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Other urls found in this thread:


>3 hocs

Got lucky as shit
Avalanche even moreso when it should have been ezpz
Again so close yet so far and never good enough

seething and obsessed

It wasn't even NSFW


..did they really tho?

fuck the bloos

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I think the blues are the real deal

That's strange, because I don't

RoR is legit thqh

I'm going to sleep for real this time, don't post anything funny until I wake up ok?

real specific hour

go oilers

my eyes hurt from a long day of gaming

this is why you're shit at games. you think the koreans are whining about eyestrain?

Sharks vs Bruins would have been way .ore interesting g than Blues vs Bruins.

Nobody cares about perron vlad rielly and who ever is on this blues

Planescape: Torment is fucking fantastic, lads
I'm sure /hoc/ can truly appreciate it seeing as the average IQ here must be in the 160-170 range.

hello kanada are you ready's for gamings tonight? finland will win you agayn

binlan loses again and rask chokes again

winland 2-1 win on over time tonight and rask conn smythe trophy

check them's

The whole Canada is gonna see >us BTFO them

>seething beaner
kek viewers numbers would have been terrible, ruins would have been good goys and normies would never buy in to that

home at last

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>/IIHF/ dies during nights always
why are north american fans so casual


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Thinking of Finnish bulls at night

Why the FUCK did they make it an entire FUCKING WEEK before the final starts?

holy FUCK brandi rhodes is hot as fuck

when's canada vs binlan

21:15 finnish standard time

Kanada bad finland good :D

Because of skoda cup. (kek)

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damn i'm gonna be busy fapping

LOVE canada
LOVE finland
HOPE it's a good game and not decided by refpuck

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>not decided by refpuck

A man can dream pegga

where /iihf/ bread

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Ebin :-D

a very insightful post, friend. we could all learn from you

>tfw no twitch thot gf

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what do you think her bulls name is?

don't push your sick fetishes on to me, please

skoda cup is so big in binland they made a movie about it. Kinda cringe actually

wtf where's the diversity

The trailer makes me think I could conquer Finland with minimal effort and maybe 2-3 friends

I really like how one term, hill billy, destroyed the hill billys

have sex

Hmm sure why not

They wanted to keep the 90s atmosphere. There weren’t any nigs here back then.

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love finland
hate kanada
hope that kanada suffers a nation ending catastrophe.

hows that differ in any way from poo ass aye making Miracle on Ice movie? Except that ämäm-ysiviis was more competitive and not full of amateur players.


we all know it's going to a memeout

Bostonin Karhut!

I want to fuck a Xheattle dickgirl

>Viewer numbers would have been terrible
Idk man there are a lot of beaners in San jose

imagine the smell

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>still no /iihf/
no, im not making it

based low iq casual spic

Denis potvin was a great defenseman tbqh

Binland? More like WINLAND!

Finland will win
god wills it

when does the game start

in 5 hours

How is Jack Hughes so CUTE

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Somebody make an /iihf/ thread. I'm too drunk to do that.

this twink has bust written all over him

Sharkies! Bloobs/boons Bloobs 4-1


Only dream is to bust a nut in him...

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user theres a giant roach on that bean smoothie

sturbridge village stands with the broons

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If I wrote a book would you guys watch it? Keep in note it touches on more than the last year and a half I've spent here. Itll chronicle the months I was a nigger when I was 13, the trials of being a good looking man in modern society, skinning animals, other sports that interest me aside from hockey, and much much more.

it's a date, it's in the raisin family. they're really good for you. they help you poop too.

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They're packed with sugar

yeah but they're so tasty. i like to make my own trail mix and i include them instead of m&ms or w/e candy.

Fair enough
M&ms are a shit tier candy anyway don't @ me

Bulk store. Gotta make trail mix. You can only pick 5 items. What are they
>yogurt chips

>another day without hockey
Why does Gary hate us?

You want us to watch a book?

>jacks links teriyaki jerky bites
>kix cereal
>salted caramel cashews
>reeses eggs

finns need to fuck off

get kicked in the dick homo

finns are based

quit lusting after my cock
can’t wait until finland loses again today

dreamt about bulju last night
woke up sick to my stomach

post your pud

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I’m hungover as fuck

So glad I ignored my phone yesterday

I'm calling your boss

For me it’s: calculus and all of its subjects
My favorite Part of calculus is applying laplace gradients to a moving vector field in order to find the average divergence over the entire field in space

I dropped that shit after calc 3
math is for fucking nerds

need... good.... hockey.......

Calc 3 is literally the rest of calculus at my alma mater lol, we didn’t have calc 4, instead we had ordinary differential equations and ordinary partial differential equations, you must be shit at math if you think it’s for nerds

nah I did fine, there’s just no fucking point since 99% of the time you’ll never use any of it

You say that, but as an engineer I will be using it all the time, especially for design and understanding CAD

lol shut up you fags youre both losers

>I will be using it all the time
how the fuck would you know?
how long have you been employed as an engineer?

Ya. Watch all the words about me I write about me. And....... Society

where is the fucking hockey?

seriously, I’m starting to get really angry


>he's not watching hockey rn

Please watch the memorial cup final today

murray is elite desu

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*gets shithoused by the islanders*

the who?

what fucking hockey is on right now?
tell me hurry the fuck up

Yeah you heard me right

iihf bronze game cze rus going ot

Oh it’s just rus-cze
get fucked

beggars can't be choosers

for me it's getting my sips in whilst watching the golf


Euro rules are gay

>a fucking shootout
>in a medal match
how do you expect anyone to take this sport seriously?


was that ovechkin?

So are all the bottom barrel teams (France, Italy, etc.) Still filled with Canadians that have been playing there """"""""professionally"""""""""""" for two years?

Same people, same teams, same outcome every year
IIHF is boring as fuck, more predictable than the Apehoop finals

hockey is random and luck based if you sample one game anyway, shootout hardly makes it any worse

>Casuals that only emerge to watch hockey when their national team is successful think hockey is "random and luck based"
Imagine my shock

No you won't, jonne. Now draw this boiler, but in a different angle and size.

the best design engineers are the ones with practical experience in their field and not the ones that can do laplace transforms kek
get a fucking clue kid

at least he’s not a landscape “architect”

Pacific standings for next season. Thoughts?

4.oilers (WC)

>practical experience in the field
You literally need Laplace to have practical experience you brainlet

As soon as the cup is over I will post a picture of next seasons standings, playoffs, and points leaders. Hand enveloped to me from presiden of finlan :D

not even worth a (you)

2020 metro division standings


Them you try bitch

Flyers WC
canes WC
Bonus take: Gary sees how hard the Metro mogs Atlantshit and the league considers going back to conference wide playoff seeding

So I’m guessing the Atlantic is as follows

It's a shame well never see preds knights playoff series because neither of them will ever win a division

Bruins habs kitties lgbt wings lef sabres snes

>nashville vs vegass
For what purpose? I just want an isles rags series for once and a flames oilers series

Blues win games 1,3,4 and 6

6. Pongs

>Gary sees how hard the Metro mogs Atlantshit
*laughs in bruin*

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Im just imagining the other forums I could milk and come back here for ez (You)s from casuals that only come for playoffs and don't recognize blatant r****t posting. Almost ALWAYS trips.
I'm not kidding. Go rip off posts from */nfl and when you come back a trip will start a serious discussion about them. I only want it for (You)s

Bruins will have to win game 7 at home then. It'll be fun

I know that’s reddit but why?

1. knights
2. literally who gives a fuck lmao


1) Caps
2) Pens
3) Islanders
4) Hurricanes
5) Flyers
6) >rags
7) Jackets
8) Debbies


1) Bruins
2) Laffs
3) Lightning
4) Hasb
5) Panthers
6) Sabres
7) Wings
8) >snes

When I wake up all that's on my mind is (You)s


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Remember how everyone said that the jackets would finish last in the metro this past season?

Yes but the jackets will lose like a shit ton of players this offseason. Then again I’m not giving them the benefit of the doubt. I’ll wait until the draft and free agency for full accurate predictions

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Reminder that all sports are scripted freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2019/05/the-script-bostons-year-of-sports-world.html

Stop plugging your WordPress you autistic son of a whore

pay no attention to the schizoid above

>shit ton of players
They will most likely only lose 3 of the 5 players, bob is gone, and they have a choice between panarin duchene and dzingel
They have plenty of depth in the AHL and with young players like texier and gavrikov they should be just fine, In fact they look to be the youngest team in hockey

I mean I'm open to the possibility but that is the fucking worst way to explain it

Who here ready to get cucked by big bull binland again?

You say that, but will the jackets suffice with korpisalo and kinkaid as their tandem, and a much weakened offense. They still have dubois but I doubt they’ll be a playoff team next season.

las vegas golden knights legend mark stone will score the gwg

Korpi is the starter most likely but kinkaid will most likely be goalie 3 behind Elvis
As for offense there are plenty of solid forwards they can find in free agency

Should I post my cock

Rather you didn't

yup, just like golden knights legend nikita gusev singlehandedly won russia a medal today

Watch Pierre luc Dubois be mvp because without him mark stone wouldn’t have done anything

>says gold medal game starts at 20:15
>there's only 12 numbers on the clock


>using the retarded 12-hour clock

Jon Moxley is going to save wrestling lads

Smokin ribs

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looks quite hill billy

where can I illegally watch IIHF?

How’s your studio apartment lad

DUDE I just LOVE living in the BIG CITY. Lets go to the BARCADE. Its a place where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go drink and, DUDE, get this! GAME!

City life is shit

Fuck the NHL for this long needless layover before the Finals.

>zoomer doesn't understand that patience is a virtue


good game so far desu

yeah I'm thinking that's the go ahead goal

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Ted just dabbed all over Finland

Of what?

My grinder gives me bowls of Kief after one gram of grinding

preparing my apologies for Murray right now

Of your non-white skin? Not even a little

why does finland constantly resort to dirty plays after the whistle? why do they act like that? should finns be banned from the international community(yes)

If it ain't grindin' coffee then /hoc/ doesn't care

>playing baby shark at a non-shorks game
is this a new sports arena meme

>literally pale

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pot calling kettle BLACK (nigger nurse)

smoked some baby backs yesterday, oh man did they come out good

you're fat as shit my dude

hes a good boy though calls the coach massa and everything

Sweep the patio Ted have some self worth

s t u r d y

ted? more like bloated lol

Has ted ever posted a picture with out absolute filth in the background.
>inb4 it's ohio it's filthy regardless
I'm fucking serious. It's not gonna be the disappointment of the team that kills him, not that one series win won't tide Columbus fans over another 20 years, with that mess and his stemmy weed it'll probably be mold spores in his lungs

Based and tedpilled

god ted is fat shit
no wonder he is still a virgin living with daddy

Lets see your place faggot

The ted was angry that dad my friends

>The ted was angry that dad my friends

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i think i prefer the wide ice desu
if they combined the wide ice with the non-pussy rules of the NHL we'd really have a game

I prefer it when people are white

Begging you lads to have sex

Fuck me.

I’ve had sex literally thousands of times

bruins and blues eh? good to see ol time hockey still works in this "nuhl"

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think he means with a woman

so true

Been with the same woman since 2005

your mom doesn't count

I asked him would you ever date your mom? If you think about it, it’s just like the gays



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not a fan of big ice 2bh

>the greatest hockey nation scoring one (1) goal against liiga players


Anttila the Hun just destroyed 2 greatest hokkei nations

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Hear me out here. Gary rigged this just like he rig NHL. He made sure send Vegas and Pittsburgh home early, because those are the teams that have all the gay Canadians on them. Canada only sended gay tryhards. Because Gary made it so good Canadians was in playoffs past round 2. That's why Gary made Scheifele not go. Because he's not gay. Schiefgod could beat finland on his own. Unless Pate was there. That's why Gary made Pate also not go.

how pathetic are Russia and Sweden for not winning this


>vegass golden showers can't beat 4th line liiga grinders.

LIIGA? More like Ligma balls lmao

gongrads binland :-DDDDDD

>golden shower players completely disappear when its crunch time
yea the refs totally cost you the series...

reminder that >we run this general AND board

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nhl is such an irrelevant league
liiga is where the hockey resides now

What percentage of Finns have posted on Yea Forums? I'm thinking about 2.5% of the total population desu


its all me and that other guy lad


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I have a database

So what are we doing the rest of the day? It's only 4pm an I'm already pissed



6. So 48% of our population

>mark stone does absolutely nothing in the championship game
>tournament mvp
really gets me thinking

>stone accepting the loser trophy.
doesn't get any better than that desu

>kucherov got best forward award
kneelander robbed.

Tori celebration inc


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binland lads

Supporting our veterans and remembering those who were lost on the battlefield this weekend, lads

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The canadian embassy is burning as we speak. The day of the rake is here.

all 3 goals went straight through him today

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why didnt kakko take off his invisibility cloak??

I feel sorry for the Pens. if only they had a chance at securing an elote goalie like Fleury. ah well.

It's 12pm and everyone driving is honking repeatedly


>tfw you will never have a qf Finnish hockey gf

please bring your lovely women to our country. grace us with your beauty, Finland.

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I've always said. Canadian goalers should b from Quebec. If I had choice of roster, Canada would have won

at least he showed up. Unlike his faggot ass captain, or Mr. Carey Price.

He doesn't want to play in New Jersey

Having a Dickons Cider lads

Gonna learn finnish this summer so I can come visit, lads

sounds plausible

user, even if they had choice of roster, we would have won. also Price is from BC.
but yeah historically


getting a mild chuckle from all these 3rd world shitholes living vicariously through finland

Congrats to Finland. Some reason our coach decided to be retarded. Good luck to the Flyers next season.

you'll do fine with english

*rakes you*

yea he was a total retard for starting murray

Live from tori


Today and forever, we are all Finns

Bizarre country.

As a Canucks fan I knew it . was inevitable from him really

ei perkele älä houkuttele jenkkejä tänne

congrats binland, I don't care much about this tournament so you guys deserved to win

cheers lad

good turnout in tampere

is there a livestream from helsinki?

>finland B team is better than Canada B team
pretty embarrassed desu

theodore scored their only goal retard

When is the next Liiga draft?

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Thanks. It was a good game.

trying to find some webcam stream. no luck yet

leafs on suicide watch

none of the forwards were even c team tier.


why is tsn shilling this song so hard?


>finland half a half b team can beat Canada's q team
Does finland even have 12 nhlplayers? I didn't really thinked so

shit network as bad as sportsnet.

>if Boston wasn't making a run, Rask would have been in net and would have been lit up like a christmas tree.
fucking Bruins ruin everything.

yes, yes congreats binlan you beat our e team............... but can you beat our d team?????


last time we met in a real hockey tournament they beat us 1-0. Only game we lost.

yeah but that was only our A- team, not our A+ team

the last time >we assembled an a+ team >we only allowed 3 goals in 6 games

2014 was our A team lad. didn't even make retarded goaltender decisions like 2010.

we didn't have a single NHL player in our team, I'd say it was our e team as well

And 1 was in a 1-0 group stage lose to Binland. no need to shitpost they are our up and coming rivals and Gary banned us both from having real matchups.

you scored one goal against glorified beer leaguers

Honesty only watched like 5 minutes worth of highlights from the world championship desu, only euros care about it

dont know what the fuck you are talking about. >we didnt lose any games at sochi.

oh wait we came back and won in OT.

Got a high IQ joke.

>Fin: "NHL got Liiga"
>Can: "What's Liiga?"

>Finland spergs out about the golden generation for years
>barkov, bulju, laine, aho etc. don't even play in this tournament
>actually win gold
literally what did they mean by this

why are canadians so salty? you win like every year anyway, let us have this.

What are you going to do then? Win the STANLEY CUP???


>i-it wasn't our best team
too bad literally the only players that showed up were the golden knights

who cares about those liiga busts

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yea >we really missed their padstatting in garbage games and disappearing during crunch time

>zero Olympic golds

Olympics are irrelevant nowadays anyway since no NHL players are allowed. IIHF is literally more relevant lmao

Finland just gets me horny. I want to fuck thos blonde hard body retards

only 26 hours until lil nas x plays old town road at the stanely cup finals lads

the team that won iihf had no nhl players either so its an irrelevant mickey mouse tournament too.

garys tournament is more relevant then anything even the nhl now.

this. Finland missed the 5 chances they had at winning a really international hockey match. now they will never get a chance again.

Jack who?

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>not best on best either
World juniors the only international tournament that isn’t shit, and it’s still meme tier teenage hockey

>completely shut down by a nhl d team blueline

>tfw no team North America in IIHF
Actual big ups to Gary on that one

theodore scored their only goal today retard

based tepsi

>More relevant
>During the NHL playoffs
I'm happy for you and everything binland but no

>one extra spicy caesar, make it a double

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yeah but they wouldn't beat our S team, just saying

holy shit guys there are still leaves to be raked

the only important international hockey tournament is unironically the womens olympics

marchesault and stone didnt do shit tho

Women's olympics CANvUSA was the first night I posted here.
Didn't know sam fanclub knew that tidbit

>muh importance
>muh best on best

your lives must be extremely grim. just enjoy the goddamn sport.

Bring out the big guns

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Man shut the fuck up. I could rip you to pieces

Marchessault played today?

Fuck off Sam

I highly doubt that but okay. Good game anyway, time to sleep now happily.

That's not what I do

how do people blow leaves into such a nice pile? when i try they go all over the place.

all i'm saying is bin;an wouldn't beat our SSSS team

haven't watched a single game since the leafs lost.

lol casual

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haha this is so true

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should make it just Bruins fans.

why does the mere mention of canada make europoors seethe so hard?

>tfw missing the whole tournament

>me on the right

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Man. I'm gonna fuck around and captain the office ball team just to flex on /mlb/. I don't really give a shit. I'm just having fun

for me, it's sending suicide passes to the fragile high-skill winger who makes ten times as much as me

For me, its the STIHL BR800 CE Magnum

best post itt

Literally who gives a fuck

demonitized at 14:36

i ain't even mad, grats binlan

Got jumped by the battle bus

>scheifele gets paid $6M/year to sabotage his team

Officially ending frenship with Sweden. Thanks for choking in the first round you fuckin' bums!

yeah but murray sucks

fuck matt murray lmaoooo

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how does Finland winning affect the Ottawa Senators???

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ded thred

for me, its buffalo sabres pick Peyton Krebs

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For me, it's Mörkö

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no young finnish talent
very grim

sens havent had a finn on their roster since jarkko ruutu a decade ago


liiga > nhl

This is now a liiga thread

>a fucking axe

LOVE america
LOVE canada
LOVE finland
HATE sweden
HATE gr*ase
HATE india

Finland then, Finland now, Finland forever

I wish I was American. Just so I could open carry and eat Chick-fil-A. Please invade us.

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BASED! Frick Sweden tbqhwyl

Fact: Karpat is the best liiga team because Puljujarvi played for them

and that's why they're >my team

I’ve got one up the road m8 hop in

It's called CHIC-fil-A

We got Carls Jr a few years back which was pretty sweet but you guys have so much great fast food we don't compare at all. If I was a yank I'd weigh 300 pounds I swear

I feel indifferent. yeess we won!!


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I didn't even watch the iihf thing 2bh. Who won?

take your vitamin D


based borats. #1 exporter of potassium

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its not really that good you have a bad pallette

Churches and Fatburger is all you need senpai.


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what am i supposed to do for the next 25 bongs?

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Bruins - boomers
Blues - zoomers

Simple as

boil an egg

Hot Take: Junior country-based tournaments are the only entertaining ones because as soon as you hit the professional level, it becomes the same super-teams shitstomping all the rest of the competition

theyre both boomer teams ya zoomer

pretty fair analysis. I mowed my lawn today. go Bruins

Based Gary is trying to coordinate with apehoop finals so both championships happen same time... That's my guess anyway desu familamadingdong

how did /hoc/ enjoy it's weekend? for me it's pounding brewskis and listening to Metallica. grilled some steaks too

So Kakko is going first now right?
What team would be stupid enough to not pick the big Finnish bull who's a proven winner over some American twink who choked twice to Finland?

halifax wins every year. its pretty much >same super-teams shitstomping all the rest of the competition like the pros.

made some bomb ass chimmichurri sauce to go with it too

Halifax wont win tho

nothing like using a mickey mouse tournament on mickey mouse ice as the deciding factor to who a team should draft

the key to making a good chimmichurri sauce is to cut off the parsley stems before the blend. The stems contain all the bitterness and woodiness. Just use the leaves. Also add a bit of habanero sauce for some extra kick, but make sure you don't add too much.

I also like to add a bit of rosemary to my sauce because it makes it smell nice. what about you bros?

lmao who cares just shovel it in your mouth and wait for the next meal

teams like halifax and london are known to "cheat" the draft. they tell kids to tell the media and other teams they are going to play ncaa instead of chl, and then they "fall" in the draft to a later round and then halifax or london drafts them and they end up playing chl instead of ncaa.

food is the essence to life. 3 meals a day, average lifespan is 77 years, that's about 85 thousand meals we get to experience in our lifespan. Might as well make them good ya know?

85 thousand goes quicker than you might think

london choked a 3-0 series lead to guelph tho

post your psn and I'll 1v1 you in chel 19

bet your too scared

im talking longterm timeline, not just this season. chl teams in general cycle from top to bottom much quicker than pro teams because their best players get drafted and they arent in a strong drafting position to easily replace those players. london and halifax have had more than a decade of success now.



xX.pussy_slayer-420.Xx come at me bro

See I'm an NCAA fan and we have sometimes sort of the opposite in a way. Prospects will have their agent come to us and say "There's a 99% chance I'm playing in the Q (closest league to us), but if I do play NCAA, I'd like to go here." Local paper picks it up, headline "TOP PROSPECT COMMITS TO OUR SCHOOL", then they never show up and go to Q. I guess its leverage for them somehow.

so does oshawa



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stay scared m8

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Remember when they said Dahlin would clown everyone in the NHL? Good times

Horrible thread

of what? your team fading into obscurity?

what is /hoc/s favourite brand of pickled eggs?

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does spaceX make pickled eggs?


even if he will it's pretty rare that happens in a rookie year, only crosby/ovechkin/mcdavid/petersson have done that

Gib memorial cup strim

>this thread is still up

pettersson isnt really comparable to the other 3 because he was 19 when he first played in the nhl not 18


Those ribs I smoked? Best fucking baby backs ever

Anyone wanna jump on chel 17? And get their anus pushed hard

>he adds ketchup to his BBQ

rolling for the prize number lads

have sex

what kind of fucking barbarian would do that? its bbq sauce or nothing baby

what kinda rig do you use for smoking? asking for a friend

meet me in channel baited

A smoke hollow

the leader of the free world does it

Reminder that >we were the only team to beat Finland.

Ketchup is based on anything you fucking uncouth faggot

Ketchup is the GOAT condiment

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>hockey tomorrow
Finally Gary you fucking asshole, I almost went in deep depression

i like ketchup but not on my goddamn barbacue you literal fucking shit-smelling child

I use a Chubby by Blackwoods. I guarantee my briquette is better than anything you've ever tasted

uhhh ketchup is IN bbq sauce, user

my secret is ive always been depressed

milk is in coffee, does that mean coffee is the same thing is milk? moron

>he puts milk in his coffee
you are disgusting

You guys are all watching the memorial cup right??

double double

cream and sugar x2

my coffee would cream your khakis

of course. what else am i going to watch?

what do you do during the offseason

utter swill

so you are just drinking a cup of warm cream with sugar and a bit of coffee in it?

Watch football mostly

which... also doesn't start until august?

uhm cfl preseason just started lad

pretty much not gl but it taste delicious

Any reason why Halifax fans are booong Dobson?

because when he was on the titans last year he dabbed on them

whenever I need to fill up my pickup I only use Husky what about you

My smoked brisket it dry rubbed with a brown sugar, onion, garlic, salt, red pepper, black pepper, cumin and cinnamon, smoked at 235 for 4 and a half hours, then thrown on the grill for 5 minutes

>implying i drink coffee at all
it was an example dumb dumb

i prefer the shell v-power

yeah you clearly dont if you think milk is PART of coffee you braindead retard

>jumping a sinking ship in his last junior year




figured you are some imported shitskin

For me its

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>the absolute state of your reading comprehension
I'm surprised you've made it to this point in life desu you're so fucking dumb

damn that sounds pretty fuckin tasty man

that's a pretty big bowl user, you gonna corner that and share?

Who are >we rooting for lads?

Shell makes some great gas too, they're probably my 2nd favourite place to fill up. You have good taste

Of course I’m a good fren

isn't that what most of the CFL is? (granted it does have a few more white guys than the NFL)

that looks like a lot of kief

Day 5 of my porn curing addiction lads, everything going well so far

Porn addiction curing. Apparently I can't formulate sentences anymore


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This final > Mighty Ducks 1 final > Mighty Ducks 3 final > Mighty Ducks 2 final

Thanks to my Santa Cruz shredder I get more than enough

>fatty did nothing but sit around his daddys house all day smoking weed

i heard freezing it for a bit then shaking it with a coin in the chamber gets you tons

Is that DMT?

sounds based

It helps but the Santa Cruz has holes big enough to let it all pass and not let any bud go through

>porn curing addiction
what do you use? salt? nitrate?
figure it'd take at least a week to cure a dvd properly

a strong mind


Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? I mean even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears. It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clear you in. I am not in danger user, I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks.

The most "extreme" math I've used in the past 5 years of design is basic trig desu. Same for the old guys with 20+ years of experience I work with. Also go Blues

You must not be a chemical engineer

Damnit halifax is winning

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And thats a good thing!


yeah its pretty much their win. Ryuna losing 2-0 now

>winning a championship because you were lucky to host
If Halifax truly deserves a title, they would have won their league.

Moncton lost their bid to them also

Rouyn needs to WAKE THE FUCK UP

Lavoie looks pretty fucking ELITE. I hope the >hasb grabs him if he’s available



doesnt montreal have a prospect on ryuna-norand anyway?

get to work cuck, make the new thread.

Yeah Teasdale, but Lavoie is in this year draft and expected to go mid first round


Yes because watching the injury ridden Sharks get swept by the Bruins would've been so much better. Go back to sucking Bernie Sanders' nuts.