WTF when did USA get so based?
WTF when did USA get so based?
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Legit surprised Toronto carried North Carolina. Even with its own team Charlotte roots for Golden State because Steph is "our favorite son!"
Election map 2020
Hawaiians are always contrarian fucks why are they even a state.
As a Califag I guarantee you I hate the (((Memeiors))) more than anyone here. Familiarity breeds contempt desu
Based California about to show all of these flyover fucks up
Except HI and NV u aight
Rapties nation rise up
These maps are always salty af
Threadly reminder despite, the "Golden State" (((Memeiors))) do not represent all of California, just Oakland desu
>P-please, mister strong foreign, win our league and take our women too
People here are just tired of memechuck. The Raptors could be from red Peking and we'd still want them to win
You're not from here so you obviously wouldn't know the (((Memeiors))) are more anti-American than the Raptors desu
>Russia hacks the elections
Makes sense
California is where all the real patriots live.
Traitors from the south who waged war against America and who all should have been shot need not apply.
salty? people are just bored of the same old shirt
>virulently anti-freedom of speech/choice and anti-Trump
>He thinks dangerous speech is covered by the first amendment.
>Being against a mental unstable, conman who puts enemy states interests in front of Americas
LOL, fascists would be funny if they weren't a direct threat to everything American.
Because you guys killed the native king at the behest of white plantation owners and installed your own government
Based but I think it's time to give it back. They're like an itch that you can't reach.
traitorous scum
Too many people not defending America in this thread.
Posts patriotic acts.
Are they allowed to do that? What did they replace the statue with?
>Are they allowed to do that?
Yes it's called freedom of speech
> What did they replace the statue with?
Martin Luther King
>What did they replace the statue with?
a giant black dildo
does "Golden State" mean a state full of piss?
It's a great story. Basically the statue was erected by revisionists long after the American Civil War to honor traitors who fought against the United States. And due to the terrorist attack in Charlottesville, you saw a massive blowback against these statues.
It gets better, the city and people the statue is in all wanted to get rid of it, but the state jammed through a rule to say only they had the right to say if a statue could be taken down or moved. (Which goes against what people who apologize for the Confederate's treason that it was about state and local rights.) The people of the city fed up with this shit just up and tear the statue down in the video.
It gets better, after it was torn down the confederate sympathizer sheriff in charge of the town was furious and aggressively went after the people who did it which lead to an I am Spartacus moment where hundreds of people then went to the police station to turn themselves in. The Sheriff also overreached with what he charged those responsible for tearing down the statue to the point the judge just threw out all the charges against first few on trial, and the District Attorney in charge of the case, pissed the sheriff went over his head on the charges, dropped them for the rest.
tl;dr, the good guys won in a blow out.
Didn’t read lol
>right wingers online: "I will bring my AR-15 and shoot all those weak antifas. We will crush them beneath our boots. The left can't fight they are weak basedboys"
why is ther interpretation of the law so god awful?
You have the urge to read. Right. Now.
Also bad guys lost.
They only invoke the law when it suits their needs. Like with the Mueller Report p into Russian interference and Trump colluded with the Russians. Trump's Attorney General ran a massive cover up censoring a lot of it claiming certain parts need to be hidden because of national security interests. Meanwhile a retaliation case is being opened up to find who started the Russian investigation (with the intent of punishing them, and this would be the third investigation as well.) and they have no problem declassifying all information to that even though the FISA court deals with national security issues and they're going out multiple operations in the process.
If you need an Apehoop analogy. It's like next level diving where the ref is on the payroll of the team. It's that corrupt.
>dangerous speech
wew lad
Who needs an AR-15 when you have cars?
Schenck v. United States, read up on low rent Bulgaria.
Wtf is wrong with Hawaii?
>the good guys won in a blow out
>uses Nazi tactics to get what they want, the same Nazis they claim to be against
>good guys
>Nazis claiming other guys are nazis
>But we're not nazis!
>everyone I don’t like is a fascist or Nazi
Why do Redditors always support le underdog just because they're le underdog? The Warriors managed to basically break the NBA, I admire them for it. Enjoy your Jacksonville vs. Arizona Super Bowls and Hungary vs. Belgium WC finals I guess.
Redditors are mentally ill. I don’t understand why any American would support my Rapties
it's club play, not international teams
you have exposed yourself as a bandwagoner and you are the reason i hate the warriors.
raptors also aren't """"underdogs""" they have been contending for 1st or 2nd seed for years and now they finally have a chance.
fuck off back to football or whatever i doubt you even watch basketball
>picking a side in the literal championship series of a sport is bandwagoning
supporting Toronto is bandwagoning too then, you weeb/cannon fodder retard.
Why are Americans so retarded when it comes to politics? I don’t like the leader of my country but I don’t screech about him on the internet every day and think about him 24/7
More like they hate GG. It’s the same shit with Toronto Maple Leafs and Canadians outside of Toronto, they were all cheering for Leafs lose and hated the Leafs for than any Americans. Absolute brainlets.
*GS I meant
Americans are subhuman
Asians love Golden State and Hawaii is >50% Asian
whites didn't even end up taking over the island in the end, nippons are the plural majority there now
if they dusted off hillary for a rematch I would quit my job and spend my days memeing and plowing all my money on a trump victory
plz happn
This is ironic, right?
Fuck golden state
t. Nevada
Also go knights
seems like nevada knows what's up. rigged series to secure the dynasty and to make cute future 30 for 30's about the turmoil of KD going out but still delivering the chip
Joe biden is basically Hillary 2.0
Nah he is an annoying leftypol shitposter. I do agree on him with this tho. The confederate should be irrelevant
Don’t really follow American politics, do you think he would beat Trump? I know the economy is really good right now and that benefits Trump, but it seems like everyone hates him
Who knows. It will be a close election but I think trump will win against biden.
Trump will not win unless the russians hack the election again. The anti trump movement is too strong especially in swing states that were duped by russians
Trolling is a subtle art, user. Apply yourself
Trump 'won' due to a flawed system that has no accountability and is controlled by private companies owned by republicans and easily hacked by russians, as well as russians spreading disinfo to swing state boomers on facebook. Voting in this country is a joke, and yet trump still couldnt get more votes in this joke of a system. Just like bush tricked his way into office, trump hacked his way in. Unlike bush, Trump should have never even been inaugurated in the first place when there was such clear criminal evidence surrounding his election, just another reason america is a joke
I would not be shocked if he wins in 2020 due to the rigged system, russian hackers and trolls that are still operating now, the low iq stormfag culture trump has poisioned the country with, and the likelihood of republican-lites nominating biden instead of sanders. Biden really is hillary 2.0, and if that occurs my vote will be for jill stein once again
This was really good until you mentioned Jill Stein at the end. You might get some bites, though
>not rating jill stein
Get some IQ
how exactly did the russians "hack" the election. were the voting machines compromised? the counters? putting up troll posts on facebook isn't hacking anything. fucking buzzwords people use to create a boogeyman
Don’t know enough about her desu. We have our own Green Party up here and the woman in charge is braindead
Absolutely based and bluepilled
>dangerous speech
>regurgitating (((msm))) talking points
Maybe if you took your head out of Don Lemons ass you'd realize how fucking retarded you sound. Enjoy your high taxes, garbage filled streets, illegals, and not being able to take a shower longer than 5 minutes this summer when you have your next drought faggot!
if you don't vote 3rd party then you are part of the problem. Just takes 5% of the national voting populace to get the funding privlages that dems/reps get
Take the isidewith quiz, i agree with her something like 97%, meaning she is the best
>your vote counts goyim
hahahahaha lmaoooooooooooo
Voting the 3rd party doesn't work. And lolbertians and greens are useless. To fix the 2 party system, we should just break up the dems and Republicans into smaller parties just like we did to att
>a lot of people were rooting against NE Patriots
>a lot of people are rooting against GS Warriors
Americans really don't like having a super team. Can't wait to see those tweets complaining when drake's team loses.
Good thing it was on camera or this fuck would say it was the driver who went to run him over
Works party
The social liberal party
The center party
Conservative party
Libertarian party
Tea party
This would be an amazing idea. Too bad it would never happen
>based on geotagged twitter data
chads dont use twitter
>x doesn't work!
>we should just hope the parties who make the laws will just break themselves up
Trump has an implicit advantage as the sitting president. Doesn't always matter though, Carter lost and Bush Senior lost as such.
I'm honestly not sure. It'll come down to individual states. Trump will have to win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin or Michigan again.
Biden is more "likeable" than Hillary but he has his own problems, starting with creepy images and videos making rounds on the internet of him touching little girls.
All this buzzword whining.
At least California, Nevada, and Hawaii are rooting for the white players
It Biden wins the nomination, I wonder if there will be a backlash since he’s a FUCKING WHITE MALE. I could see a civil war breaking out in the Dem party just like 2016
Based. Trump, like the Raptors, is an agent of a hostile foreign nation and no true American would support either
Bernie was torn apart for being a white male and Hillary's campaign was all about being a woman. Right now the other candidates are all splitting votes but when the race narrows I expect Biden to fall if for no other reason than sexism. The Dems can't nominate a white male
That would be good news for Trump. I can’t see anyone but Biden beating him. Biden isn’t as extreme as the other candidates, he could win back a lot of the white working class that Hillary lost.
Everyone else has radical policies in comparison and I don’t think would beat Trump in the rust belt
Big if true
these are just basketball fans specifically. real americans are supporting golden state
Biden would swamp Trump unfortunately
>(Based on geotagged twitter data)
so all the tweets saying "holy shit a leaf team actually doing something for once" counts as rooting interest? fake news
what the fuck are you talking about retard? revisionists? Robert E. Lee was a real person. the only revisionists are people like you, who destroy historical monuments because they hurt your feelings. are we supposed to erase everyone from history who has a unique point of view just because we think they're "bad"? that's a great way to get history to repeat itself, retard, idiot. by the way rejecting the federal government is the most American thing you can possibly do and the Confederates were more American than you could ever possibly be in 10 lifetimes.
Cant wait for the inevitable BUTTHURT when the best player Curry sweep the raptors.