My raptor :)
My raptor :)
Muh sjw website.
How did predicting Hillary would win go for ya, cuck?
i think you're on the wrong website, you meant to go to /pol/ on "Yea"
warriors in 5 easy.
He gave drumpf a better chance than anyone else. Seethe harder Nazi
Rapties are a good value bet now that Kd is bretty much dead
>nate nickel in charge of predictions
ah yes the lucky 7 dubs of truth
Nazi who has (some) respect for Nate Silver here AMA
>/pol/tard doesn't understand how polling works
Every time
Will we ever see another Hitler and hiw long will it take?
Rasmussen predicted a trump victory
>doesnt understand how polling works
Neither did the pollsters apparently
>muh polls
I have coreectly predicted the last five elections and I'm saying Raptor has a shot hear
Thank you :)
You sort of have a point about bad modern polling but the two sports upsets are irrelevant and retarded
What upsets? They were comebacks
Based libcucks mad at muh government wont pay my student loans! Bernie 2020!
Kek get a real job and pay off that shit in a year faggots.
I only listen to Chuckster predictions desu
They predicted he'd win the popular vote, which didn't happen. They probably had the same polling error as the bad pro-hillary swing state polls
No for sure losing when you’re up 25 points isn’t an upset
He predicted Blazers win wcf
They secured a spiritual victory by killing Durant's legacy
What is it about them that makes them by far the best sports studio crew?
Is it because they're all black friends?
It's all Chuck. The other 3 are completely replaceable and if anything >shaw detracts from the chemistry.
Are you mocking redditors with this comment or are you unironically from /r/the_donald?
>Nate Trashcan
>Lakers have 84% chance to make the 'offs
lmaoing @ zoomers getting their """insight""" from those little pricks.