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Pretty sure most Sikhs would kill every last mudslime if they had the chance. They are anything but tolerant after centuries of abuse.

getting tired of canada

Seething Nazi. Come to Toronto and I swear to god I’ll bash your skull in.


Which one of these is you?

Attached: 7gBZIWa.jpg (1345x1208, 252K)

>when Toronto wins

Attached: Manchester United wins.webm (640x1138, 1.33M)

Most Sikhs I've met share Punjabi identity, they do not hate Muslim punjabis

Settle down Wong

Far right

>young communist league

Attached: 1559075324417.jpg (163x157, 10K)

>31 y/o white woman

The attractive girl

The creature next to Bubbles, then.

404 not found

Do these people really believe anybody takes them seriously?

Lenin, Stalin, Castro, etc. would literally have them all silently "disappear" out of embarrassment.


It's easy to be a communist when you have no responsibility of your own.

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Whiter than you Pedro

>He *is* Toronto

Exactly, nobody fucking likes a shithole like Toronto.

my based punjabi brother


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Reminds me that it took France a bunch of Africans to win the World Cup! :^)


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That looks like great fun
Anyway Sikhs are based and every poojeet, arab, and turkroach should become one
Anything is better than Islam

no one cares about basketball in the south

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I’m fine with Sikhs, most of them seem chill.. legit middle eastern mudslimes in the other hand can die

rednecks are so cringe.


Average Toronto school

If you only knew how bad things are about to get.

Attached: Canada elementary school Toronto white replacement immigration.jpg (2048x1536, 666K)

Wish I was an American boomer. Seems comfy

Sikhs spit on muhammads. They are based Uncle Tom bro tier browns.

this reminds me of the top gear where Americans couldn't hand the bants and they had to leave

More like the Young Canadians who refuse to get jobs league.

>only a few fat kids
>everyone is paying attention
>no active shooter in the room
seems pretty good.

Tell that to your large African American population. The south has been well below 56% for a long while.

I'm only reproducing if I can ensure my kid goes to Private School.

>I'll take the STRAIGHT SHOOTER and FLAG OFFENDS YOU in size XXX-L please

Attached: doubt it.jpg (306x542, 44K)

>Pretty sure most Sikhs would kill every last mudslime if they had the chance.

You would be wrong. Muslim wrote passages in the Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy book of the Sikhs. Also millions of Sikhs are in Pakistan. Sure Sikhs fought the Mughals and kicked them out of India, but that's because Mughals were actually repressing people, not because Sikhs are Islamophobes. Far from it.

>kill Hitler
>west run by jews now became so multicultural their white identity has disappeared
Fully deserved desu.

Yuck, all those street shitting spawn.

Sikhs and Muslims are cool with each other because of Modi and Hindutva.

So large that it's obscene

Is 'medium' a 'small' in America? I can see a single medium shirt and the rest are all larges with various amounts of Xs

It will be interesting to see how the high IQ east Asians fight with the low IQ poos and shitskins.

I think the Chinese will go hard ethnonationalist once they take over Canada's government, they have absolutely no sense of ethnic guilt arising from WWII and colonialism that keeps white people from fighting back.

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lmao no you won’t

Arent you guys throwing milkshakes at people and running away now?

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In America, he'd be shot

>The shortest girl, third to last on the right side

my fucking sides

an american speaking on culture.

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murilards btfo

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pajeets are okay. i much prefer them over chinks or muzzies

>a fucking "leaf" posting for the next 2 weeks

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>All these smelly poo skins in my country

Kek this entire picture is so bad. The girl with black hair next to the short dwarf monster is the only remotely mediocre one. The rest of them are both ugly as sin and awkwardpilled. Bleh

He's not a symbol of building bridges, but of neo-colonialism.

lmfao fucking rekt

that's also how coastal urbanite diversity worship looks like to regular people too

If this was a Brit flag it would get 100 (You)s telling us how cucked we are