Bout time
wow, that's quite racist or something
Kek, the subhuman tranny who wrote that article is SEETHING. Claiming that these freaks have no advantages over real women. Give me a break.
>“Transgender male to female individuals having gone through male puberty confer an unfair competitive advantage over non-transgender females due to increased bone density and muscle mass from pubertal exposure to testosterone.”
>The “bone density” red herring has been thrown out there for years, at least since MMA fighter Fallon Fox appeared on the scene. The bone density of black women is, on average, significantly higher than that of white women.
>In fact, some studies have shown the bone strength of black women to be higher than that of white men.
white bois btfo!
>soiboys don't want to see women being affected by the same ideology that they defend
People who defend shit like this are almost as mentally ill as trannies themselves
>no mental health disability
I know, cutting off your cock and pumping yourself with hormones is a mental illness in and of itself. I guess they’re talking about things like depression and anxiety
How unprogressive. What a bunch of bigots.
Of course it's a monkey defending mental illness
Inferior white men should be allowed to compete in womens events.
t.white knight
Amerisois will defend their obese white women in any instance, especially if they are fucking black guys.
The fucking nerve of competing in women’s weight lifting competitions when you’re born a male. Lmao.
>liberals want to normalize this
>WHO just removed this as a mental illness
Seethe more tranny freak.
>ywn be sexually bullied by a black girl with higher bone density than you
How can a surgeon perform this procedure in good conscience? How can you take the Hippocratic oath and then do this to someone.
That's right lads, the answer to people feeling unwell in their body is to mutilate them in an attempt to let them blind themselves to reality, and not to help them accept themselves.
By the same logic, the solution to people feeling suicidal is to hand the person a good tool (gun, rope, directions to the nearest bridge or cliff...) so they can finish the job.
You want to help paranoid schizos? Warn them about the people tracking them down to kill him so they can defend himself.
Nothing better than a glass of good whisky to wash the alcoholism away, always remember that.
>I can't take roids and ""transition""" to win medals anymore
>this level of reading comprehension
He's saying women deserve to be BTFO by trannies since they were the ones who encouraged their acceptance in the first place.
Majority of them are psychopaths who don't care about their patients
Good post
Wise post
Ugh. Such a gross, transphobic thread.
None of this matters btw, eventually sjw women will see reason and start promoting transgender sports.
>sjw women
>will see reason
Don't like the bookie's odds on that one
I want this to be challenged and overturned, because I want to see every women's sport dominated by men.
Need 2 breed with a black girl asap
Who's stronger, a tranny with his balls cut off and on HRT or a roided woman with a clitdick.
Why has this website become obsessed with trannys over the past couple years? there's literally more threads about trannys now than jews
more special treatment for women
Might have something to do with them flooding into the pop culture landscape and obnoxiously inserted into every discussion avenue possible.
No, I'm wrong, it's certainly just Yea Forums. Here and nowhere else. How could I think otherwise
are you serious? they're helping mankind by neuteuring those degenerates
what trannys are in pop culture besides Bruce Jenner like 5 years ago?
Have you not paid attention to hollywood, netflix, or tv stations and news media in general for the past five years? Do you live in a cabin in rural idaho?
/r9k/ let them in and now they feel like they own the place
mods let them do what they want because they're fat and thirsty enough to be satiated by an ugly tranny pretending to be an anime girl
So you can't name a single one
Inb4 tranny loving mod deletes this thread
Recently clicked /r9k/ by accident. Decided to read a few threads. Couldn't believe how much tranny posting there was. Absolutely degenerate
They don't take the Hippocratic oath, or if they do they've their fingers crossed behind their backs. Who wants to be an eunuch.
I Thought /r9k/ hated trannies? haven't been there in years but there used to be a lot of /mental illness/ threads there
>even the basedest of men are stronger than women
female "athletes" should stop asking for equal pay
Anyone who goes on /reddit9gay/ needs to be gassed.
Yeah, leave it to sheltered virgins to be duped by mediocre larping
And of course those sheletered virgins also "work" as the moderating staff
Trannies hate trannies.
hmmm this sounds very racist
next you'll be saying races have different intellectual capacities as well Hitler
This tbqh
It's essentially eugenics
They were all sexually abused as kids tbqh
I like how they don’t mention the muscle mass part though
Not even
Most trannies these days are just fat nerds who watched too much anime and eventually came to the brilliant conclusion that if they couldn't find a girlfriend then they would become the girlfriend
This is really problematic.
Lots of steps
That would be problematic
They literally hate you
The only thing they truly care about is how much the insurance company covers
A Danish Girl is a single one. But naming just one is misrepresentative of the sheer scourge of it, while drawing up an exhaustive list is too much work to bother for a petty post, but of course your faggot intellectually dishonest ass knows this which is why you chose this avenue of discussion to go down.
Trump should let them in the military desu. Imagine the suicide rate of a tranny veteran
Just because you can’t point out a tranny celebrity doesn’t mean it isn’t placed somewhat commonly in shows and movies
I know, >stonetoss, but this one is good
Is there just one hate-filled tranny-obsessed leaf making all these posts or is there something wrong with Canadians in general?
imagine sinking in water and thinking you're human
I’ve made a few posts, but there are other Leafs here who share the same opinions. This shit is forced on us so much in Canada that people are sick of it
Stonetoss is great, the only people who seethe at it are trannies and leftist who can't meme
They even have a dedicated subreddit to be butthurt and make edits LOL
Amerijews BTFO
There is only one race: the human race
Based, post the one about gun control vs abortion
imagine getting mad at nothing because the internet told you to, and having no contact with the outside world to prove otherwise to yourself and then calling me intellectually dishonest. stupid faggot leaf
Amazing how /pol/ and terfs both hate trans
t. discord tranny
Yea Forums in general is obsessed with trannies. I've learned more about this shit here than anywhere else, as if I need to see more pics of ugly men turning into uglier women
Surprised more feminists don't hate trannies since they hate other women, why wouldn't they hate men LARPing as women too?
this is the worst replacement for "go back to gaia" yet because it literally makes no sense. what does discord even have to do with trannys?
Yea Forums BTFO
because a bunch of them made /reddit9k/ their home and they all had faggot circlejerk discords
>discord tranny is a replacement for go back to gaia
go back to gaia was for people doing *actions* faggot
you're also objectively wrong about trannies in pop culture. off the top of my head, rupaul, bruce jenner, danish girl, jazz, chelsea manning, shit like don cheadle wearing a tranny shit on snl
there's so much of it and your lies are very transparent, kike
What indeed?
go back to Gaia was when anyone posted something someone did t like you retard. just like go back to gamefaqs or 9gag or reddit or newgrounds or Facebook or whatever popular website that wasn't Yea Forums was being used in that place. RuPaul is a crossdressing faggot, but not a tranny and I have no idea who the fuck anyone else even is. you people are literally obsessed over random nobodies on twitter and apparently according to some tripfag. unironically go outside and notice you won't encounter any dickgirs unless you live in some shithole like LA
The World Health Organization removed gender dysphoria as a mental illness last year
So all the 300 lbs negresses are that way just because they have really sense bones.
no they didn't
>tranny plays dumb and lies through his teeth after being found out
>dense bones
>outing yourself as a newfag
dumb tranny needs to lurk more before he pretends he's been here for a while, you fucking spastic tranny
you're the fucking tranny capital of the world Miguel, quit pushing your fetish on to me
Real question here is Why do you follow a faggots in sports specific page
This baguette has the right of it. It's worth noting that there are other dysmorphic disorders, i.e. disorders in where your self image is distorted. A common one is muscle dysmorphic disorder, where one views oneself as weak despite having adequate or high muscle mass. Treatment does not include roiding them until their eyes fall out. Transsexualism is the only disease we treat this way.
Sports aren't fair. Cry babies
They have
you should go to Yea Forums, they live and breathe trannies.
imagine having to concoct up an imaginary scenario in your head to respond to because you can't face a topic put forth to you
imagine being an ignorant outsider and being surprised when board denizens call you out on being alien.
lurk more, dilator.
Wonder why
dios mio...
Imagine being a NEET who spends his Thursday forcing his political obsessions onto Yea Forums while many of the trannies he hates are at work earning a living.
They last about 3 hours max before getting dismissed for shitting in the wrong toilet
dilate your frankenhole already
>has massive lung capacity
>produces 50% less lactic acid compared to his closest rival
>not banned for unfair genetic advantages
based, trans people are easier to pick on
>forcing his political obsessions
This "no u" is as subtle as you are feminine
If I had that many gold medals the silver and bronzes would've been straight in the bin
I feel worse for the 12-16 year olds who come here to "shitpost" about these political "topics" who don't realize they're slowly becoming indoctrinated into a hateful ideology
Still doing better than OP then.
Normal people like me don't obsess over how 1% of the population feels about their genitals.
this. now we'll simply ignore this double standard so the retarded feminist world view wont crumble.
Other people's genitals is all normal people care about pal
This dude dated a tranny, broke up with him because the tranny wanted kids and he didn't LOL
Stonetoss is a brainlet
Genitals are important
More like self-avowed holocaust denier and neo-nazi but yeah >brainlet describes him better
My favourite one
most get useless comp sci degrees and leech off their parents while spending all day in resetera LOL
Capitalism was great of India. Remember all those famines
>tfw you realize the moderation on 4channel is slowly getting this bad
I agree with him 100%. Getting a “””vagina””” won’t make him happy, as it doesn’t seem to make most trannies happy, and it shouldn’t have to. It should make him absolutely miserable until the day he dies, 8 months after the operation in a bathtub with his wrists slit open.
>Independence was great for India
Don't you mean this
They're jewsl
The fact that this thread wasn't pruned immediately shows that the mods have no issues with /pol/ posting anymore and only care about board traffic to try and sell horrendous ads. Face it, Yea Forums died years ago and nu-Stormfront took its place. This entire site is just one big FBI honeypot, that's why moot left to work for google.
trannies are cool, and good
>385,000,000 straight people attempt suicide per year
Now why do I not believe your /pol/ shitposting
even manlets dab on trannies
You're Portuguese, you've already been bred with blacks by the Moors centuries ago, you're black enough as it is.
Mainstream left-wing politics are already brimming with hateful ideologies. And it's adorable how you rob these imaginary kids of agency, because it's absolutely unthinkable to such a closed-minded person such as you that the new generation would come up with such thoughts on their own from living in the world you created.
Yet here you are obsessively replying to this thread.
>/pol/ posting
>a discussion about categorisation in sports on the sports board is not on-topic but in fact /pol/posting, as long as the opinions of the post deviate from the dogma of your SocJus zealotry
Guarantee you'd have no problem with this thread being here if all posts were replaced with ones copy/pasted from ResetEra
Is USA an acronym for something other than the United States of America? I seriously can’t see my semen slurping, child sacrificing, tranny demon possessed country being behind something like this.
>applying first-world statistics globally
you must have been put in one of those special classrooms as a kid
Easy there champ, I'm sure you're on enough watchlists already
Have sex
>getting rock bottomed by early justin bieber
Great retort, retart
there goes my career
have sex and dilate
Have sex.
The united sharts of anonymous
Struck a nerve there huh. Adorable
Have sex, clean your neovag out, and dilate.
Na capitalism is an integral part of colonialism. The independence was violent too
The underage NPC brain struggles to find a coherent comeback, not used to being called out as a shitposting child
USSR colonised it's neighbours you inbred urban redneck.
You starting to narrate your own life there, lad?
They go after kids too
He doubles down, certain if he gets the last word in he'll win the internet argument for the day
>the USSR colonised its neighbours
yes and?
Have rape
It's funny how they're always peddling for diversity, when diversity hates them too LOL
This rule doesn't make any judgement on the gender of trans women, as long as they're not banning people who transitioned before puberty.
Yep, they they to get your kids wile yong and impressionable. They are some sick fucks.
not sure if you know that going "meta" doesn't cure your posts of their chronic self-awareness deficiency
Muslims are much more sick fucks than trannies.
I genuinely love the hate they get from women.
>I'm a woman too, girl power!
>eerrrr... no you're not, get the fuck out of our bathroom
Everyone goes after your kids even teachers and cartel you live there faggot. I guess to Colombians are too stupid to think for themselves.
And jews worse than that.
Leave xir be, zhe is trying to save face badly
Just post your anti-tranny images and laugh away LOL
USA here i cum.
Lol, sure. Apart from those capitalist nation's that never colonised. And then those non capitalist ones that did. But yea sure.
>Colombian cartel faggot trying to shitpost his way to oblivion
I even the cartel has trannies killing others so stop being hypocrite.
>I look just like an anime girl
>these seething tranny freaks ITT
LMAO. You’ll never be a real, biological woman. You’ll never be able to give birth. You’ll never have the proper set of chromosomes. You’ll never have normal bone density or muscle mass. You’ll never have a real vagina (no, the gaping flesh wound between your legs doesn’t count). You’ll always be seen as a freak, no matter what the blue checkmark kikes tell you. So please just do us all a favour and join the 41% already.
>hahah it's normal to ruin the lives of children..!
This is why people end up resorting to violence.
Is there a way to check for bone density without going to see the doctor
So this is the power of tranny intelligence... woah...
because of laws for trannies being treated in all western congresses.
stuff like you are forced to call them she instead of he, allowing them to go to bathrooms for women, allowing them to change their gender in their id cards from man to woman.
that is happening all over the planet right now. they are less than 1% of the population, very mentally ill, but for some reason they are very important and we all have to accommodate to them.
i suppose you could chop off a finger, boil off the flesh and saw the remaining bone into a small cube and measure it. then weigh it, and divide the weight by its volume? have a go lad.
Ok will do ty
Welcome to the cycle of hell.
to be fair, the hospital where that "procedure" was invented now refuses to perform it because it's not justifiable
>people voluntarily have this performed on them
Post the one with that fuckin cartoon fox. It's my favorite.
schizophrenia is a much much more severe and also more common condition, comparing the two just shows ignorance on your part
what's going on at those speed running events
some norwegian guy went there to play some music game years ago, looked him up now. surprise, he's trans.
So lads, what's on for drinks this fine evening? For me, it's instant coffee with milk and sugar.
fuck trannies get out my sport
Trannies aren't women. Only women get to compete in women's sports. It really is that simple.
Go dilate
It's not really happening all over the planet though. I mean, is it happening in the muslim countries?
Mods should sticky this incase it fills up to limit. It's obviously so important that it didn't get deleted yet.
This is sports related retard
>caring about trannies
Look, I feel uncomfortable around them and I'm disgusted that they get their dick turned into a balloon animal gash too, but who gives a fuck, they won't be reproducing anyway.
Yeah it is and it's already been had. Trannies are not women therefore shouldn't be allowed to compete in competitions which are restricted to women only. That's it for the sports side of things, all the other shit that comes with it is not sports related. Do we need trannie threads on spee, not really beyond as I said only women are allowed to compete in women's sports and there's nothing more to be said. Suicidal tendencies, mental illnesses, surgical procedures, all that kind of shit doesn't belong on this board if it isn't sports related which it isn't now is it? Trannies in sport is sports related, I agree. Suicide rates amongst said trannies is not sports related.
Ok good post. I agree
Lets Just do away with gender categories for all non Contact sports, its all going to be either based on height/weight or nothing at all, soon female athletes Will be relegated to be easy stat padding and be replaced by trannies and manlets except for a few meme champs that Will be lauded as modern day heroes to keep the sjw happy
Cash Rules Everything Around Me
>muh bone density
There would be literally zero(none, 0, nil) females at the top of any competitive sport ever
They don’t physically reproduce, but like demons they procreate by twisting other tortured souls into foul perverted abominations. They prey on the weak and vulnerable.
Not reading this thread but why do so many white transsexuals look like guys who play PC games all day and throw a fit if you call a metal band the wrong genre
Most trannies are just people who want to flagellate themselves because of their mental degeneracy. That's why even "mentally healthy" trannies sudoku themselves at 10 times the rate of normal people.
dexa scan
Probably a good thing that people who are so mentally deranged are killing themselves on mass. Good for the gene pool.
>high bone density
my sides, can't believe they're not the worst degenerates anymore
the mentally healthy ones kill themselves faster after they realize what a huge mistake they've made that won't be easy to reverse. It's like when you fap to something really dirty and after you cum you feel ashamed, but multiply that by 100
The columbian is always in every tranny thread BTFO of trannies. I just wanted to take the moment to say holy BASED
Trans people are some of the most vulnerable people in society and they deserve to be treated with sympathy. And I say that as someone who thinks gender theory is bullshit. Anyone who actually hates them is just a despicable piece of shit with mental issues of their own.
Also lmao at this mentally-ill leaf. Posting for 15 fucking hours straight. The absolute state.
>Yea Forums likes traps
>Transgender athletes banned from the Olympics
>200+ post thread bashing trannies
Institutionalise them or shut the fuck up with your enabling of societal rot.
>one flag = one person
Still getting culture shock from being used to forums I see
The columbian is a tranny to he posts on /lgbt/ about gay-gen and stuff.
why are americans are so transphobic
This website has been jerking off to tranny porn for years baka
>meanwhile Joe is racist for mentioning how explosive a black athlete is when fighting
I thought this was a video of someone's tooth at the beginning then he pulled out two white things and I was like wtf is that enamel? Then noticed the dick shapped object and literally screamed from shock.
>it will fix you hairline
>almost every tranny at GDQ is bald
I live in a city with a 100k population and I have worked with a tranny (FtM) before.