Why cant these fags play when its raining?
Why cant these fags play when its raining?
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slippery ball and the infield becomes mud
The slippery ball makes sense. Guess the NFL is different because they use gloves.
The mud is an excuse made for faggots. I don't buy the influence of that in the game
a ball bounces differently in the mud, it losses a lot more speed, making defensive plays more difficult
>a ball bounces differently in the mud, it losses a lot more speed
Bro but that happens in football too. They just have to deal with it.
It's a little bit gay lets be real
Cause they're steroids won't work as good
bats are lightning rods you're risking death
baseball players get injured running 90 feet to first base, and have to sit out games from hang-nails. people give soccer players grief, but no one in sports is as soft as baseball players
Apples and bowling balls, Joao.
It mostly comes down to the baseball itself. A baseball will absorb water making it heavier, larger, and slipprier.
A hangnail is a huge problem for a pitcher
t. pitcher
it's a game of precision, you have to be able to see very small details. you can't just pass it to a pacey African and have him hoof it into the goal.
because if the pitch misses you can kill the batter.
because they're homos
They can't run in the mud. Too many slips and falls, and if they break a leg they have to be euthanized.
>Aaron Sanchez tanks another Jays season and bitterness sets in
mud sticks to the ball, making the throws almost impossible from the left side of the infield and the outfield.
>Formula 1 drivers still race even if there's rain
>Americans can't throw a ball if it's slightly wet
Ahh cricket doesn't play in rain too
i hear plenty of crickets when it rains
Players actually used to rub mud on the ball but that was made illegal because a batter was killed by a ball he was unable to see.
those cars get fitted with special rain tires. there's only one kind of baseball.
It's a game of skill and fine margins.
Boston and Indians are playing in the rain as we speak
Californians aren't accustomed to rain.