Why is soccer popular with girls in america but not with guys?
Why is soccer popular with girls in america but not with guys?
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How come Yurofags play soccer but Yurobitches don’t?
Because it’s a bitch sport
Because soccer takes absolutely no physical effort. You literally just run and kick a ball and if you touch someone it's a foul. It's a girls sport, or a sport for faggots. Any father that hears his son say "Daddy, I want to play soccer" can expect his son to
- grow up a tranny
- come out as gay
in a few years.
juggling a ball is easier for women since they dont have a dick and balls but this chick does keep ups like a donkey, so I can only deduce that she too has a dick and balls and the pretense of this entire thread has been destroyed.
girls are smarter
You do know that you should get out if your mobility scooter before playing it, right?
arent the scooters supposed to be in your country bro?
It really isn't
Cause a lot of fandoms are actually started by women. Men just piggyback and push them off the train.
Eg star trek
Because its a very effeminate sport. Id be embarrassed as hell to be a fan of a sport were grown men are encouraged to roll around and fake their boo boos.
straight white males prefer to gawk at nodadlol americans smash into eachother for some reason
It's a true story.
it’s not
Football clubs are rooted in history of the country, usa has no proper history apart from trading niggers to another, so naturally Americans will only like what they do best. Trade most useful, unbroken negro between them, commanded by the white man (Qb)
Football clubs have good history, my grandad supported a team that he played for, which my dad supported, who sent me to their youth academy. It Goes on like this , through relegation or promotion you support it until you die
it's just not a major sport here. boys aged 13-17 are urged to go into things like track and field or wrestling over soccer. it's like a 7th tier sport for guys here. you'd literally be laughed at and called a faggot if you were one of your high school's best athletes and said you were dedicating your time to soccer. past the age of 12 it is viewed as a women's sport here
Because women in other countries don't care, thus leaving America to dominate the void.
Its a sport that doesn't require upper body strength. Women are very uncoordinated and weak with their arms. I've never seen a single woman that can throw a spiral with a football. They can't pitch a baseball overhand. Some women can skate well but they can't shoot a hockey puck with any power. Most can barely raise a puck off the ice.
Soccer doesn't require any upper body ability so women are drawn to it.
Nobody cares about Soccer in the US, except where there’s an influx of beaners. Like San Antonio.
I forgot to mention women. Women sport will always be irrelevant. Maybe except tennis. Football requires skill and ball control, women are good with balls usually. Not as good as men but still
Also this. Women in other countries don't play sports, it's mostly a North America and Australia thing.
Because american grils have long and beautiful legs that I wish to spread
"Shit's gay"
>greatest national team in the world
>future world cup winners
>100% straight and macho
>world class players
>100% capable of defeating teams from every confederation
at least try and make it funny
shit form, any villera from around here would destroy her starving sorry white ass
>implying that webm's in america
>Women in other countries don't play sports
Why do NA posters always have a need to be completely wrong?
I know Americans are famed for being oblivious to the outside world, but Canada too? I thought you had decent schools.
Better than playing nigball
Meanwhile American "football" is played by actually obese people.
It's simple, mutts don't have the technical ability and brain power to be successful at "soccer", so they came up with the "hurr durr it's for women " cope. Truly a pathetic nation.
Fucking basketball has even less physical contact yet you niggers love it.
I want Jordan to fart in my face
>basketball has less physical contact than spicflop
Get shot you hick
It's an inherently feminine sport.
It's a cultural thing
Your whole history, since the very start is try hard to be different from Britain. The rest of the world may hate the Brits but that doesn't stop us for enjoying their good stuff like their sports or music
Americans reached their peak of endogamy with the world wars, I bet less than 1% Americans in the 50s even knew soccer existed
Why do Americans flaunt their retardation so shamelessly? I don't understand how can somebody be this wrong and simultaneously be so clueless about it.
Because it’s a bitch sport
*plays cricket*
I was suggesting cricket is a bitch sport
soccer is gay lol so is europe
Why are Americans so insecure about sexuality?
>takes no physical effort
why do all burgers believe this? have you ever even played football? its literally a contact heavy sport and youre allowed to shove people to the ground, tackle them etc as long as you do it properly
Highest returns for dishonesty, same reason the rest of the world likes it.
That was actually pretty good.
They're not allowed to play handegg at a professional level so that's the next best thing for them if they want a big paycheck.
>You literally just run and kick a ball and if you touch someone it's a foul
You must be talking about basketball
>you can get a technical foul for just laughing or looking at your opponent after scoring
don’t use that word
by all means, be a proud soccer fan. pride is important
>Women in other countries don't play sports
Nigga you serious.
Probably meant "don't play soccer"
In the rest of the world hockey is the main sport for girls
At lease you can play it for decades without guaranteed brain damage.
>honorable American trope
Based. Trump 2020 my man
This its a lil kids sport...mile long goal an the game ends 1-0...ice hockey gets more goals with small nets padding fighting n contact
Yes they dobt train seriously like our strong anglo cows
Some doctors are concerned about the long-term effects of frequently heading the ball. It's not clear whether the issue is just that headers can aggravate concussions or if they're capable of causing brain damage on their own.
is it USA? we have no free football fields here. They are either paid and pre-scheduled or parts of academies(prohibited to enter)
its football
I grew up in a little town south of the Kentucky border... things were simple. You tended the farm, raised the herd... and if anyone gave you shit? Son, you beat the fucker down. You were a man. And under that hot alabama sun you learned the values of christ, america, and manhood- the missisipi trio as my pop called it... may god bless his soul... And a man like me? Well when we weren’t out hunting or at the bar? We watched sport. None of that pussy european shit- real sport, arizona sport. I’d get back home... hang up my duster, cold beer, my girl cooking some fineeee BBQ... and id watch muscular, toned black men. Sometimes they’d collide into each other, sometimes bounce a ball... but they were always fine specimens. I’d watch those darkies sweat and toil for hours... and I’ll admit my loins stirred more than once... called it the texas rise, heh... and when I watched those guys play, my mind... wandered. I imagined them taking my girl... like animals- hoo boy did that get me goin! I remember, in the 12th ad break of the NFL playoffs powered by mcdonalds I’m loving it, right after the arbys presents: the danger kick! I noticed my missus watching those stallions on screen... stroking that pussy of hers. And I tell you what... without a word I drove her down the city, philidelphia- my home- and she made love to every nigger in sight. I milked my johnson more than ever that night. So when you pussy europeans talk about sport.... remember what REAL men play
murrka fuck yeah!
based igor
Based as fuck
Pls fuck my wife
Pay to play dominates the US youth soccer system.
> pay for your son to get high quality coaching for $10,000
> full ride scholarship for college saving you $80,000
> pay for your daughter to get high quality coaching
> win the women's World Cup
Soccer is just an investment here and for women people feel safer in investing since we're #1
go back to africa
no one cares for women soccer except american media lol
fuck women and make them happy
dude, do you think that burguer has played any sport in his life? He only trains to appear in "My 600-lb Life"
For me it's horsecock
left one looks like Franzi Preuss
right have maria sakkari forehead and chin(jaw)
Lose weight.
>literally no one is asking about the girl
You are all fucking gay
No, we've just been on Yea Forums longer than a week and already know who she is from all the other times this thread has been posted.
she's just your run of the mill insta slut while there are threads about chocoelves and girls running on all 4s
Very fucking tiny brained thread here. I've played Ice Hockey and Soccer, both are physically demanding and painful in their own regard. Fun fact, I got injured way more in soccer than I ever did in hockey, but full-contact hockey is straight terrifying especially pre automatic icing rule.
Kys cuck
sorry for not fawning over dime a dozen thots here.