The next is Liverpool
I beat Germany Man city and Japan
Other urls found in this thread:
and lost to Vietnam
Do Japs have some sort of alert that goes off any time a Korean makes a post?
more like there is a korean always makes a post on sp?
Shut the fuck up irrelevant plastic gook.
is there any other certain giveaway that posters are using proxies than making threads with the image relating directly to the proxy
Messi bashing involving stats
based sonny
I beat Rather, Jensen and Faker.
Rookie is next.
>wins a 23-under tournament
>plastic gooks consider it so much success that he gets exempted from military service
cringe tßh
Is it true they call him Sonaldo?
>forced military service is a good thing
Good goyim
>more like there is a korean always makes a post on sp?
Naisu engrichu
A question-mark flag is a bit of a giveaway.
cam on fight you gooks
entertain us
>Baguette Noire shows up
Just give up, like you always do.
He's been tsu fanatic all his life
Have you ever seen him play?
He moves just like Cristiano in his Man United days
why didnt japan finish you off back then?
That is Japanese idiot. It is niceuh engrishi.
why are east asian posters so embarrassing?
both weebs and natives
He continues to create this thread because you answer him
Do not answer him.
Same reason we didn't finish you off back then.
what part of soviet union you from m8?
Shut the fuck up. I (You) whoever I like
wanna travel to seoul and beat up some gooks tßh getting tired of they're shit
>germany only lost to the gommies
is he also you?
So fucking hilarious how insecure you krauts are about ww2, giving all credit to Russia just because you can’t accept the facts Anglos are superior to you, next time we wipe you out for good so be careful
america and soviets did all the work. you on your own are no match for us, will never be.
we had like a gorillion pilots being better than the best anglo pilot lmao
not me
I don't care about the World Cup :)
FUCK Liverpool
There was an entire year between the fall of France and Operation Barbarossa (something Germany willingly started) and the most you took were a couple irrelevant Channel islands.
Nice statpadding against Soviet WW1 era planes.
Germs have always been sore losers, nothing new.
>There was an entire year between the fall of France and Operation Barbarossa (something Germany willingly started) and the most you took were a couple irrelevant Channel islands.
we never wanted to destroy england but they were annoying and so we had to drop some bombs on them. it worked until the fucking burgers came and then anglos made ruckus again. rly makes me think.
>Nice statpadding against Soviet WW1 era planes.
with the me 262 everything was statpadding tßh
Didn't we already have the same post in some thread?
Am I have a déja vu
What the hell is going on
now that you say that i have this feeling too. maybe i did the same post some time ago.
>beat the Japan
>21st century sport
Why are nips constantly triggered by the Chad gook BULLS?
what's up with kr and being frogposter?
the last kr motherfucker who seeth super hard did nothing but frogpost his whole collection for some reason
do you guys have some unique meme characters in korean websites?
Certainly didn't lose to you cucks