Do women make good referees?
Do women make good referees?
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Italian women look like THAT
ciao america
She's got big lips
>"yeah suck it, bitch!"
>"what are you going to do? Send me off?*
>*gets sent off*
absolute basedboy virgin LARPing as alpha. topkek
She is an uggo
are you blind or baiting?
Why can't women stop taking pictures of themselves?
he probably tells himself he likes asians only
Peng ting
t. blind
god I love Italian women
>implying men don't
I was in the blue lagoon in iceland.
A american was doing a vlog or some shit saying how amazing iceland was and how there was so much snow and how everyone should come out. It really wasnt a hey guys look where i am cunts. (There was zero snow)
>A american
Don't ever breed, retard.
>implying he wouldn't have received the same ban if it were a man referee
You dumb coping roastie, look at any man's twitter or insta (if they have it). Count the selfies, then look at a chick's. Every other post is themselves in a mirror
he literally pulled down his pants and told her to suck him or give him a red card btw
>heerrr a hastily typed reply missed a "n".
>don't breed
Fuck off
>having a instagram or twitter
Fucking zoomers
I wish she'd give me a yellow card if you know what I mean
not exactly true, depends on the demographic. anyway even if it was true, it's understandable since society put so much pressure on women's looks
>you will never have that jawline
>>having a instagram or twitter
That's why I said "if they have it" you fucking subhuman baboon. Guess what? Most every girl under 30 has one. Not so for men. You can't seriously believe men take as many, or more, pictures of themselves as women. Fucks sake, women only post the tiny majority of pics since the rest don't look perfect
>qt female refs
No wonder all Italian games end 0-0
They used to. Italian women seem to like the bimbo look now
Sending a female referee to officiate a match is an insult to all the players involved
shut up u fat geek lol
There are no male or female or black or brown or brindle referees, only referees.
>we live in a society
summer's finally here lads
Eh, she kinda has a masculine look.
What's the benefit of female refs? Why are italians so bluepilled?
What's the negative? If it helps weed out the turboautists and the virgins then great
because they are vapid and only care about their looks
Italians are the most redpilled in all of Western Europe.
have you seen women's football? Now apply that to refereeing
Be honest, the fact she's a woman changes nothing about this. Pretty sure getting your cock out and yelling at a male ref to suck it would also result in a ban. lol
Good referees are good referees, bad referees are bad referees.
But its funnier if it's a Male. If it's a guy it's just banter la' but if it's a woman it a sexual harrasment case with 10 years in jail and no parole.
I wonder if the dude would ever have the balls to do it to a male ref though
why is there no significant unisex football league? Good players are good players and bad players are bad players, after all, Rory.
No, there are competent professionals and there are diversity postings. In these times, the latter is always presumed for privileged classes like women.
what if the refs an prancing homo?
>22 men with high levels of testosterone vs one young, attractive woman
surely nothing bad will happen
Women are extremely biased and known to thrive off drama. A female ref should stick to female games.
Fucking basedcuckhold paddy potato nigger. Bet your name is something faggy like Oisin Ní Murchú.
Comparison of referees with players is a false equivalency. Besides which, women are allowed to play in any football team they're just not good enough.
Not at all, as I said, if she's good enough for the job she's good enough. At the end of the day when all is said and done if the ref is a good ref that's all that matters. And she was absolutely right in sending that player off, and the league association is right in handing out a 1 year suspension for what he did.
Would the incident have happened if it was a male ref?
hardly a false equivalence. There is a reason women aren't in sports refereeing in any sport. And it isn't the evil patriarchy bringing them down. It's the fact that they are attention whores like the woman in OP's pic, who decides to take pics of herself to show how much of a quirky qt3.14 ref she uguu and all that nonsense. They aren't professionals by nature.
Why didn't Scholes get banned for this? Is the Man U ref bias real?
His mother must be proud. This about yours mothers too sometines, incels.
>if she's good enough for the job she's good enough.
And if she's not good enough for the job she's still good enough. Because it doesn't matter to you sexist bigots, as long as she's a woman she should have it, no matter what.
100% not. the kid would probably tell the referee that his mother's a cunt or something like that
kid would get a red card and everything would've ended up right there
but noooo, here comes the (literal) drama queens
>whip your dick out at a referee
>get banned
Any mother who wouldn't be proud of her son performing such a bold display of defiance isn't a real woman
And what do you say about the male referees who are already all of those things you mentioned?
yeah man, I've seen so many pics of Mike Dean posting his ass on instagram.
Why are Italian women such huge slags?
based rocco
Kind of not relevant but maybe, who knows these days. Hypothetically.
Equating a referees in under 15's is with professional athletes, if you say it's fair then I don't know if you know what is fair. And so what if she has a self portrait hobby, it's normal, Van Gogh did it why shouldn't she?
It's results driven, if the referee is bad at refereeing then they are shunted down the leagues. You need to be aware of this. If she can't do the job right in under 15's she'll be back reffing girls in under 7's. Obviously she can ref ok otherwise she wouldn't be handling under 15's, would she. Or do you think the entire Italian soccer federation is involved in some conspiracy to trigger incels on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum?
>talks about false equivalencies
>equates self portraits with selfies
if you're going to pretend to be retarded, try to be more subtle next time
>involved in some conspiracy to trigger incels on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum
This is where you lose all credibility, histrionically ranting and raving that it's all about the posters here in some weird hybrid of a deflecting and shaming tactic and not some systematic abuse of institutions for personal gain of the people involved. Maybe try being less biased, Mr. Exceptions.
>any attempt to take into account socio-cultural context is "we live in a society" wankery
get off the internet and read a book, anytime
Only if they're literal cavemen.
yeah, i mean the point is that the parents apparently were all insulting the ref as well, so doing that was a socially acceptable - even positive thing to do in the eyes of its peers. has it been a dude he probably would have got slapped by his dad
>ciao america
>Hi America
whata fag
why italians are fucking good looking. Nobody in that country should be a virgin
it is. get with the times gramps, anti-intellectual conservative social justice politics are on the way out, the future is progressive dediversification.
i dont know what you mean. what do you mean?
Former Premiership Referee Jeff Winter promoting his t-shirt line.
Once you see it etc etc.
they look like brother and sister
I'd pull my shorts down for her, if you know what I mean
delicious dsl’s
>what are you gonna do, send me off?
– Guy who got sent off.
Because I asked them not to, gayboy.
Unironically no
I was at this game and it was fucking crazy. Players didn't give a fuck about the ref because it was a woman.
Damn, how many Serie A player do you think she fucked lads?
>anti-intellectual conservative social justice politics
>progressive dediversification
just what in the sweat name of fuck are you even talking about? please tell me you're not trying to mock me because i used the expression "socio-cultural context"
going out with one rn
From my experience of 20 years of lurking the internet, italians are the most chad race in the world. They are the 6th most populous country in western Europe and yet you rarely see italians on the internet, be it in 4channel or online games. You see much more poles, dutchs, belgians and spanish people online, despite the fact these countries have a smaller population than Italy. Italians probably spend their days enjoying life and having sex 24/7.
Italian women are great but they make you work for it. Leaves little time for shitpostng I'd imagine.
I doubt it
I went to Italy expecting to experience the racist Italian meme since I'm a darkie but they're actually nice as fuck. Absolutely miles nicer than your average French, Dutch, or Spainard. And I was all over the country, not just in Rome and Venice. I went to little seaside villages as well and before entering Switzerland they were all very chatty and nice with me, even offering me to stay around with them when I had other obligations and a place to stay already.
>socio-cultural context
Society has nothing to do with it. Women are valued for looks, and men for protection, because that's what made sense evolutionarily. You're a brainlet
For you
woman bad because I no sex
Women make me literally vomit
Must be awful.
me no sex me defen woman on es pee maybe then woman give me sex
Not brown enough for my taste
palermo is not in Serie A mate
hope it was an African who was hung like a horse
Haha just imagine haha
ahaha i am ahah like right now
Have sex
The guts jaw
what is doing here the chick from walking dead?
They would be if not for shady accounting tbf
youre fucking adorable João
based italian zoomer
why would i respect that?
why people on the internet always think we are all chads and redpilled
A question was posed to you, if you can believe that.
Clearly the subtlety was missed.
I'd suggest that both of you learn how to make proper arguments and cease from breaking the rules of debate. Go back to the post you disagreed with and refute it. Remind yourselves that you live under the pleasure of HRH QEII.
tbf punishing teams for shady accounting is just dumb
OH YEAH, im thinkin she makes a GOOD referee. God i wish she would suck my dick then cuddle with me.
>that's what made sense evolutionarily
[citation needed] you got that shit straight out of Yea Forums, pretty sure you never studied biology if you went to university at all. try to give me a back up for your claim.
eh does kinda look like a man in that pic
>I was in the blue lagoon in iceland.
Translation: I enjoy getting fleeced. Please take my money.
Seriously, no Icelander ever goes to that tourist trap. It's not natural. It's just a pool filled with dirty silicone waste water from the local power plant.
Are there better hot springs that I can get into that are not tourist traps?
There are a bunch of them dotted around the country. Usually very small and hard to access. You can just google hot springs to bathe in.
Here's one that is big and accessible. And superior to the Blue Lagoon.
Thanks user. I'm planning on coming over for a visit possibly next year, want to do this and also have a mud bath.
>he believes the technopriests authority
>he doesn't understand the scientific method
I actually don't know what you mean, elaborate.
I love to tell them to go back to the kitchen were you belong
Your "question" was blatant substanceless rhetoric designed to distract from the paper-thin content of the rest of your post. Hence the dismissive annoyance on my part.
>It's results driven, if the referee is bad at refereeing then they are shunted down the leagues.
Unless they are women, in which case you can only push them up the league for the long-term goal of artificial demographic 'parity'.
>You need to be aware of this.
Empty filler to weasel some fake weight to your post and pathetically try to give off an air of authority on your part. Only in your mind though.
>If she can't do the job right in under 15's she'll be back reffing girls in under 7's
Implying women even start that low.
>Obviously she can ref ok otherwise she wouldn't be handling under 15's
Retarded appeal to authority. Obviously somebody who got a position due solely to sexist policies is not inherently competent in the position.
>Or do you think the entire Italian soccer federation is involved
Yes, involved in politics. Politics that push for some individuals to be treated preferentially based on only the genitals between their legs. Almost every institution is playing such games these days.
I already addressed the idiocy of the puerile histrionics tacked onto the end of your post. The absolute narcissistic arrogance of talking about 'proper arguments' and 'rules of debate' after attempting such anti-intellectual tripe.
He is a fucking legend.
thot lineswoman from Brasileirão
if you mean that they can give birth to them then yes
lol, so you are one of these guys who think all established science is fake?
whenever a kid ask me why it’s important to go to university, i point at people like you and say «see, this is the main reason»