Kikuchi vs Pena
Official Angels @ Mariners Gamethread
Sup Mariners fans. Remember when I told you your hot start was a flash in the pan and you’d regress hard when our teams faced off again?
barely. a number of people started saying that after the team beat them
aww crap
Literally not a single Mariners fan thought we'd actually do anything this season my dude.
Of course we were gonna enjoy being 13-2 and do some trash talking
dp pls
Get on base Mallex
only one run. could have been worse
show us a strong start smith
live up to your contract seags
Fuck sake
well that sucked
Based redhead
dang it
could have had him
can always count on the mariners on helping trout pick up from a slump
they will stop him eventually
way to sneak it in
Jay Bruce fucking sucks. I hate that he takes up a spot on this team
bring them in, beckham
Motherfucking risp
what the hell guys
Mariners suck lol
show us some life smith
You guys think they'll lose 100 games this season?
limit the damage
damn it
Just walk him every at bat you fucking morons it's not rocket science
don't let him score
dp pls
What in the actual fuck Beckham, such a liability
pick up the ball
nice defense M's
Trout waiting room
come on
rengifo quietly making his case to stay in the big leagues
Brennan is based
I guess that makes up for that stupid error that cost 2 runs before.
about time
get us out of this pickle edwin
pick it up hanginer
Bruce did a thing
good hit
Angie looking good tonight
elies is trash
Go yard, albert
i always forget how bad the m's annoucners are
take command seager
just strand them. we don't need to make things harder
I guess six runs in an inning is doable
the losing streak continues
gg angels