They are literally the Canadian New York, and among North American sports markets, they are only surpassed by New York, LA, and Chicago. Why don't more FA's go there and why doesn't American media cover Toronto teams like they're major?
Why isn't Toronto considered a large market?
Other urls found in this thread:
Toronto is shit and soulless
t. Torontonian
>Canadian New York
Makes sense. There's literally nothing culturally unique in Toronto that you can't already find in NYC/LA
literally a generic sim city. it is used in so many films because there is nothing interesting about it and you can pretend it is a fake city
because it is a hockey town. Basketball and baseball are actually the biggest sport in some American shitholes. Its the same reason Argos have lower attendance than prairie teams. If Toronto wins the whole NBA thing, most of the city would have still preferred losing in the first round but having beat Boston in the NHL playoffs. even if it was just to get swept after.
Toronto has ethnic diversity. And Dundas Square is pretty cool
What Canadian city is more unique than Toronto? There are million of foreign visitors to here yearly
>Toronto has ethnic diversity.
That's a positive?
not shitting on Toronto I love it. But Quebec City, Montreal, most the maritime s, the prairies, Vancouver. like the prairies are a shit hole, but a unique one. Quebec is full of french people, but other than that it is alright.
You have got to be shitting me.
>Why doesn't American media cover Toronto teams like they're major
Because they aren't in America
obviously. It leads to a melting pot of culture bringing out the best of all of them. particularly in cuisine. I am going to wager there are no good Asian restaurants in Alabama and all the women look the same.
its not in the u.s. so its irrelevant
London and Paris aren’t America but they’re considered major
>muh food
Fuck off
What is there to do in Toronto you can’t do in an American city of comparable size?
CN Tower? Toronto’s film festival? Casa Loma?
Idk man, I used to live in an all white town. food fucking sucked, all the girls were knocked up by like 16, none of them went to any major universities and I got really bored of only hitting white chicks
chinks and pajeets dont care about sports
you get london and paris sports new do ya?
Then explain the Bay Area
oh and nobody normal watched anime. And all the country music made me want to kill myself.
they are considered major for europe. if the nfl added a team in london or paris it would labeled a small market team due to the lack of fan interest there for the sport. as well as a lack of interest for u.s players to want to join those teams due to lack of interest in wanting to live. this would be due to the amount of travel they would have to do as well as the fact that it isnt america.
pajeets are like the only fans the Canucks have that aren't entirety bandwagoners.
That other user is a dumbass. I get what you’re saying
The only way you'll get England and French football coverage is if it's the World Cup or the network airs their games
Again, not American so even if they are major markets they aren't getting as much coverage in America as American markets
Canada teams should play in Canada only leagues.
Name 1 benefit of ethnic diversity besides food, which isn't even a consistent benefit. There are literally none.
and Canadian players should be barred from American leagues. I don't like protectionism. but it is the only way to stop Gary.
We don't have sunny weather for 11 months out of the year
Neither does New York or Chicago or Boston.
It is, it's just a large market with different tastes than American cities.
Hockey hall of fame and the shoe museum
helps you assess validity, universality, and constructive nature of norms which you've taken for granted.
sure, Cultural Darwinism as I said. Also since Canada is merit based immigration with no chain migration, it makes the population more well educated hard working and accomplished. makes society more competitive and makes the women more attractive by virtue of variety and how attractive females are. also ensures diversity in the gene pool. white people left to their own devices just regress to shitty music DC shoes and underage inbreeding.
Is Toronto a 24 hour city or does it close after 2 AM?
>merit based immigration
lol @ this meme, this just means it's harder for people from developed nations to immigrate
>south of the 49th parallel
>only elects shitty politicians across the board
> no culture or identity
>uniromically watches basketball
quit playing Toronto. join the Union already. you belong there more than here.
Canada just lets you walk over the border and claim refugee status. Don't give me that "merit based" shit. It doesn't not make your population more educated, it creates more leaches on our education system, and all other systems for that matter which immigrants have don't nothing to help build and will not contribute to, only take. Most of their women are ugly, too.
The only thing you said so far that's even remotely true is that country music sucks
Forgot a 'done' between have and don't.
Toronto’s skyline is cool.
dont forget you can just buy your way in if you "start a business", which is why every subway is owned by an indian
How much is Toronto really like New York though?
this is not remotely true, the opposite is in fact. I suggest you read up on Chretiens system and all the changes made under Jason Kenney. It will put you up to date since Trudeau hasn't actually changed anything.
it doesn't. refugee claimants are such a negligible amount of Canadian immigration it is funny. Canada is Shielded from mass refugee claiments by a giant ocean on both sides. 50% of Canadian immigrants are from a skill search and way more than half are to cater to economic needs of regions. in a period where Canada took 480,000 immigrants 25,000 of those were refugees. Which is a record number of refugees and the probably the highest ratio if immigrants to be refugees in recent history. What you are thinking of is a loophole in the safe third party agreement. an agreement that states, Canada and the USA will share refugee processing responsibilities such that if an immigrant lands in Canada it must apply in Canada, and is not eligible for refugee status in the United States, the same is true for If they land in the USA they Must Apply in the USA and are ineligible in Canada. however the caveat is if you illegally apply for a visitor visa to the United states than sneak into Canada you technically did not come to the Canadian border. and since international norm is to forgive illegal border crossings for legit refugees you can then claim in Canada. the loophole existed for a while, however it was never really used until refugees started fearing trump and praising Turdo, ofc they still have to apply same as if they just landed in Canada, and there is no real evidence it helps their case much. But landing in the states is easier, and to your average refugee it is simple Trump bad hate muslim. Trudeau good love refugee. even though neither beuracrcy operates at the whims of random elected politicians.
>merit based immigration
one walk around the streets of t*ronto or surrey and you know this is bullshit. ugly pajeets and other m*grants and their spawn imported for the sake of corporations and their neo-liberal pawns in government. genuinely wish the GTA in it's entirety was removed from the country.
literally every white in Surrey is on drugs/ violent/ homeless or otherwise white trash. while the Filipinoes and such tend to have children that actually do pretty well. I hate surrey jacks. but they are better than the white population there, and a lot of the time are not actually born the descendants of uneducated unskilled migrants. their parents tend to be well of and educated. just shit parents.
imm*grants really do think your something special eh? you left a country you didn't want to live in that's it.
why do we even let those cucks in our leagues is the real and only question. get the fuck out, north american wales
Burgers Scotland
>leave a country you didn't want to live in
But I do want to live in Canada, the place of my birth. I don't see what is wrong with leaving a country you don't want to live in though. In fact I am going to actively encourage you to do it.
>one person can pass the test? bring the whole family!
>just have enough money bro
>only need 35/100 to pass
>entrapeuners bad.
>having to be able to make a contribution to move here bad
based salty Cletus.
>"it doesn't"
>then writes a fucking paragraph about how there totally does but ITS DIFFERENT
So what you're saying is there are, in fact, refugees who just walk across the border and claim status even though they're coming from the fucking US. It's also a fact that these migrants are coming by the thousands and show no signs of stopping, take years to process, and have a higher acceptance rate than the 0% it should be.
that goes almost entirely one way, precisely because shitskins come to white countries because their norms are inferior and living there sucks.
this is a well-communicated thought.
What is even the unifying culture of Toronto? Is it merely just sports?
"Our diversity" and sports, yes. It's what happens when 80% of your city moved there in the last 30 years.
I know which method you got here by
>I don't see what is wrong with leaving a country you don't want to live in though.
because none of you want to live in your own countries. the rest of the world isn't a landfill for the m*grants of failed-states and undeveloped countries.
it's the dumping ground for imm*grants into the country.
also how is this a gotcha? seems reasonable to me. especially compared to US chain migration. but I don't live off /pol/memes so IDK. maybe this is Canada BTFO or something
>coming by the thousands.
I suppose if you disprove you, you will tell me census data is a jewish conspiracy?
anyway, "claiming" status does not get you status. Canada is pretty low on refugees we take in. even after our highest numers in years that pale compared to overall immigration. I will never understand why you guys get so worked up about this. I don't like the loophole either. But before 2006, they could just show up to the border and claim status. and nobody complained. And you would totally be okay with it if they just spent a few bucks flying to Canada first instead or just claimed from abroad? they still can't apply if they were rejected by the USA.
the least impressive and least merit based. birth.
It feels like Montreal has a more definite culture and identity than toronto
Maybe even Vancouver
that is why Canada has a very complex and limited immigration system...? And I would kindly take another guy who wants to live here to replace you when you go fuck off to the states or wherever you clearly prefer.
So does NYC.
>that is why Canada has a very complex and limited immigration system
Thats racist isn't it? Canada should open their borders and lead by example.
Actually the census data agrees with me you fucking clod. There's about 1500 per month in Quebec last year and the numbers are picking up again this year as the weather gets warmer.
nobody wants to pay canadian taxes
yes for both. Even Calgary and other prairie cities have more defined culture (if you count redneck shit and cowboy larping as culture)
>toronto has ethnic diversity
literally the only thing that people use to describe toronto is muh diversity. NYC has wops and puto ricans, LA has CHIs and roof koreans, wtf does Toronto have? Chinks and Pajeets?
>coming by the thousands
>actually it is by the thousand
>actually that is 2018 because 2019 is significantly down with under 1,000 a month
>but if we ignore all that and pretend every single claimant is given status I am correct.
even if that were true it would still be negligible.
no that would be fucking retarded
Yeah what American city is dominated by chinks and pajeets like Toronto?
San Francisco? Seattle to a lesser extent
most the Silicon Valley id imagine.
San Fagsisco, but even that is more white than anything. All the spics and blacks live in Oakland.
18000 per year is coming by the thousands, no matter how you try to spin and minimize it.
Toronto’s diversity is more in your face than any American city IMO
People there have a pride about it more than anyone living in an American city
>muh non-whites
thats not even 0.1% of the population you are getting worked up about
agreed. can you link me a source that says that? cause we are on pace for about 12,000 this year and I really doubt that exactly 100% get in. But I am sure you work with CSBA and have that number. I want you take a step back and look at the entire conversation. This started when I said Canada had a merit based immigration system. the counters to this, have been your post
saying we don't have a merit based system because anyone can walk across the border and claim status. so far, you have not proven that "anyone can" because they can't you need to be eligible for refugee status. and you have yet to prove that. then you said they are coming"by the thousands" because in your cherrypicked scenario of 2018, 50 applied a day on average, and you assumed that they all get approved and that they all come at once on a single day to give you a semantic victory. all while accepting that even in our highest years of taking in refugees they make up less than 5% of total immigrants suggesting merit based immigration is how most get in.
the other argument was some user informing me you can technically bring in relatives under 18 as long as their parents are dead and they need someone to take care of them.
Yeah but there’s nothing else really notable about Toronto
People don’t go out there and party and it’s not even as charming as Chicago or Boston. All I hear is the diversity stuff
Not even the CN tower
>no that would be fucking retarded
Maybe you just don't like brown people. Far right detected. How do you survive in Canada?
>ethnic diversity
like the waffen-ss
Is Chinatown or Little India in Toronto even worth a visit? I feel like most immigrants there either live in one of those high rises or in a single family house that is everywhere in the US
>Toronto’s diversity is more in your face than any American city IMO
There's a vacuum of culture, whites are too ashamed to be prideful/nationalistic, so ethnic minorities fill that void with their own patriotism.
Not a bad or good thing. I bet once browns take over fully they kick the degenerates out and save whites from themselves.
Nowhere in Toronto is worth visiting. go to the stretch running Quebec City>>>Montreal>>>Ottawa
or the stretch running
visiting Toronto is only cool to Canadian s cause of Blue Jays games.
Wtf is Anglo Canadian culture anyways?
I’ve heard walking down Yonge Street from the lake to north york is a trip
basically American culture, but with hockey and the stick removed from our asses desu. We also like travelling.
Correction: Toronto is a globalist theme park and soulless. Its good if you're a rich chink looking to park your money in real estate, its awful if you're the average working class white person surrounded by non-whites and can't even afford a starter home.
never knew so many americans cared about the shithole of t*ronto or the people there
>its awful if you're the average working class white person surrounded by non-whites and can't even afford a starter home.
this is why so many canadians commute to the city. don't want to live in the immigrant areas and cannot afford the condos.
>cant afford a starter home
GTA real estate is cheap as fuck.
t. Vancouverfag.
doesn't like 90% of Canada live in Toronto and Quebec?
remember that the federal government (libs or cons) will not allow the current real estate bubble to collapse anytime soon since so many boomer leafs are relying on the inflated equity of their homes to pay for their retirement. they will pass laws and policys to keep the inflated value up as long as they can.
It makes white people mad lmao thats enough for me
12000 or 18000 is still by the thousands. Every single one of these claimants will spend at least a year in Canada and even if their claim gets rejected in the end because the system is so backed up with them, and the entire time they're leach on our system because we have to put them up the entire time. I will admit, I thought the acceptance rate was higher (30% for Nigerians, 10% for Haitians), but that's still thousands total and far too many. Whether or not they get accepted isn't the only issue, your ass should be kicked right back across the border you came over the second it comes over if you walk from the USA.
Average detached home is $1.3 million. That's average, not even a nice home. Most of these million dollar average homes are old, need tons of expensive repairs, don't have enough room for more than 2 kids. If you want to live a comfy life with a wife and 3 kids, you're paying over $1.5 million for a home and are in debt for life, as is your wife working 40 hour weeks and travelling 2 hours every day to get to work and back. Its the globalist hellhole that they want all of the world to look like. Chongcouver is same thing but the lack of land makes it even worse.
>The most densely populated part of the country, accounting for nearly 50 percent, is the Quebec City–Windsor Corridor in Southern Quebec and Southern Ontario along the Great Lakes and the Saint Lawrence River.[237][255] An additional 30 percent live along the British Columbia Lower Mainland, and the Calgary–Edmonton Corridor in Alberta.[257]
18000 people is quite a negligible amount in the grand scheme of things. not even 0.1% of the population. do you get worked up about all the aussies/burgers that come over to bc and work in the ski resorts for the winter, taking jobs from local canadians, and then take all their money back home? they arent really helping our economy either.
there is no bubble. Vancouver is the most livable city in the world. constantly rated there. meanwhile you physically can not expan west, mountains duck building and abottsford is detached. the nutso super expensive stuff cooled down. but there just is not enough physical space for everyone who wants to live here .
bullshit you can buy an entire house somewhere like Milton for under a million easily and it is actually livable.
okay so lets get this right. Canada does not have merit based immigration, because at the high end 30% of the applicants from Quebec border crossings get refugee status (not citizenship) making up about 2.7% of immigrants. and you claim this is "by the thousands" because there are about 50 a day (by the thousands is actually usually more than one thousand not in groups of like 50) of which less than 20 will be approved? these are all generous estimate s by the way. and Canada has just granted huge budget increases to deal with processing people faster by the way.
it's ok leafs we'll accept you. you can repopulate detroit
>aussies/burgers that come over to bc and work in the ski resorts for the winter, taking jobs from local canadians, and then take all their money back home? they arent really helping our economy either.
you're a moron gurdeep. they are targeted for working holidays. it's as much as a vacation for australians as it is a job. they aren't sending that money back to their impoverished family in india, they spend it here on night-life and travel. canadians do the same thing in australian, I know many people who have spent time at resorts there in places like surf paradise.
do you not live here or pay attention to the news? its already deflating. the provincial ndp was basically elected to deflate the real estate bubble.
You'd think with all that culture in Toronto, there'd be a robust nightlife
so its just more of your narrative without any actual proof? how do you know they are spending all their money and not keeping it for when they get home? these kids on these working visas keep labor costs down just as much as uneducated immigrants from shitholes do too. and i hate to break it to you, but lots of them abuse our generous social services too without paying for them because they know they arent going to be coming back any time soon.
>there is no bubble
LIterally, what fucking universe do you live in? It's all everyone has talked about for the past half decade!
Our dollar is shit and our taxes are extremely high.
toronto is just a boring big city. at least montreal has culture and vancouver has a ton of outdoor shit
quebec and montreal are incredibly unique especially in north america.
I live in the prairies. Great to live (except in the winter, fuck winnipeg in january) but I fail to see why someone would want to visit us over any other major city
i lice here and pay attention. if you want to pay $550,000 for a 750 sqft apartment in like Coquitlam you just have to line up for days to buy it before construction even starts. but the good news it will be worth $600,000 before it js done.
>b..b..b..but muh $10million homes going for like $7million now. sure but that is a small fragment of real estate. the NDP were elected on their ability to spin lies to retards. I just wish the lobs were better at lying. So I could have uber muhh pipeline and no speed cameras.
>it's a bubble, else we wouldn't have been saying it for the last 20 years while it survived all the real estate crashes.
I fucking hate Toronto fags. Toronto is like that kid who tries too hard to be cool to fit in but fails so hard it's cringe as fuck. "We have Drake here in the 6 and muh diversity". Shut up, you're all nothing but gay ass turban wearing bitches. Stop trying to be cool because you're not.
other than Winnipeg? because it is a shithole
Other than Toronto? because no ocean, no mountains, no nature, no old buildings, no history, not much. just a bunch of brick houses a tall tower and a waterfall hours and hours away. Like i said itt. BC/bampf/the rockies in the west. and QC/Montreal/Ottawa on the east are the only parts of the country worth visiting.
Toronto is objectively the best city located within the United States of America.
The only place in NA more diverse than Toronto lmao
I personally like Toronto. The waterfront is pretty cool. The Distillery District is nice. The University of Toronto is a nice-ish campus. It's a big city but unlike cities in the land of the brave it's safe.
I don't know how it is in Canada but here foreigners are forced to pay a lot of their salary in tax, they have to work in rural areas if they want to extend their visas (doing things like picking mangos and bananas which none of the locals will do) and because we have GST you can add a lot more in tax revenue. Also you get a labour source at the prime of their life which the government hasn't had to subsidies for their primary schooling and won't have to pay for their retirement because they will have gone back home by then.
I'm sure a similar setup exists in Canada and you're retarded if you think that's a bum deal
California is diverse as in "there's a bunch of spics". Even then California has had spics for centuries.
Not New York City? Also iirc the only major NA city that actually has a growing white population?
Because FUCK Toronto, that why. Next question.
California is just Spics. Let me know when Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, Vietnamese, etc. live there like they do in Toronto
how many threads are we going to have on this city already? this shit ain't /trv/
compared to NYC, toronto has harsher winters harsher, the job opportunities aren't as plentiful, the schools are no where near as good, NY beats it in cultural diversity if you give a shit about that, that's more to do in NY, and if I wanted to I could take an amtrak and be in Jersey within 20 minutes from midtown.
i guess it's safer but if you don't go looking for problems you won't have any. toronto's a worse nyc but just as dirty.
Is Toronto really that boring?
canada has a similar program for working holidays set up with australia. It's designed for tourism.
>keep labor costs down just as much as uneducated immigrants from shitholes
except they aren't immigrants and they aren't from a shithole. that's the entire point of it. it's for young people to travel and spend money while funding it some of it through menial hotel work. and many canadians work in those resorts for the same reasons to party and ski in the winter and mountain bike in the summer.
>but lots of them abuse our generous social services too without paying for them because they know they arent going to be coming back any time soon.
yeah, i'm really weary of the young, educated australians who come here from a well-developed country with a high standard of living abusing social services. give me a break, this isn't some temp worker form bangladesh coming here. but do you have any proof to back it up or is it just more of your narrative?
Got a Fun Guy. shirt bros
you are the one spinning narrative, trying to claim that hundreds of thousands of shitskins are freely walking across the border to instantly get approved for asylum, or that they get to spend a free year here on the canadian tax payers expense while they wait for their process to be claimed, or that every one that comes here on a working visa is partying their asses off. these are all such negligible issues you are getting worked up about. the biggest problem with "immigration" in this country is jus soli status for citizenship, not a negligible amount of people trying to claim asylum status.
It's a caliphate not a good sports market
>job opportunities aren't as plentiful
Once you have your one job secured this is unimportant
>schools are no where near as good
NYC schools are complete shit unless you shell out tons of cash for an elite private school. If you mean college well yeah, NYC has Columbia and NYU but if you aren't attending either of these schools at the present moment this does nothing for you.
>that's more to do in NY
From a practical standpoint, not really. The average person in either city does the same generic work/sleep/nightlife/Netflix bullshit.
>I wanted to I could take an amtrak and be in Jersey within 20 minutes from midtown.
Why you want to? Jersey sucks dick and living in some shithole like Newark just so you can commute into the city is a cucked nightmare existence.
Did you know California has more total number of Asians AND a similar percentage of Asians as Canada?
California: 15.2% Asian
Canada: 15.7% Asian
California: 5.5 million Asians
Canada: 5.4 million Asians (Asian Canadian minus "West Asians" which would be considered White in the US for some reason)
This is the case for most large cities. The culture gets so diluted that there is no singular identity. Off the top of my head, I can't really differentiate Boston from NYC or Newark, or Phoenix from LA.
But Asians don't influence California culture like it does Canada. its completely different. Most people know Cali for the Spics.
u legit quoted me just to argue and say nothing.
> That pic
>From a practical standpoint, not really. The average person in either city does the same generic work/sleep/nightlife/Netflix bullshit.
Uhhh, you can literally go out on any weeknight and there is something going on. Hang out in Manhattan more often. I've never heard of anyone being bored there
Job security is a meme.
NYC schools are still better
There's still more to do in Manhattan man. Shit is always going on.
And you know people don't just live in Newark right? Folks commute from every part of Jersey into NYC.
Immigrants here integrate.
True, but you could also say this about Seattle, New York, San Francisco, D.C. and LA.
NYC might be the greatest city in the world after London, but Toronto I feel beats out every other American city except maybe LA
I'll take roof Koreans over pajeets
California shockingly has more pajeets than Koreans
Indian American: 712,532
Korean American; 466,313
Pajeets for some reason don't really live in Southern California.
I live in Manhattan. Yeah there's "something" going on all the time but it's the same shit you could do in any other major city.
Young people are getting the fuck out of here in droves because they realize that the "excitement" of NYC is a meme and it isn't worth the money. I would be gone too if I didn't have family here.
Why would anyone live in Tor*nto
Like the Bay Area it’s an expensive multicultural liberal hellhole but without the god tier weather and outdoor activities like ocean or redwood forests
It’s literally surrounded by barren corn fields for 500 miles on every side and it’s on a shit tier pollluted lake that you can’t even swim in
>but it's the same shit you could do in any other major city.
You can't go to Broadway in any other city
You can't have 24 hour nightlife in any other city
Where else is there insane amounts of skyscrapers and business?
How about all the multiculturalism?
No offense but the Bay Area seems really boring. It has California prices without the good weather part and beaches of LA or San Diego. And there's farms all around the Bay Area.
Toronto seems more exciting by comparison.
A normal person goes to maybe a handful of plays a year at most. That's hardly worth living in an insanely overpriced city for. 24 hour nighlife is a meme. Clubs are going to be shit on weeknights no matter where you are, as people with money and jobs aren't trying to get hammered at 3am on a Tuesday. Skyscrapers and multiculturalism don't improve life at all.
Is Toronto becoming a basketball city?
Montreal is based Toronto is Cringe
>anything French
Pick only one
working holidays have nothing to do with immigration you mentally ill street shitting dwarf. and there is more then one person in this thread.
because they don't have big money deals with the broadcasters up here
talking about toronto is literally a waste of time when they could be covering a team that makes them money
likewise, no one gives a shit about other teams up here, when they do it's literally filler
case closed, all you racist fucks and self-hating cucks can fuck off
It is though
This is the worse thread I’ve ever seen on Yea Forums. Good job you autists
No. Never. It will always be a hockey town. But other sports are getting more love though; basketball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse and even rugby.
>have the worst attendance of any team in the CFL
>waaaah where's muh NFL franchise gib now!
Never watch the cfl
Always watch the nfl
he means the amount of NEGROES in toronto. We cant call blacks black anymore, so >we call them basektball americans or basketball cities
Do advertisers consider every city a >small market except for Boston, NYC, Chicago, Dallas, Houston and LA? Seems that way
Nobody genuinely prefers hockey in Toronto anymore, other than boomers.
Blacks and Filipinos prefer basketball, jews prefer baseball, Indians prefer cricket, Chinks are low test betas who will bandwagon whatever is popular, whites from protestant backgrounds prefer the NFL and catholic/orthodox whites prefer soccer.
Furpuck is just an inferior version of soccer that needs to die off so that we can financially support a proper soccer league, and hopefully develop a long term soccer culture that isn't zoomer cancer like the current one is.
t. 4th generation Anglo-Canadian
I like this contrarian retard. and feel sorry for him for being bullied so much at school.
Remind me which team has the highest sellout streak with the most expensive tickets. remind me which game had more people watching outside Leafs @Boston or Raptors against whoever?
I've been to see every professional Toronto sports team other than the Raptors. I've seen the Leafs, Marlies, Blue Jays, TFC, the Rock (lacrosse), even the Buffalo Bills when the NFL used to host a game at Rogers Centre every year. I have lived in Etobicoke all through my life.
80% of Leaf (and Blue Jays) fans come to games from outside the city of Toronto, and the majority of those come from outside of the Greater Toronto Area. Your average Leafs fan at a game is some 5'7", overweight, Ford pickup driving, small town soul from Peterborough or Brantford, attending the gamr with or without a hamplanet wife. The atmosphere at these games is dead, because these "salt of the earth fans" are actually lethargic consumer whores with no passion. I say this as someone who has also travelled to Manchester to sing in the Stretford End with my grandfather.
Remember the Leafs - Bruins series this year? Game 6, beautiful weather on an Easter Sunday, an excellent opportunity to advance to the next round, not an unhappy soul in all of Boomertown, Ontario. From the opening faceoff, the Peterborough and Brantford brigade chanted "GOLEAFSGOGOLEAZFG0G0LSEFGOGJDJSHFJFK" for a couple of minutes, until it made them physically tired, and then sat in silence for 57 minutes as the away team completely stole the momentum.
Are these the fans of hockey that fill you with optimism for its future? Do you really think you stand a chance defending your dying sport in a country where youth soccer registration has outnumbered youth hockey registration for the last 20+ years?
How vibrant and urban is Toronto really? I google mapped it and it looks really active.
I went from New York to Toronto on a vacation. It felt like a village. Some """"global city""", that.
What American city is more vibrant than Toronto but less than NYC?
Not that poster but
San Francisco
Toronto is literally Houston or Atlanta tier. Its not some historical city with all these sights. It literally grew like a sunbelt city in the last 30 years.
This isn't far from the truth.
Toronto's importance is inflated by its massive suburban population. The reason it is called "the 6" is literally because the municipal government annexed 5 surrounding suburbs for the purpose of increasing tax revenue. The actual city has about 800000 people, which is Charlotte and Indianapolis tier, although our metro area is quite large at 6,000,000+.
If you're looking for suburban life, Toronto is probably better than any American city in that regard - but if it's unique and world-renowned downtown culture you want, Toronto leaves a lot to be desired.
D.C is a crime ridden shithole which serves as a containment zone for bureaucrats. Boston is nice if you're a college student but other than that it's extremely boring. Atlanta completely shits on like half of the cities on that list.
San Francisco is exciting? Says who? I grew up in LA, and it really isn't.
What's the Kitchener-Waterloo area like? Might be spending some time there soon.
It is not great, there are a lot of drug addicts and poor people. They have a big Oktoberfest every year, though.
The university areas are probably the nicest though UWaterloo is like ~20% Chinese international students. Lots of good Chinese restaurants though
Only about 1-1.5 hours from downtown Toronto though, so you can head to the city to do things if you ever get bored.
Oh and I should mention, because the university there is one of the best ones in Canada and is very tech oriented, the growing tech presence has made the place a bit better, especially in the area where say Google is located
I assume that you're going to be working either in tech or at the University so you probably already know that
imagine taking the time to write out this weird made up story.
People don't watch CFL because it's kind of dogshit and they have better leagues to focus on. An NFL team would do better in Toronto, CFL is for Saskatchewan
I thought Leafs games were too expensive for your average nobody to afford, and the games were full of corporate business types who generally aren't as passionate but can afford seats. That's the impression I always got.
>our identity as a big city is having this central component that every other big city has
Most big cities in North America have 0 personality. Most of them do not have a Dundas Square or anything similar.
somewhat true.
>better leagues to focus on
like ones in other countries? Sad!
Everything outside of 3 blocks of your city looks like Soviet tower blocks, except nobody can afford them.
Because of legalities, the major American television networks don’t get the rights to exclusive coverage of games up here like many other teams, so they hate the Raptors with a passion
ESPN is losing hundreds of millions with this finals and it’s glorious
What's so special about Dundas Square? And what personality does Toronto have besides "diversity"
All Toronto boosters have told me is that its diverse, as if most big cities world wide aren't diverse now.
>Canadian New York,
>San Francisco
Pick one. Other than techfags who try "muh startup" and leave when they realize only rich white people and subsidized Chinks can live in SF, SF has a shitton of soul.
Even faggots are leaving because they're priced out.
The Peninsula aka Silicon Valley, is soulless. Fuck everything about the giant office park known as Silicon Valley. It used to be beautiful orange groves, now it's full of muh Tiger Moms and autism.
Marin County low-key based af. They talk about (((diversity))) and pretend to be hippy-rich fuckers but spics, nigs and chinks know they're not welcome.
>City full of tech chink bugmen and autistic engineers = soul
>Photo of a street = soul
>Hyper leftism = soul
Really made me think
Quebec City is great in the summer
San Francisco is pretty boring m8, especially compared to LA, Chicago or NYC.
What can you do in SF you can't do in LA?
Why do people say SF is full of pajeets when its only 1.8% Pajeet?
>Casa Loma?
This is such a meme. Its literally just an average sized mansion that happens to be old. You can walk through it and see the entire thing in 45 minutes, and thats stretching it. I find it hard to believe that people actually come to toronto to experience it.
Everyone at leafs playoff games are rich corporate types, what the fuck are you talking about ?
Casa Loma is featured in a lot of movies I think
It's nice and has a very nice garden. It's not something worth coming to visit by itself but it neat if you're in Toronto anyway
I know a lot of people moving to St. Johns, Newfoundland. Seems like it’s becoming the place to be.
Can someone tell me whats special about Toronto without using the word "diversity"?
It's better if you're in Michigan so you don't have to visit that shit country.
>it's our strength!
Largest city in Canada
You sound like a Nazi
Imagine living your life being completely consumed with what color skin you have
Its the economic centre of Canada. Also its a shitskin refuge.
If you ever have the chance go to nuit blanche on downtown to see the full derangement
can't wait till the chinks get blacklisted like the Iranians after they crash the real estate market after robbing the country.
>working class white person
Is that even a thing in Toronto? All the white families I know (including my own) are quite wealthy compared to the brownies.
they are found only in yorkville or in the york region.
You definitely don't need $1.5 million for a house with room for 3 kids, unless all the kids need their own bedroom. I live in a pretty expensive neighbourhood near downtown Toronto and a house around the corner from me just sold for $1.6 million, and it's a really beautiful house with three floors and state of the art renovations. If a house like that in my neighbourhood is only going for $1.6, I'm sure you can get a similarly sized house for much less if you go outside the downtown core.
Nightlife-wise, I agree.
What? That's the most luxurious neighbourhood in the city.
where do you live
Its where the most expensive condos can be found considering it is one of the most luxurious neighbourhoods yes.
I've never been to SF, is it true that the streets are overflowing with homeless people and shit or is that just a right-wing boomer meme?
based reading comprehension
So why would working class whites be found there?
>tfw you pass grade 10 literacy test
Ontario school system taught me well
I really enjoy seeing european and canadian and australian cities getting eaten alive by niggers.
its like watching rivers get destroyed by asian carp or lamp reys or the bark beetle wipe out forests.
just an invasive species that the natural environment of decent
The Annex
Working class is now upper class in canada. Everyone else is now poor tier who live next to the pajeets
The scary part of this is that all these guys just look like your typical Uber driver. Makes it hard to know which shitskins to trust.
just like any other city, they're usually around a small area. You'll see them panhandling in certain spots but they aren't a bother to most people. They know enough to stay out of sight so cops don't beat on them. Boomers probably see hippies clinging to the past with unwashed hair and think they are homeless.
There is your answer OP
You're not gonna make it
>Makes it hard to know which shitskins to trust.
>which shitskins to trust
except no one "wants" to live here we're at best a 2nd choice for people who can't get into the usa
I can’t think of a single reason to go to Toronto. At least the hellhole of Vancouver has mountains to look at.
Apparently this Casa Loma place is cool
because non-black canadians don't care about basketball
plenty of people would rather live here than the USA, don't talk out of your ass
I always wondered why black people would move to Canada instead of the US? Where are they even from? Do they speak English or African?
It's not
Most of them speak French, they come here cause French is our official second language.
blacks that are there for generations? free slaves from the usa went to canada because they could live there without being treated like dogs
now immigrants because canada is a first world country, whyu wouldn't you want to go there? it's like the usa but without violence
As a non North American, do people really find that much of a difference between Canada and the USA?
I've never even heard of it before. I googled it. I dunno, worth a visit? is it in Downtown or something?
It's like a more peaceful version of the USA. The worst part of the USA is that you have 3rd world levels of crime and homicides, also lot of inequality and more poor people than other first world countries
The ones in Toronto are probably from the Caribbean right? Do they assimilate into Black American culture or are they still really Caribbean?
because you have to pay canadian taxes probably
Montreal, Quebec City, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Victoria, Halifax... literally every major urban center
What's special about Edmonton or Calgary? They seem like Denver or Kansas City
>moved to oakville recently
couldn't be happier to be out of that shithole
majority white here
There isn't really a Black American culture here, most of our blacks are stay in their own immigrant enclaves.
drake is a corporate construction
Nobody from Toronto proper would ever go to a CFL game. Horrible game, pooe players, 75% of the teans go to the playoffs, fans mostly hicks and white trash
Why they thought forcing themselves in a stadium deep in the city just shows how clueless they are
The shitting part is mostly a meme but SF and LA have some of the worst homeless problems in the country mostly because a. the cities are astronomically expensive and b. All the homeless from around the country come to California.
If you're homeless would you rather freeze to death outside in Chicago or live where it's mild and sunny year round? Also both those cities have famous halfway houses and rehab facilities that people flock to.
There are multiple cities in the U.S. that have more homicides per year than the entire nation of Canada.
I heard they're running a subway line out to their stadium. Will that help salvage attendance?
Are you retarded? Little tokyo, korea town, china town and all the fucking boat people from vietnam are here.
>also lot of inequality