Drake is an alpha, and Curry is a beta who settled with a fatty.
Drake is an alpha, and Curry is a beta who settled with a fatty
reminder that drake has curry tattooed on his fucking arm
>Dick size is okay i would say about 7 inches. Not real girthy but a good size.
Just like me :,)
why do women do this
>not girthy
oh hohoho no no no
what went wrong?
That's her way of saying he likes his ass getting eaten
Women are terrible with size. Ask them to point out a guy who's 6ft tall
>YFW Ayesha sucked off Drake while Steph watched
Based drake
Exactly. Drake's most likely around 5.5-6".
The fact that she downplays his girth means he's probably a pencil dick.
women like to brag about getting the shit beat out of them in bed but are actually vanilla
drake is one of the corniest fakest people we've ever seen
>I was scared it would be pink
>tfw dick's multicolored
not even the two tone shit cutfags have, but large blotches of color all around the inside of the foreskin
>Im talking ghetto gaggers type head
>I was scared it would be pink
wh*tes leave this board
>drake likes to face fuck whores
Just what they deserve
What the fuck is wrong with your dick
Nigga got knocked out by Puff Daddy a few years ago. Diddy is 20 years older and not what I would call a thug.
Drake literally has curry's number tattooed on his arm he is definitely the cuck
Did nigga just get a suntan to look more like a nigro?
It's an open secret that every artist in the music industry has had to suck cock to get to where they are.
that wasnt him
but twitter was hilarious for those few hours when everyone thought it was him
Do people actually think Drake is as "gangster" as he puts off?
This is a guy who grew up in a rich, Jewish household in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Toronto. He started his career playing a gimp in a campy as fuck, highschool drama where his character would roll around and "friend zone" every girl he met.
That literally means nothing unless it happened in a fair one on one fight
nobody on earth thinks he's gangster
He doesn't act gangster and no one thinks he is one you retard
Whatever you say drake
I dont remember him being gangster ever lol
Have sex
you are hiding a child, let that boy come home
deadbeat motherfucker playing border patrol
like rotting cottage cheese
Shit's straight cash bruh
You don't have to be gangster when you have power. He rolls with guys who could shoot any fuckboi who tries him dead and get away with it. Fuck being gangster, gangsters go to jail all the damn time and live miserable lives.