This man supports the Toronto Raptors
he is the modern day pajeet hero
Looks like a quintessential Canadian
not a sport
no one cares
please participate in weight loss activities
Based Sikh bro
I see a doctor, a lawyer or an engineer!
back to carnival to fuck some trannys eh
"why does this man live rent free in your head?" is my only thought atm
that you're a fucking idiot dipshit obsessed with something that matters fuck all to your existence
This ethnic man somehow affects your inability to fuck women.
Have sex.
>based Oz
fucking oath
Nav is based.
>jews are importing tens of millions of dark skinned people to replace white populations in their native countries in order to have a dumber more malleable safer easily controlled slave race
>at the expense of whites while the working class is completely replaced and their own taxes are used to subsidize their destruction
>whites are declining worldwide in a coordinated effort of targeting and only white nations jews have infected are concerned about diversity
>whites are slated for extinction through interbreeding
and youre saying
> obsessed with something that matters fuck all to your existence
cant tell if youre stupid or semitic
tl;dr have sex loser
Have sex
Rent free.
this but unironically
of all the people available this is the one the Raptors picked to represent them? jesus
Better than Aubrey's faggot ass tbqh
>that video of the immigration NGO kike telling arabs how to lie to get into the EU
remember when the NGO's sent a boat to palestine? they got boarded and people got killed by the israeli navy.
its funny that doesnt happen when NGO's the jews are funding are dropping off hundreds of thousands a month in a facilitation of human trafficking.
Why do you care so much?
Where did you find this picture of Sean?
good for him?
>name ur team after a chicken lizard with a brain the size of a nut
>to have a dumber more malleable safer easily controlled slave race
If whites are not easily malleable, then why are they so easily replaced and controlled by the jews? Make up your mind.
Have sex.
because altruism and they think they can share with dark skinned mayates like you
we all werent raised in corrupt jungle fuedalist lawless states where women and children get tortured to death and priest get decapitated while the average man pretends to look the other way because he's just as corrupt as the people on top inside himself
>got an engineering degree
>moved to Canada
>owns multiple car dealerships
>been to every raptors home game since day 1
>67 years old
The Chad Pajeet vs. The Virgin Social Media Rapper
Mow my lawn, Pedro
Toronto is a shitskin dump, I live here and hate it. I pray every day that this city is nuked and I dont care whether or not I die if that happens. What an absolute dump this city and country has become. Hope the Raptors get swept, fuck Toronto, and that's from a Torontonian. I'm moving out of this city forever this summer. Fuck it.
Great guy and great fan. Here in Canada we embrace our diversity.
Sikhs are based and redpilled. Top tier immigrants.
All indians are somehow incels
Engage in reproductive practices
Pot calling the kettle black.
>that person
>67 years old
I'm pretty sure he plays up the "number one superfan" as a marketing/advertising ploy for his dealerships
t. never been to markham, scarborough, or bramton
Unironically why does it matter if In hundred years there are no more whites. The fight is all so tiresome.
Get help
We've had this thread 10 times in the last week.
He handled the racist guy really well, even getting him to apologize, which Nav accepted gracefully.
Imagine making fun of Canada for having immigrants, mainly Asian and Indian who are harmless and actually contribute to society, when your country is infested with spics and niggers
Seems like an alright dude. Fuck the warriors
unfortunately this is true.. and that guy isn’t even the bad kind of middle eastern, he’s a Sikh
imagine being California and having Asian and indians PLUS Spics and niggers
I purchased my car from this piece of Pooh. Nav is the man. Gave good deal!
Have sex.
Toronto is a multiculti shithole.
Is there a lineup for his place?
Is Oakland or SF any better?
No, but for different reasons.
I don't think either one can be classified as "multiculti". Thats more LA or New York
Sex, have it
this our indians at worst are just a liitle cringy generally speaking they're blacks and spics murder and rape and fake hate crimes
have sex
s e x
Oh, I was right. Maybe if you spent less time conjuring up excuses as to why you can't impregnate a white woman, you'd be having sex right now.
Go out. Have sex.
Why wear the turban?
I think it's safe to say that anyone who dislikes Nav needs to go have sex.
I mean he probly lives in Canada and supports there sports teams.
I’ve had sex and I still hate this attention whore
Looks like a manure supporter
Isn't that a Sikh? Sikh's are based.
have sex
>protip: it's easier if you're not a paranoid nazi
nav is a homie
Man looking at this made me wanna get chicken biryani
tldr: durrrrr brown ppl bad xD
Is that good? Seems like a rip off of fried rice
He was an engineer back in shitland
Sikhs are bro tier
Toronto is bad man . Born and raised in the 6ix and its taken a nose dive in the last 15 years.
Dude, Sikhs are bro tier, they kill muslims with their curved swords
Looks quintessentially Canadian
Lol literally no one gets cucked by Indians
It is quite funny watching feminist virgins try to make fun of misogynist virgins on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
It’s better than fried rice. At least it has meat in it
I like it more than Chinese fried rice. It has more complex flavors and it’s a stand alone meal as opposed to being a side dish
Most desis I know always order it
I feel like most Desis regardless of religion get along with each other
Muslim Punjabis seem to kick it with Sikhs a lot
Based Canadian man
This goof is actually loaded, his house is pimp. Daughter is kind of hot too.
Put your penis in a vagina
Sikhs are based, you faggot.
Older gen Sikhs are, not newer ones.
Sir, this is a Wendys drive thru
haha very funny brudah
If this isn't just shitposting for (You)s, seek help for your delusions.
They didnt pick him. The guys just a rich superfan that goes to every game Home or Away.
Explain how you came to the conclusion the Raptors chose him to represent them.
you can apply your retarded logic to any sports team you goof.
God i swear the more i visit this site the more im convinced %90 of you are actual retards or downies.
Brown person like sport? Yuck! Jew do this!!!
*blocks you kaffirs path*
you're certainly amongst that demographic you dyslexic fuck.
kys faggot
quintessential Canadian, if he's gay
don't listen to these shitskins, the white race will dominate once more
mammals are clearly superior to your lizard chickens
>muh white guys in 7
In Toronto all the homeless people coming to beg for change outside Eaton's centre are white men.
I see plenty of affluent Indian and Chinese doctors lawyers engineers and business owners.
Lol what has happened to all the white male doctors? Too busy getting that degree in massage therapy dominated by white men?
Be honest have you ever seen a panhandler that is Indian or Chinese in Toronto? Why is it always white guys begging for money?