South Korea Under-18s have been stripped of a trophy for "indecent" celebrations after a player posed for a photo with...

>South Korea Under-18s have been stripped of a trophy for "indecent" celebrations after a player posed for a photo with his foot on it.
>South Korea beat China 3-0 to win the Panda Cup on Wednesday, but the team were forced to apologise after they were criticised online for the "unforgivable" images.
>Chinese fans, who watched their team lose all three Panda Cup matches in Chengdu, expressed their anger as the social media topic 'Panda Cup committee takes back South Korean national team's trophy' went viral.
>"I swear, we will never forgive Korean football," said one user, while another described the behaviour as "barbaric and vulgar".
>Most fans refused to accept the South Korea apology, led by the accused player, who was criticised for "mumbling" and dropping his apology on the floor.
>Meanwhile, China's state-run Global Times daily said the South Korea players "acted like conquerors rather than champions" as the team "ignored the universal ethos of sports".

P-p-pwease Korea, don't step on the trophy! NO!!!

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He took his shoe off tho.


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Koreans have their genes degraded due to the effects of family marriage

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based, fuck chinks and nips


Chinks can't handle banter confirmed.


based korea

'anging's too good for 'em!!

fuck chink and jokkarbi

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The Chinese are the most pathetic group of people on the face of the Earth.

The Chinese might be the most easily butthurt "superpower" I've ever seen


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we hate korea !

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Not a good look for the South Koreans but China could've given them one of their millions of replica trophies out of spite.

>2nd world problems

>he took his shoe off to step on some mickey mouse cup

>the universal ethos of sports
Hate when people can't just own things, it's a Chinese thing. No one else is upset by stuff like this, don't try to make out it's a global thing.

better that than those of 3rd world like street beheadings or acid attacks

I just finished jerking off to a porn of a white guy resting his cock on a Chinese girls head. Hate to see how they would react to that.

>barbaric and vulgar
are chinese people aware of how their tourists behave

>taking off your boot for that
Weak mind.

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That's actually pretty rude desu

I feel sorry for you if all you ever do is jerk off to videos of other people fucking.

>expecting chinks to ever gain any self awareness
They just seethe at everyone else while claiming they're the greatest people on the planet
T. Seething chink

Lads, what part of Korea are you guys from?

Haven't the Chinese got something more important to protest right now? What the fuck is their problem with the Koreans?


If your mom is in the video, I'm definitely tugging one out! I could watch her get fucked all day!

>lol ur mom
>using lesotho tier kiddy insults
You're both faggots

Based Canadian
Cringe North USAsian

and how many and which titles did he won?

Korea managed to be hated for rigging a WC and yet china still finds a way to be more bluepilled


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>venting anger on some high schooler korean zoomer who just wanted to imitate zlatan and ramos so you can cover up your national team's humiliating performance at your own home
hope chinks and our incompetant fa leave them alone. they can do whatever the fuck they want with the trophy they earned. who cares about this meme cup anyway?

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Based Korea
Fuck China

chinks are weak minded faggots. fucking insects

dokdo island

Your one season wonder gook hasn't even won a league like Okazaki and Kagawa.

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chinese consider themselves to be #1 and the only real civilization in asia, korea is just another barbarian state that needs to pay tribute

>kagawa and okazaki is better than son because they've won muh trophy
so has our 19 years old prospect in bayern munich whose whole playing time in the first division league is like 20 minutes this season. Is he now greater player than son?

what the fuck is the panda cup?
