>162 games a season
>don't even play vs all the teams participating
>multiple 7 games series vs the same teams instead of one at home one away vs everybody
>two leagues playing concurrently
>only difference is that one lets the pitcher bat
>"world" series
>different field distances at every stadium
>Trophy is literal sticks bathed in gold glued to a metalic disk.
>players never seem to be enjoying playing(standing around)
>4hr+ games
>mid week morning games that nobody will ever watch except boomer neets
>bullshit "unwritten" rules
162 games a season
t. beisbolet
>ya win 54, ya lose 54. it's what ya do with da other 54 that counts.
-some dead faggot
also, if you think modern baseball is confusing and arcane, check out pre-1927 games. split season tournaments, deadball era, player's league, 1902 football championship, 10-ball walks, etc.
8 of these “facts” are false
boreball btfo
>midweek mid day game
well maymayed retard
At least the stadium is well-designed from a spectator pesrspective, unlike cricket
Still, other sports get a lot of people even in midweek games. My team Grêmio had the worst attendence of 2K people in a shitty cup that none cared or asked for. This image is quite sad for """america's passtime""".
they don't let the pitcher bat, they force them to bat, most pitchers hate that shit. other than that you are correct and baseball is dumb
isn't that like 80% of MLB games?
>white Sox
I remember that game last year against the rays were 974 people showed up.
its an american thing. poor worlders wouldn't understand
>0-0 final
>"offsides" for outrunning everyone on the other team
Found the third worlder.
wow sure told him
>implying that "poorly attended" baseball games aren't comfy as fuck
Found another one.
>"offsides" for outrunning everyone on the other team
why are americans so dumb
Your president is a huge Cardinals fan, have some class you puto.
Lol what? This can't be true is it? 162 games and there are some teams that literally don't have a single game against each other?
Do they really have morning midweek games? Are they trying to compete for the morning ladies talk show slot?
Yes. The results speak for themselves.
It's because of interleague and expansion that the schedule is unbalanced.
They'll play 2 games in one day sometimes too
Day games are scheduled most often as the final game in a series as a "getaway day", so the visiting team doesn't have to wait until late at night to get on the bus/plane to head to their next stop.
They Chicago Cubs also play more day games than anyone else because their stadium is in a residential neighborhood and local laws limit the number of night games they can play.
Mlb has better avergae attendence than your shitty serie a retarded br. Mls too, Br league is a joke in attendance
the main problem I have with baseball is the strike zone... it should be determined by a computer that can analyze the batters size/strike box and ball location and there could be a light behind the batter that’s red for a ball and green for a strike. I fucking hate how a pitch can be a strike to one ump and a ball to another
you just dont get it. baseball is the most pure american sport. I mean, fuck, if niggas can watch cricket, then what in the fuck is wrong with baseball? it's more popular than hockey and hockey is doing well
OP is an American on vacation in Cancun. There is no way a Mexican would know all these trivia about baseball
Shut up, Alejandro
huh, I thought every team had extended the netting to the ends of the dugouts, or can I just not see it here
that's cool though, sox park is probably my favorite park I've seen a game at, every seat at the park is good, the upper deck is steeper and closer to the park than most I think. If they're one of the few that refuse to put more nets that's cool too, I mean it's not like there are any fans to protect anyway
god I love it
>american """""""""""sports"""""""""""
To be fair, the White Sox are a tax racket by the owner where if the team doesn't reach a certain attendance threshold, he doesn't have to pay taxes. So low attendance numbers are good for him.
If you want to see that has fans, go to the north side of Chicago.
Pesäpallo > baseball
this is a fact
For me, it's the sport of rounders.
What is the need for some many games?
And do midweek games even get good crowd's?
Oină>>>>>>pesapoolo in the same context
I know there is a story behind why this is so poorly attended. I cant recall but it may have been after a lengthy rain delay, or a half makeup game that they didnt sell tickets for.
It's the owner's fault.