>Hannover 96 meldet Vollzug: Mirko Slomka (Foto) übernimmt zur neuen Saison das Traineramt bei den Niedersachsen und löst damit den bisherigen Chefcoach Thomas Doll ab. Jan Schlaudraff fungiert künftig als Sportdirektor beim Bundesliga-Absteiger.
Carter Edwards
I thought Thomas Doll was doing alright? He actually got some points with that trash team.
Brayden Smith
>Union promoted for the first time to Bundes >Managed them in FM Fuck I might have to watch the Bundesliga now. Was waiting for the day Holstein Kiel stepped up or the sun collapsed, whichever came first.
Julian Mitchell
lol no
Sebastian Torres
when i drove through berlin all i saw was union graffiti, nothing about hertha
Grayson Mitchell
Very much a reddit team, though
Kevin Price
Hertha supporters are from the Speckgürtel (bit surprised _you_ didn't visit that part)
Zachary Lewis
Until Reddit learns that Union fans sing Christmas songs every winter
Joseph Rivera
>Le Reddit team Jesus Christ They're not San Pauli (the ACTUAL Reddit team), they're a newly promoted side to Bundes, Eisern Union doesn't make me think of fucking church chants (which is GOOD),and this tidbit trivia: >Their nicknames evolved from the earlier sobriquet Schlosserjungs (metalworker boys), which was in reference to the blue kit the Union played in, as it was reminiscent of the overalls worn by local workers. >In former GDR times Union was known for a rivalry with Dynamo Berlin who was affiliated with East Germany's Secret Service Stasi. >In May 2004, the supporters raised enough money to secure the club's license for fourth-division football through a campaign called 'Bleed for Union'. I frankly could not give a single fuck about Reddit bandwagoning a team. If a team is newly promoted from the second division and they're not some old glory, they're based, period. >t. Pescara lifelong still seething
Don't know for you guys, but in /bestbundes/ I'm supporting Nuremberg next season
Jordan Jackson
meh, I'm not a dana lifelong anymore. still, post some arsch of her.
Luis Thompson
Is it similar to Bayern and 1860 fans?
Daniel Lopez
Congrats Union
Carter Jackson
>"We're pro-LGBTQIwhateverthefucktheacronym means anymore and PROUDLY LEFTISTS!" >LITERALLY a fucking clothing brand >Backed up by Nike of all people Yes, and Olympiakos is still a common man's team, huh?
>Bayern-Präsident Uli Hoeneß wollte den VfB Stuttgart motivieren und wettete Ende 2018 beim Treffpunkt Foyer unserer Zeitung gegen den Abstieg. „5000 Euro, wenn der VfB in die zweite Liga muss.“ >So kann man sich täuschen. „Davon konnte man zum damaligen Zeitpunkt nun wirklich nicht ausgehen“, sagte Uli Hoeneß am Dienstag im Gespräch mit unserer Zeitung, „dieser Abstieg ist bitter. Es tut mir leid für den ganzen Verein.“ Dann bat er um die nötigen Kontodaten. „Natürlich halte ich Wort.“ Wettschulden sind Ehrenschulden. In den nächsten Tagen überweist Uli Hoeneß 5000 Euro an die Kinderkrebs-Nachsorgeklinik in Tannheim, die der VfB Stuttgart seit vielen Jahren unterstützt.
Jordan Rodriguez
Phillip Billing on Jan Siewert: ''He is special. Real German mentality, little strange. He came in like he had won PL five times, little arrogant, and I think most of the players lost the respect for him after one week. People could see there was something wrong.''
Nach einer Schlägerei an einer Berliner Schule ermittelt die Polizei: Ein 15-Jähriger soll einen jüdischen Schüler ins Gesicht geschlagen haben, ein anderer hetzte offenbar mehrere Jugendliche auf.
Charles Young
Where can I purchase the jacket of Jochen Breyer?
Ryan Bailey
Wisst ihr was das geilste am Bayernfandasein ist? Titel? Nein Es ist dieser Frust und dieser Ärger all dieser siedenden Anti-Bayernhurensöhne die jedes Mal mit frustverzerrtem Gesicht vor den Schirmen sitzen und lauthals Kreischen und Wimmern. Ich würde literarisch 1000 Euro zahlen für eine Kollektion von Fotos der Gesichter dieser abartigern Drecksmenschen. MANN WERD ICH HEUTE ABEND GUT SCHLAFEN! BLEIBT SAUER HINGEGEN IHR dreckigen, faulen SCHEISSER! hehehehe
Lincoln James
you mean Jochen Br00
Jack Miller
truly it is. Also have to vacuum the living room, do the dishes, do a manicure, go over my finances and sort some paperwork. Also dont feel like it.
Asher Johnson
Ban asymetric TM postings!
Parker Cooper
Hatte damals meine erste Freundin gekriegt als der Song beliebt war.
Oliver Taylor
Watching a Fritz-Walter-Medaille winner going down to 3. Liga. The curse is real.
Tyler Wilson
Ian Foster
Beginnt das Problem hier nicht schon viel viel früher? Alle möglichen Marktteilnehmer haben ein Monster miterschaffen, das man kaum noch gebändigt kriegt.
Die Werbeblöcke in den Halbzeitpausen sind voll mit Clips von Wettanbietern, es werden Stars aufgefahren als Werbepartner, die Vereine haben meist eine Partnerschaft mit einem bestimmten Anbieter (bishin zu Trikotsponsoren bei Weltvereinen), die nationalen und internationalen Verbände arbeiten mit ihnen zusammen, selbst die "Fachmagazine" haben auf ihrer Seite neben den voraussichtlichen Aufstellungen für die kommenden Spiele einen Werbe-Link zu einem Anbieter und die gedruckten Zeitschriften und Zeitungen sind voll mit Anzeigen. Folge: Das lockt die normalen Menschen an, die mal in größerem oder kleinerem Umfang hobbymäßig Sportwetten platzieren, das alles füttert aber vor allem das System und lockt auch diejenigen an, die manipulieren wollen - und macht es im Endeffekt rentabel genug für einige Akteure, sich kaufen zu lassen oder ermöglicht es, dass einige erpressbar werden.
Vor 20, 30 Jahren gab es auch Sportwetten (eher auf dem Niveau kleinerer Wettbüros), aber das System der Sportwetten wurde doch nicht von allen Beteiligten (vor allem nicht im deutschen Fußball) so bereitwillig bedient und man hat nicht so eng mit den Anbietern zusammengearbeitet. Es gibt einfach zuviele, die gut daran verdienen, sodass die wirksamste und einzig erfolgversprechende Möglichkeit, diesen ganzen Sumpf trocken zu legen indem man es massiv reguliert und Vereinen und Verbänden verbietet in irgendeiner Weise mit Wettanbietern zu tun zu haben, kein gangbarer Weg (mehr) sein wird... aber die Notwendigkeit, dass das Ganze so wie es heutzutage ist, überhaupt existieren muss, habe ich bisher einfach nicht verstehen können.
Christian Long
Nolan Bailey
Lincoln Clark
>top club >Arsenal
Nolan Long
top [wage] club
Logan Rivera
Based A S E D
Matthew Hernandez
fuuuuck i cant wait for the Berlin derby.
Jose Robinson
Götze is a top player
Hunter Allen
funfact: I googled "Bocklos" like three times in the last couple of days, and didnt understand who it was, and why this name was mentioned in context with Boateng.
Rapid won btw, but you were all probably watching anyway >Die Hütteldorfer schalten den SV Mattersburg in der Playoff-Premiere der Bundesliga mit einem 2:0-Sieg aus und duellieren sich nun am Donnerstag (heim) und Sonntag (auswärts) mit SK Sturm Graz um das letzte EL-Quali-Ticket.
Nathaniel Nguyen
Yes, and don't forget to tune in when it is next >Tedesco back to >S04
Andrew Watson
>frontl21 with the cxu banter What timeline is this again?
its okay, nothing special, wanted to go for something different on my butter bread
Luis Ortiz
> Laut „Sport Bild“ sollen die Bayern bereits ein Angebot für Atléticos Rodrigo abgegeben haben. >„Ich kenne den Spieler gar nicht“, sagte Hoeneß gegenüber der „Sport Bild“
what's his fucking problem?
Camden Thomas
I don't know that Rodrigo guy either.
Nicholas Reyes
>german cuisine even leafniggers eat slightly better than you
Gabriel Davis
True, ming ting noodles and cho ching ko soup are great
Logan Robinson
Do you like to flame grill your meat on the barbecue? My great uncle certainly enjoyed flame grilling your countrymen with his flamethrower all the way from Juno Beach to Berlin back in the mid 40's
Nolan Edwards
Don't listen to him Hertha support is just very low in West Berlin compared to other bundles clubs because of internal immigration. But Union have the same problem. Sankt Pauli always sing Heimspiel in Berlin For example. Union was litteral village tier team after the Welle until they reached the 2002 final against Schalke.
Real Berliners just don't like football that much.
Easton Gomez
Union is right wing
Luis Scott
Showed up in Hasan's YouTube suggestions
Hunter Cooper
>„Ich habe noch keine genauen Zahlen, aber ich denke, dass der finanzielle Rahmen sehr schwierig wird“, erklärte Hoeneß gegenüber der „Sport Bild“. miau I bet he offered 32.5m€
>Bei Arp bin ich noch vorsichtig. Genauso bei Davies. Beide sind zugegeben riesige Talente. Fast wie Sanches, den ich übrigens auch nicht gehen ließe. Dieser Junge kommt noch. Ich bin mir sogar sicher, das er sich zu einem Weltklassespieler entwickeln wird.
Henry Lee
My date yesterday went well and we will have a second date
poor guy. what's even worse is that my hair looks just like his.
Ethan Gray
>von der Südtribüne in den Stadtrat
Jonathan Ward
amusing post
Easton Lee
good if you're 60, bad if you're 20
Kevin Gutierrez
wouldn't all Stadträte from Dortmund claim that? I mean it's the only remotely good thing about their city. If I wanted to get in their Stadtrat, I'd LARP as an Echte Liebe ultra too.
Matthew Flores
Werder signed Friedl from Bayern on a permament deal
>„Als Schalke 04 hätte ich sicher anders agiert, aber ich kenne nicht die Strategie des Klubs“, so Nübel. >Dass der FC Schalke 04 Nübel eine längere Zusammenarbeit nicht bereits früher anbot, sei nach Aussagen von Schalke-Chef Clemens Tönnies vor allem ein Versäumnis von Christian Heidel. Der ehemalige Sportvorstand habe ihm gesagt, dass Nübels Vertrag sich nach einer gewissen Anzahl an Spielen automatisch verlängern würde – eine entsprechende Option befinde sich allerdings gar nicht in dessen Arbeitspapier. >Der FC Bayern München befinde sich nach Angaben der „Bild“ in der „Pole-Position“ und pflege bereits seit längerem Kontakt mit der Spielerseite. >Dass Nübel in den Planungen von Tönnies das neue Gesicht von Schalke werden soll, habe keinen Einfluss auf die Entscheidung des Profis: „Ich habe zum gesamten Fußball-Business einen gesunden und notwendigen Abstand. Darum kann ich auch mit vermeintlichem Personenkult wenig anfangen.“
>Der ehemalige Sportvorstand habe ihm gesagt, dass Nübels Vertrag sich nach einer gewissen Anzahl an Spielen automatisch verlängern würde yeah I'm calling bullshit
Colton Jenkins
is he insane? he literally and figuratively can't win with HSV.
Samuel Roberts
First Aufstieg, then Champions League
Asher Butler
you must admit that HSV can do good business if pressured to
David Green
*first Aufstieg, then sacking of Hecking and signing of hottest new laptop zoomer, then Abstieg
Connor Torres
They probably offered him a trillion €€€ and a golden statue if he manages to get promoted with HSV.
Jonathan Taylor
So he was a Canadian who later deserted to the Red Army?
Parker Green
or they could have just kept Titz and be in the bundesliga now
How many coaches are on HSV's payroll now? 7? And Hecking probabaly earns a shitload.
Daniel Ross
>Insgesamt übertrug Sky 266 Bundesliga-Partien live in der abgelaufenen Saison. Viermal wurde die Zuschauerzahl mit 0 angegeben, da zu wenige Menschen im technisch messbaren Bereich (unter 5000) einschalteten. tfw your /bundes/ postings have a higher reach than a /bundes/ match
Tyler Cruz
>götze to arsenal based dortmund reject fc
Michael Jenkins
>technisch messbaren Bereich (unter 5000) eggsplain
I love Germany, but I fear my love is for a Germany of yesterday - a Germany that no longer exists,: a white Germany
Dylan Perry
It still exists outside of NRW.
Mason Gonzalez
i am sure that was used to be prussia is over 95% white still
Noah Evans
>Dies waren Mainz gegen Wolfsburg (5. Spieltag/englische Woche), Hertha BSC gegen Leverkusen, Wolfsburg gegen Augsburg sowie Mainz gegen Hoffenheim (alle 34. Spieltag). 15 Spiele hatten lediglich 10000 Zuschauer – siebenmal mit Beteiligung von Freiburg und sechsmal mit Wolfsburg. LOLsburg
Nicholas Sullivan
Really? This makes me happy. Gonna visit Berlin now
Alexander Hughes
NRW and BW and all cities.
Charles James
Whats gone is gone. No point in crying about it now.
My home town is 90% white. I haven' seen a single non-white kid in the last years.
Jose Butler
Ryan Williams
AFAIK some people have their TV usage recorded and then they extrapolate these numbers to compute the TV ratings. If none of these people actually watched the match, they probably guess that no more than 5000 people watched it at the time.
Carter Cox
Tonight is the night. We gonna be rich. It's our time!
>He finally noticed I never said anything about that because the other guy a few years back got butthurt when I told him to stop using tipico. I'm using BWIN.
Aiden Adams
tipico is better. enjoy 5% Abgabe. lmao
Ayden Reyes
can't you literally tell that from the yellow on black text? I'm not even betting and I know what the bwin website looks like from all the shilling on the internet.
Cooper Gray
Im only using interwetten because they give out Gutscheine for special events like the world cup last year, might switch over then
its a final, 20 minutes of abtasten and probably still 0:0 at half-time Bruins I did on the basis of them playing at home and having won yesterday at home already 100% sicheres Ding
John Garcia
>wonder why lidl is trending >it's because they are now selling beyond burger which are immediately sold out
Justin Ortiz
Beyond burgers taste almost exactly like burger king burgers
Burger king burgers taste like ass
Hunter Wright
BK burgers taste great. Your reverse psychology marketing is working! I will buy that Beyond shit.
Michael Russell
I just saw that Weisbaden beat Ingolstadt for a spot at /bundes 2/ can anyone redpill me on them?
Caleb Russell
nö then I rather smell
Jose Clark
Cringe. Bk tastes literally microwaved as does beyond bürger. Also the beyond""""""bratwurst""""""" was absolutely disgusting
Ayden Morales
up north we have a market chain called "sky" and they are selling packaged hamburger royals for 3€ per piece. stiftung warentest bestätigt: 5/5.
Jackson Lopez
Royale With Cheese :DDDDD
Dylan Russell
just been to lidl and haven't noticed anything. It's a very unsören neighbourhood though, wouldn't be surprised if they sell exactly 0 kek.
Logan Peterson
For me, it's Viertelpfünder mit Käse
Ethan White
For my sister, it's the Bondburger.
Ian Hall
For me, it's Bulette im Brötchen
Aaron Russell
they are next to MainzzZZ
Ethan Wood
>Not eating the Big King XXL exclusively psh
Benjamin Gutierrez
mmmmmh i like :DDD
David Butler
Wiesbaden is a lot less interesting neighbour of Frankfurt and Mainz, and this means something.
Isaiah Powell
>ami culture not with me, Freundchen.
Luke Howard
To be honest you cant compare US fast food to EU fast food. The stuff thats good in the US can suck here and vice versa. Its sometimes even different by country because they might have different meat minimum standards. Like the chicken nuggets in Switzerland, they are by far the best while in Germany or here, they are nothing too special.
Charles Roberts
For me, it's Nordsee.
Mason Scott
>*blocks your path with ludicrous prices* i could get by cheaper through buying the ingredients and hiring a cook to make the same stuff.
cute! I remember this from my own kindergarten days. sadly the Greens will outlaw it soon so the Indians have 0.1E(-34) less plastic in their rivers.
Isaac Sanders
>not listening to the complete 22 hours in one session casual
John White
>Also the beyond""""""bratwurst""""""" was absolutely disgusting No shit, that's what wurst is all about. Do you know the stuff they put into sausages?
Kevin Jenkins
>numale is disgusted by completely normal things: epsidoe 867
Josiah Collins
>. Do you know the stuff they put into sausages? No, nor do I want to know.
Levi Sullivan
There is not a single good thing in the world about sausages which is not done better by normal meat
Juan Cooper
except for preservability, taste and vitamins.
Luke Hill
What is taste?
Charles Barnes
Yes, dried fruits are great. What does it have to do with sausages though?
>Auch Herrhausens Nachfolger Rolf E. Breuer setzt diesen aggressiven Expansionskurs fort. 1998 steigt die "Deutsche" mit dem Kauf der amerikanischen Bankers Trust in den Olymp der internationalen Investmentbanken auf und setzt auf den direkten Nahkampf mit den Platzhirschen Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley und JP Morgan. >Doch der Preis ist hoch: Denn mit dem Gang an die Wall Street, der die Bank 17 Milliarden D-Mark kostet, kauft sich die Bank eine angelsächsische Kultur ein, bei der vor allem Gewinne und die eigenen Boni im Vordergrund stehen. kek even normie babby tier news are redpilled about the eternal anglo
Christian Bell
I'll sing you a song and it's not very long It's about a young man who wouldn't hoe corn The reason why I cannot tell For this young man was always well.
Samuel Moore
a leaf getting triggered I'm having some slices of bread in the night
sounds like a waste of time but ok hope you enjoyed
Zachary Stewart
Werner wont leave, he will go next year >for free
Chase Young
>implying he wont go to Liverpool
Jose Hill
I was cucked by the bank ( Literally the only bank that wasn't open at early morning ) and the public transport ( I put money in the card, but the tickets have not yet dropped ), so I had to go to the uni walking
Angel Young
>i suffer living on brazil
Hunter Fisher
>he thinks Werner will break his promiste to Bayern
Aiden Howard
bought some Bratwürste and Sauerkraut for dinner in honour of the Wurstdiscussion
Gabriel Wright
>he thinks players give a fuck about Buyern in 2019 elke
Brayden Cox
No way Werner is going to join Buyern to be 3rd striker behind Lewandowski and Arp
Was invited to a party tonight, there's gonna be a few qt3.14s for sure. Already high as a kite, Anything else to do before I arrive?
Carter Gray
yes jerk off
Evan Peterson
>Was invited to a party tonight >there's gonna be a few qt3.14s for sure >Already high as a kite >Anything else to do before I arrive? Holy fuck. Everything you say deserves one big yikes.
Wew, that's frigging expensive... almost cheaper to buy PrEP
Grayson Lewis
I remember when I thought Tobi was just a meme name you call an autistic poster. Only later did I realize 95% of all autistic posts were made by one person with a very particular style of writing and word choice.
Lincoln Garcia
Yeah, I'm not tobi though
Henry Campbell
cringe of the year award live on pro7 now
Joshua Young
almost missed the EL final cause you guys never mentioned it thanks
Hudson Parker
Shan't be watching that drivel
Grayson Clark
bought some Rinder Minutensteaks, cant wait for it
Dylan James
to sum it up: >muh refugees (quote: mediterranean sea is the toughest border on the planet lmao) >muh hobos >muh nazis
It somehow gives me a bit of a rush to see something pornographic, I can only see by paying. If its like 10bucks for a site, and has some good content, whatever, no problem. But camwhores are so expensive measuring the time/how long the fun lasts.
Andrew Nguyen
Same, at least until m0schberger, where semsrott will be tonight
Christian Murphy
well i pay once for a site, then rip everything and then it just sits on my hard disk lel
Luke Flores
I watched the nadsi rock doc on 3sat
Joseph Foster
embarrassing desu
Jordan Gray
>not browsing pastebin to find usernames and passwords for free You porn addicts gotta step it up.
Dominic Gutierrez
definition of a topspiel so far
Andrew Powell
The Stimmung was even better in the Buyern friendly. CRINGE SO MUCH
Jason Young
Is it the day that uses the exclamation mark?
Levi Allen
> English derby > 1 English player in both teams combined
John Gray
6000 tickets per team only of which just about half actually sold travel and visa scared people off
Jack Nelson
its shit because everyone has seen these teams play each other numerous times