Could it be?
Could it be?
why is zidane groping /oursene/?
Vamos Mr Skeltal
pls send him food
>le 70 year old prospect
legitimately terrifying
deschamps in the back aswell?
>life ending hip injury
I thought the Bogdanoffs were aliens... turns out it’s just a french thing
I bet Arsene is being a try hard and based Zidane is just going easy on the old baguette
I tried to sign him for Arsenal before WW2.
is this real?
gay "sport"
i tried to sign him but i couldn't cross the Maginot Line
The guy is even wearing a target for Zidane to aim for. What cheek.
What game was this? Who else was playing?
some charity event in france. french football team from wc 98 versus french rugby team of wc 99. 45 mins football + 45 mins rugby
i assume wenger was allowed to skip the rugby
>wenger: thin,tall, great positioning,the throw back giroo
>zidane:"when you see the game you don't see zidane when you see zidane... oh no zizu don't, materazzi watch out."
Wonga is honestly the most sympathetic coach. I don't give a shit if redditors like him or whatever, he's a cool dude.
tfw it's the era of the pacey geriatrics
That actually sounds pretty based
I hope he gets the job at Bayern tbqhwyf
Got a feeling that Bayern would literally kill him.
I hope he walks away from management.
there is no way that he or any manager would be in a situation worse then the arsenal one
They need to bring back the League vs Union matches here in England, they were pretty good
top laff