The Korea U18 team won some youth tournament in China and immediately was divested of the title by the host nation because of those acts
say something nice to them!
The Korea U18 team won some youth tournament in China and immediately was divested of the title by the host nation because of those acts
say something nice to them!
Arrr such dishonrerr. In all fairness though they're just kids fucking about, to be stripped of the title because of that is retarded
>butthurt chinks
kek, fuck 'em
Why is China so fucking cringe?
do the Chinese get really offended by feet?
Fuck China and fuck Japanese
>immediately was divested of the title by the host nation because of those acts
based China
asians are cringe
I fucking hate any culture outside of Europe, jesus fucking christ.
(south americans are sometimes alright and arabs would be fine if it wasn't for their stupid religion)
>One of them commented: “I swear, we will never forgive Korean football! They put the foot on the Panda Cup trophy!” Another said: “Can the Korean player be more educated?”
>The Koreans were accused of disrespect after they defeated the home side 3-0 on Wednesday to win the annual youth international competition in the city of Chengdu.
The photograph caused an uproar in Chinese media and on social media, with the organizing committee accusing the Koreans of “a serious insult”.
He took his shoe off though. That's showing the respect.
How is South American culture different than any other western (North American, European, Australian) culture?
You cunts are the worst.
>can't speak French
>no frog will interact with you
>>can't speak French
>>no frog will interact with you
Sounds like a great reason not to learn French
South East asian culture is pretty based desu apart from Indonesia and other le mooslims
hockey players piss, spit and shit on stanley cup every year before they turn it over to nhl
Yeah fuck you too, pal. It's a nightmare trying to interact with the locals in Finland but you guys get away with it because you have a worldwide reputation of being autistic weirdos
reminds me of that Korean Starcraft player who got banned from a tournament for playing with his feet
Kek that dudes constitutes as a Chad in Korea. The absolute state of Asialand LOL
nice picture
chinkoids seething
Why are chinese people so insecure?
Why do they all have the same haircut?
asians need to fuck off
one bowl for rice, one bowl for haircut, simple as
>actually believing this Anglo propaganda
Every frog I've met has been absolutely based
What's wrong?