Xabi Alonso: My Role
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That was really good.
I noticed he talks about "automatisms" at the end (these are the "plays" people keep claiming don't exist in football).
They don't exist to the same degree as they do in a sport like American Football, because American Football has a constant reset of position which gives the coach something guaranteed to plan around
>Xabi, Messi's coming
Xabi outing Gerrard as a positional retard that needed to be babysat all game long.
thnx kiwibro
>making runs makes you a positional retard
so he is king of the long ball?
get madder manc cunt. how's perpetual irrelevance these days?
So, since we can all agree Xabi will be the coach of the next decade, when will Real realize Zidane was just a fad and put Xabi in charge?
I'm worried Xabi might be too intelligent and lose the players.
That video is about five minutes too long for a dabbing zoomer to watch to the end.
>Xabi Alonso is the heartbeat of every team he’s ever graced. But what’s the soundtrack to this midfield orchestration? Dinosaur Jr, My Bloody Valentine, Pavement and Wilco. In fact any iconic act that was probably blaring out from any self-respecting underground indie club of the '90s. Has also been known to tweet about his love for the Velvet Underground. Sweet.
Patrician as fuck
>long side passing
*gets dribbled*
*makes a rough foul*
*never gets carded*
I promise you at least one of those kids will win a Ballon D'Or
name one castilla graduate that have won a ballon d'or or was relevant
Remember the last thread you made this post in and everyone laughed at you for clearly never watching Xabi Alonso play? I do.
I watched him when Barcelona was at its peak. So he always looked like trash in comparison.
They did not have Xabi