Does he stay?
Does he stay?
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dont think he will
even if he wins
that's gonna be a no from me dog
L a
he's from california
that's like expecting guy from toronto to want to play in nunavut
She Queda
san antonio had better food, better weather, better history, better coaching, they actually won a championship
and yet he still wanted to leave, he's going to LA bro
>better food
>confirmed retarded opinion discarded
all you have is BBQ, Toronto has literally everything else
LA has better food than both Toronto and SA by a longshot
Why would he want to share a city with those big ol San Antonio women
LA has better food than both
well, let's see, he wanted to leave san antonio because he wanted to be in los angeles yet they traded him out of the fucking country
>texas BBQ
>god tier mexican food
>close to good food cities like houston and dallas whereas toronto is close to pakiville and hamilton
>actual good steakhouses that aren't fucking chain restaurants
true but canadian food scene is fucking awful, even the ethnic stuff like chinese food is second rate compared to san fran or new york chinatowns
Sure gonna suck when raptors lose the finals followed by their star player, sending Canadians crawling back to irrelevancy in the process.
Oh but at least you'll always have the national sport, hockey (of which your country hasn't won an NHL title in over a quarter of a century.)
And how bout them blue jays eh? What's that? Quarter of a century? Well I'll be...
>ethnic stuff like chinese food
>first type of """"""""ethnic"""""" cuisine that comes to mind is Chinese
confirmed poor white trash that's never been outside of Peterborough
kys you have no credibility
confirmed for having never been to San Antonio. the Mexican food is out of this world. the bbq is divine and plentiful. theres also lots of german food which is also fantastic. living in SATX is also really cheap, you can buy any gun you want, and the gulf of Mexico is fairly close. im also certain its way cheaper than Toronto. plus, due to the fact that SATX only has 1 pro sports team, the spurs current and former members are like gods there and even in Austin to the north.
>german food which is also fantastic.
damn people discrediting themselves half-way through their post
jesus christ german """""""""food""""""""""" is godawful
se queda
I've never been to san antonio but I've been to Austin and Tex-mex is some of the shittiest food ever invented
>first type of """"""""ethnic"""""" cuisine that comes to mind is Chinese
you are retarded if you don't think this is the probably major ethnic food in the GTA
okay let's go down the list then
no where can you find a neopolitan wood fired pizza that isn't second rate
texas and california all has better korean restaurants and not to mention sushi restaurants
mexican, lets not even go there
there's not a single great chef that goes, I'm going to go to Toronto to make my mark on the food scene
In fact most of it is, oh Toronto is big, let's bring an expansion of our restaurant there (of course the B team)
He'll stay in Toronto if they offer a supermax that also offsets the Canadian 53% tax on his earnings. California is a tax shithole, too--but not as bad as Canada.
Clippers, maybe.
No one with any common sense is joing the Lakers. Their entire front office is a trainwreck.
I love Kawhi
I'll hate him if he goes to the Lakers. That's just the way it is. I hated Nash, Malone, Payton, anyone wearing that fucking piss yellow horseshit jersey from that shitty fucking smog-infested Gomorrah
Reports say he has zero interest in playing with Lebron. Hes on the cusp of being the best player in the league. Why would he want to play with fucking Lebron? Who is all about padding his own stats.
Toronto has literally any kind of food you could want
it's not like SA or LA where you either get white people shit or mexican shit
If he gave a shit about winning, he never would have forced his way out of San Antonio. 96% chance of leaving this Summer, probably to the Clippers.
And you know what? Who cares? Spurs got an all-star they can hold onto for a few years, and the Raptors got, *at worst*, the first Conference Title and Finals Appearance in team history. Shit is a win-win.
>implying he ate any of that crap
you've never been there, most major cities in the US have a variety of different ethnic food
here's one major difference, if you go to Toronto and go a mexican restaurant, you can get tacos there that are just a grade above of taco bell and you'll be paying 15 dollars for it and Canadians will all think it's amazing cause honestly they are starved for good restaurants
In Cali or Texas, they can get a great taco for a couple of dollars
In fact, Canadians are so starved for restaurants, we literally line up and go crazy when they Americans bring fast food chains up here, just wait until they bring Chik-Fil-A and we don't even have Carl's Jr, Shake Shack or In-n-Out
Do you eat mud up there? Are you okay, user?
How can you say that? What horrible human being could ever eat cheese enchiladas or fajitas or fish tacos and declare that they were awful? This is deeply disturbing to me.
Pro athletes indulge in unhealthy food user. Kawhi loved wingstop when he was in SA.
He seems to think fast food is the pinnacle of cuisine.
He's done enough. God speed no matter what he wants
Ya'll can have as much shitty fucking fast food as you want if you just give us one good jamaican spot on the west coast.
>Dumb Ole Texas
>God tier Mexican food
Gtfo with that shit. IF you're talking about Tex-Mex food, yeah sure... but GOD TIER Mexican food, California or from the source itself.
911checked and travelpilled
this, except to add that Tex mex is garbage that doesn't deserve to sit alongside Mexican/ southern cali food
welcome to New York kawaii
I think he stays if they win
Maybe he signs a shorter contract so he can leave if the Raptors stop winning, but if Kahwi wants to win many championships, staying in Toronto looks like his best chance for the next few years
Where in Canada are you even from? My guess is you live in Kitchener or some shit. Fuck off.
whii not selling his soul to LA
I don't where you are eating, but I can get a decent meal of foreign food for under $20-$15 both in downtown Toronto or in North York. Unless of course, you eat hipster garbage and if you do your a tool.
>retards arguing about who has better ethnic food
My fault for entering an NBAthread.
Five guys is Atleast 20, and that's the cutoff to actually getting a decent burger in this town
>he legits think it's not true that canadians line up whenever shitty fast food chains come up here
Flips aren't Torontonian
Nice quads btw
Practically any pub can give you a better burger for the same price or less
DeRozan is from Compton and loved it here though
Beverly Hills specifically has level 5 tier michellin foods
all around the city you can find good eats, in general tho, of every ethnicity
but Kawaii probably loves his Jim Dandy and Pioneers South Central fried chickens
he's an idiot if he doesnt
there are things greater and more meaningful than food/money/bitches/weather
and he has that in toronto right now.
although yes, his family is in la
Sure thing, Pajeet
people acting like the spurs were a dynasty or some shit
nigga they won once and have been irrelevant ever since. that was 5 years ago and he just joined the raptors this year. he aint leaving win or lose
seething amerifat
>people acting like the spurs were a dynasty or some shit
The spurs were absolutely a dynasty. 5 chips in 15 years built around the same core is a textbook dynasty.
dey was double fis'in hot dogs erneh.
Fuck you user
>confirmed for 16 years old and just started watching basketball in 2014
This post gave me diabetes
Imagine him leaving, having won a championship in 100% of his seasons in Toronto
>5 chips in 15 years
is a decent team, not a dynasty like bulls, lakers, warriors
I'm pretty sure athletes have to pay taxes in every state and city they play in. Even if it's less in Canada, by the time you factor in everything, he's probably not going to be paying much less than he would in California. That being said, as shit shitty as Toronto can be, it's still miles better than living in fucking LA