Not because i hate tottenham per se, but because These ugly gook face plastic surgery insectoid posters here root for tottenham. Korean posters are so Bad and they made me hate korea as a whole.
>inb4 this retarded dog answers with muh no German teams in the cl or we beat Germany in the World cup
Just shut the fuck up you retarded dog. You know a country is irrelevant when they boast about a simple win in worldcup groupstages Lmfao.
Yes we played a Bad WC and yes we had a suboptimal cl season, but in the END we are one of the best football nations on the planet. We will come back stronger and reclaim the throne.
Meanwhile korea will still be irrelevant country and only known for fake surgery people, kpop and tiny penises
GOD i hope tottenham will get destroyed by Liverpool
I hate gooks put I still prefer them very much to scousers, thank you.
Have sex (with a Kpop singer)
They are cute tbf
Mad at Son???
>implying the sc*users are any better
No its not Sons fault that I want tottenham to lose. Its all these korean posters on Yea Forums that made me hate korea. Korean posters are so bad...
I just want liverpool to win so I can make laugh threads at korea
All Koreans, or just Worst Korea?
South koreans since I didnt interact with north koreans yet... I decide whether I like a country based on my interactions with anons from said country (If I hadnt meet country people in real life)... korean anons are among the worst
Holy shit Germans can be autistic
I apologize on behalf of all of us
I need you to understand that there is absolutely no possible way Tottenham can beat Liverpool. It isn't happening. Liverpool will walk this final.
3-0 Liverpool.
wtf Son is based you filthy arab
Something seems a rittur bit funny itt
To be fair, South Koreans are muslim tier when it comes to their players. Literally remind you every 5 seconds that Son is Korean or trying to make Ji sung Park out to be a legend. No different with muslims and salah
I dont care about son you utter retard
mate you're all aspies
>only known for fake surgery people, kpop and tiny penises
They have a fantastic engineering manufacturing sector which is rebranded and sold through Germany. Go figure.
Germans are not autistic. They are the most normal among all foreigners.
Y u mad tho
fully agree brother. the corean menace must be stopped whenever possible.
makes me think a little when a japanese says we're not autistic but i take it m8. next time, without italy.
Next time with Israel against Arabs
fake people
yeah im also beginning to swallow the talmudpill
Based viet bro on a proxy
>be german
>be insecure
>get triggered by some proxy fagging no lifer because of a well deserved wc loss
nobody cares about the wc anymore
liverpool is not allowed to have titles, that's much more important
why are asians so arrogant? every chink i know is a cunt
>hating on based Korea
Nobody's hating fat Kim and his gang.
>hating south korea for the world cup fiasco
hate your players instead
>caring this much about some shitposter from a country whose biggest football achievement since they hosted the World Cup is winning a World Cup game
>hating the players instead of the guy who called them up
It's all on Löw and his homosexual nepotism crew at the DFB.
Can someone post that screencap of Vietanon absolutely rekting Worst Korea?
best koreans are really humble
imagine wanting to be a weeaboo and deciding it's too mainstream so you become a koreaboo
japan and korea truly are different desu.
chineseboos are truly the masterrace
weaboos too, koreaboos are mainly girls, says a lot.
Yet Korean girls are Tottenham fans....really makes you think....