck you america


I'm betting $100 the same faggots that say they don't know who Pusha t is are the same ones that say "Runaway" or "Grindin" is one of their favorite songs

>doesn’t even fuck underaged groupies, do crazy amount of drugs or have fights in the regular
>rock star
His last album had a track about being a good father ffs
Rockstars are dead. Millennials and zoomers are too soft.

>draws attention away from the team with his antics so they can just focus on the game
pretty based desu

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it's truly beautiful how annoyed people are getting because of this chocolatey meme man

Drake is a cuck who roots for darkskins when he should be rooting for team lightskin.

read your own post out loud and revel in how crackerish you sound

How many albums has Pusha T sold?

Y i k e s

It's honestly hilarious to watch Drake talk trash to Steph because at anytime Steph can turn around and say "bro you have my number tattooed on your grown man body" and the conversation would end

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drake probably fucked ayesha

this. Drake is definitely having the last laugh.

D: Dick
R: Rider
A: Absolute
K: Kike (half)
E: Faggot

it's really pathetic, making me consider switching to divegrass for next season desu

death to america t b h haha

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Found the angry Quebecois.

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Is it true he's a pedo that tried to fuck that Stranger Things girl?

You could be Wesley Snipes black, but since you are Canadian you are literally uncool as fuck. I bet you have the dance skills of a Mormon.

Is that fred van fleet?

ayesha isn't underage tho?

there is nothing wrong with fucking underage girls

that's not e-drama, that's his livelihood you fucking stan

who told you rock stars couldn't be fathers?

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>thinking i'm a stan because i don't read complex magazine

why did he get nigger-er?

>Can we agree that this guy needs to go

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Drake is a Jew I thought you Wahhabis were good friends with them

based Paul, literally invented dadrock

>when Millie says she can't go out because it's past her bedtime

LOL "King Push" releases one decent album 3 years ago and you are still trying to play like your in the know? He's a faggot and clearly BTFO by Drake, get over it

drake is our talisman

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are you ESL? make sense when you type out english pls

>3 year ago
the state of white redditors

lol based

well, he definitely tried

Drake knows he's a meme and doesn't take himself seriously.
Kanye is actually delusional and thinks he's some godly genius but he's a boring retard.

Paul McCartney was divorced like 3 times. Everyone in the Beatles hated him and the guitar player from Wings got so pissed at him at the studio he went home and got his shotgun and came back to shoot him one night.
Paul McCartney is a douche

Sounds like a top lad desu

And these are the same morons that think Get Rich or Die Tryin' is boomershit.

fun fact michael jackson owns the rights to the beatles songs that's why they framed him with the whole pedo shit cause he wouldnt sell. after that failed they gave him the old fent "suicide"

remember that time drake got cucked out of a beat by kanye then he basically shat all over it and released it as a track just to mock drake?

was it that poopidy poop song?

>that's why they framed him with the whole pedo shit

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