is this spray painted cardboard? look at it..hahahahahahahahahaha
Is this spray painted cardboard? look at it..hahahahahahahahahaha
wtf is a coupe?
french for what the arsenal fan OP is doing with this thread
why is every single american in existence fat?
why can't they just lose weight?
lose weight
the fuck is this?
this is called reflection user
>he doesn't know the former flag of belarus
Subhuman, may aswell leave this board forever.
looks like a plant vase
Lose weight
Get shot
europeans are really bad with trophies. look at the world cup trophy it looks like it was wrapped in a rocher wrapper
A two door car
Clearly the flag of England. They removed the cross to please the Muslim population
>europeans are really bad with trophies
seriously nigger? most american trophys are toddler tier simplistic shit with little artistic merit and don't even get me started on abominations like the stanley cup or the winston cup
Don't blame him, it's not his fault he's retarded
to be fair a lot of uefa and fifa trophies look retarded
this one is based though
The World Cup is the best trophy bar none.
It represents an eldritch hand reaching from the nether to rapture the world in an allegory of mass media and the football industry at large.
No it isn't
it would be better if the bottom half was actually well made and not like out of tinfoil
>says the n word
>expects anyone to take him seriously
Shame this ain't some farmer's league trophy, since they could literally hang it round their favourite cow's neck.
it's actually representing a globe because football is played on a globe and the globe represents earth (the creators of football)
>yuropoors actually think this piece of shit look good
I think it looks nice but it's no Stan Lee
wtf is up with yeety ass font? like fuck off cunts we kbow what the fuck this is.
that would be just a single red horizontal stripe
underrated leafpost