Why everyone on Yea Forums hates Canada?

Why everyone on Yea Forums hates Canada?

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enough about brazil

It’s a /pol/ meme and most of the dipshits here just parrot that shit like it was gospel.

At least we’re not cannibals like you hues.

It's one of the most progressive nations so it naturally draws ire from a reactionary board.

Because you’ll invite anyone with a pulse in your country

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Jealousy that we live in the greatest country in the history of peoplekind.

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Canada is more white per capita than the US.

This also makes them entirely unable to meme

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would delete this thread if I could. like the song:

despiste all the rage i am still just a rat in a cage
- the ninth inch nail

That's just Toronto and Vancouver.

Outside the big cities it's pretty hwhite.

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Reminder that Canada is ~78% white while the non-Hispanic white population in America is between 50-60%.

You will be a minority in your lifetime :^)

worst posters

They hate us cuz they ain’t us

Wtf this can’t be true. American posters keep saying how white their country is...

according to american census, arabs and hispanics are considered white. LOL

I like Canada. You just have a stupid looking flag.

wrong. it is an excellent flag. unique, instantly recognizable, represents the country nicely. it is one of the 3 GOAT flags (maple leaf, star spangled banner, union jack). Anglosphere keeps winning

it is funny cause Canada actually has a rigorous merit based system and no chain immigration. American immigration is just a gong show. but for whatever reason people spin the narrative that it is the other way around.

because /pol/tards see us as the "them" in their us v.s. "them" delusions. you have noticed the vast majority of Yea Forums posters these days do not care about the topic of boards anymore. and anything with flags is just a shitty /int/ and /pol/ clone. You will notice none of the Raptors winning threads were about basketball, the Raptors, or even toronto. it was about How they have a brown fan, and what they read about the country on Breitbart.

>he doesnt have a cross in his flag

LMAO how embarrassing

It seems a lot easier to move to Canada legally as an average joe, all you need to do is work in some god forsaken prairie for a couple of years and then get full citizenship. In the USA you can only really legally get in through marriage, being a genius or a millionaire.

>you have noticed the vast majority of Yea Forums posters these days do not care about the topic of boards anymore

Strange isn't it? It's almost like all of the faggots from plebbit, and later the faggots/trannies from discord, they outnumbered the old posters 2/1, then obvious bought and paid for shills just increased the number, and then, for no reason at all, the entire site changed.
Do you find that interesting? Do you understand how to draw parallels between similar situations? If you do, think of what I've just said about how and why the face of the site has changed, then take a wander around Hongcouver and grab some traditional Canadian food, like chop suey. Then come back here and tell me how it's all just coincidence and it's the racists to blame.
This is why I hate Canadians. Stupid fucking Leafs became such dopey and sad parodies of leftists that I can't determine whether they're real leftists/brain dead who are being serious, or Bruce tier trolls looking for (you)s. Whatever the answer, it unnerves me and the day of the rake literally cannot come soon enough.

didn't read lol

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Official Canadian Prime Ministers Tier Ranking.

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Prime Minister King was legit insane. Did seances where he communed with ghosts 'n shiet.

Sounds pretty based and redpilled to me

Hey, he was PM for over 20 years, the ghosts must have had some sweet advice

There's no hate cunt, its all banter

Imagine the hentai lines he'll say in a porno.

what sport is this Nigel? don't you have an economy to crash?

Go shoot up a mosque you faggot

Great, now he's going to fly to Toronto now.

I don't actually hate Canada. I tend to throw bants when they get arrogant (which is quite often) but there's a very special place in my heart for my leafbros.

>now twice in the same sentence
LOL u dumb fucker

Don’t leave the house tomorrow then

just kidding, everyone hates you

same. finbros are the one team I can lose to with style and grace. they take hockey seriously and never overplay a tournament match to make it look bad for Canada/good for them.

Canada is like the Liverpool football team on Yea Forums.We are both extremely likeable to everyone around the globe but for some reason we make contrarian incels on here seethe.


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kek, is that from this shit

I am an alcoholic. Sorry for the typing.

really didnt want to do this but you can never be sure

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