>you're good with computers right bro? come show us how to stream the game
You're good with computers right bro? come show us how to stream the game
>sure, what we watchin?
Only if you let me watch when you gangbang my wife
>oh, hey user, is that the sportsball game
Do streams get posted here? Reddit shoahed mmastreams
imagine their offspring
I've never seen people this white in my entire life, are they real or cgi?
chads are pretty based from my personal experiences
>I expected them to be dicks to me since I'm a beta genelet, but they actually didn't even care about my existence at all
Good looking people have better personalities than most since they're treated well by society at large.
did this shit for a buddy's bachelor party just this weekend bros, helped keep the vibe going during the early afternoon when everyone was hungover
>tfw you will never be one of the lads
>tfw say something legitimately funny and no one laughs, lad farts and everyone in hysterics
>tfw they invite you along but never talk to you directly or respond much to what you say
>tfw not in on private jokes
>tfw you're the one who has to get separate taxi when you're the 5th of group of 4
>tfw "forgotten" in the round
>tfw always the sub but one of the best players on the team
>tfw no nickname
jesus man that's some depressing shit
Fuck off dana
I think you should find new friends dude, these ones clearly don't give a fuck about you. Surrounding yourself with people like that can't be healthy.
Holy fuck are you wrong.
Betas are the ones who don't care about anybody else unless you are a woman that they are orbiting. Meanwhile, If a real alpha male takes a liking to you, you'll have made a genuine friend for life.
This post is what Yea Forums bro culture is all about
Ted Bundy says hi and throws your theory in the toilet.
Based and.....leafpilled. Well damn.
elliot rodger here
You'll always be one of us la
Doing spee proud m8
I lived with a guy so chad sleek 'n tears wouldn't even have to photoshop him.
He was actually very nice to me and also didn't understand the idea I didn't go out and have sex. Having sex with different women seemed completely natural to him and his friends and I don't think the idea I was an incel even crossed their minds, they just thought my girls were uglier.
Based Chad. Truly our greatest ally
>Having sex with different women seemed completely natural to him and his friends
were they good looking?
are there good looking dutch girls who are not into casual sex and only have it with LTR bfs(possible husbands)
>were they good looking?
50% were very good looking guys
50% were very buff large chads that might no look as good but compensated by being hyper masculine