literally post anything sports related
Webm thread
Why do they always pass to the keeper even when there are rival players nearby? it doesn't really achieve anything and only endangers them.
holy shit that was beautiful
have a high quality webm
I miss tsu
>those bottles being thrown at the spics
And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.
the leafs will never, ever, win. it's amazing how much they suck
She was underage on that video. Like 17 or something. This video was meant for munian but he leaked the video.
What's happening here bros?
>tfw The Crow's disrespect led to Baker BTFO The Jets after being down 14-0 on national television
Isaiah Crowell: Cleveland Browns Legend
table tennis?
This little goose is 100x more inspirational to me than any of these faggy athletes, thats some real fucking courage right there, those fucking cows weigh a fucking ton, little bastard barely flinches, fucking based as fuck Goose.
Old dude never fails to crack me up
i dunno, knowing these fuckers, it is more like stupidity not courage
Post some Fortnite webms haha
here`s one
that's not sports related
Absolutely kino. I love how everyone who falls down disappears out of the frame, like defeated enemies in a video game.
not a webm, can't stop me from posting it though
wait what
now that's some sports
jesus the save at the beginning was almost as great as the goal.
the save is shit
Buffon is the GOAT gk
I'm confused here..
Were they on the same team??
>the save is shit
nigga what
Do you realize how fast that ball is moving?
And Buffon had to fully extend his body to reach it
>Do you realize how fast that ball is moving?
Not that fast.
>And Buffon had to fully extend his body to reach it
No he didn't.
I don't get it.
Why are there so many Mexicans in fucking Germany?
i think the goaltender had some sort of beef with that player and forgot he was supposed to play goal for a moment
Motorbike lad is either the 'ref' or the camera crew that uses motorbikes to keep up with the athletes. Somebody crashed into the back of him and his bicycle blocked everybody else.
It's amazing how many black players are in Dutch league desu. I know they get a lot from places like Aruba and shit but lel.
What did the striker get carded for? Why did the GK only get a yellow for physically attacking another play on the head? Also if that is in Egypt, they're not Arabs, but North Africans (or white if you're American).
It may just be """germans""" happy that Germany lost
The best goal ever scored in the history of football, of course by the best Ronaldo.
post the full version in which everyone but messi disappear
Proxy off, twain.
she's biting it, mate
Yeah at first but then sucks it which gets her 'friend' to turn around and do a proper kiss.
it was off-side you brainlets
>tfw I am you
holy shit hahahaha
And? Why did the attacking player get carded?
literally era though
who who who?
No it wasn't, you can clearly see him provoke the goalie as he puts his arms wide while running towards him, which I suppose the ref judged as bad sportsmanship. But to be honest the refs decision still seems fishy
but they're all browns
Because you expect a professional footballer to not do what the GK did in the post you're replying to.
For kicking the ball away after the whistle.
Ronaldo was booked for something similar and it provoked controversy as he claimed he couldn't hear the whistle, I guess in this instance judging by his body language he knew he was offside but still kicked the ball away from the keeper - provoking him.
Look at the clock, he's timewasting.
Just checked and he actually avoided a caution:
How close are cameras allowed to get to the players in your respective countries?
Alternative theory - referee did not see the whole altercation and instead assumed it was a bit of handbags for which the usual protocol is to book all parties involved.
Keeper should have been sent off in any case.
>No it wasn't
It was. Well, it wasn't, but it was. Offside was called; you can see the flag go up on the bottom of the screen. It's a terrible fucking call, of course.
The GK was probably angry at the striker for time-wasting because the GK's team appears to be down 1-0 in extra time at the end of the second half.
The striker appears to have been given a second yellow for time wasting.
What is Messi thinking about?
"I can't wait to choke the CL to Liverpool"
what was that move? was it intentional or he attempted a header but slipped?
The best thing about this is that is was Rafa fucking Marquez that caused the penalty kek
pizza de queso
This looks like it's been edited and looped to make it look like he's static
What a fucking moron. Great player but mentally he's literally a child.
this is the story of the Leafs every single year since Dave Keon left
it was intentional
He was carded for unsportmanslike conduct (whistle for offside had gone) and he decided to be cute with it so the keeper smacked some sense into him.
Keeper gets only a yellow because kids deserve to get smacked every once in a while.
remember when messi was good?
i like turtles
God I love watching cyclists get hurt.
Is Messi human?
tfw no power lifting gf
Sitting quietly in the Anfield lobby waiting for someone to notice he missed the bus home
Peak Ronaldo
anyone have Bale's?
watch his head again closely, he motions suarez to punk neymar
lots of white folk for it being toronto and all
peak sarriball
what sport is this?
guy was such a chad
Ahh, Sarriball
messi too short to get on either of those balls after the missed pen haha
>mexishits think this wasn't a foul
Does anyone know what Messi said?
post murderball
the dude in the back holding back his laughter
based pesäpallo
chinga tu madre aka go fuck your mom
I think his head is just feeling heavy, that's why he is a little shaky. I feel like that all the time.
What a chad
>alrite cool, now give me my beer back
>tfw no clumsy ball-retrieving qt gf
god i wish that bar was me
based adonis
okay now that's impressive
damn, you would be a big guy
concha de tu madre, yo mother's cunt
he tried to resist
is his leg split or some shit
now that's a strategic camera placement
>the destroyer of bilbao
holy fucking shit is that bone
"la concha de tu madre" (literally "your mom's pussy")
I miss kino deathmarch threads
kek based
is that donal trump in the background?
Trump does like snooker.
is this toto
kek i was at that game. jets fan misery was delightful to drink in
My take on this is that he got carded because he kept playing while it was offside, and that's also what angried the keeper.
how I am the first one to reply to this ? made me audibly kek
I remember that. Based moslems
Chad af
so fucking wholesome
Lol. I like how that guy ducks and rolls out of it instead of fixing it.
cringe af..
best goal of the tournament
god is there a worse country than these cunts?
that egyptian one is not a judoka, fuck him
lol i remember when this clown legit thought he was going to be a goat manager
what a prick
AHAHA this will never be not funny
No. 06-07 maybe?
cart of peace
que madrazo
Like 50? Real invasion stuff.
would have been goal of the tournament
beautiful. France - Belgium should have been the final
Setting says Brazil, the boy kicking the other says American.
Strayans blown the FUCK out
who won
Have sex
Based and GOATpilled
Hope none of those been posted yet.
Between this, the rugby tackle goalie, and hairpulling girl, I'm beginning to like woman's football.
jews always win
Guy who bailed out waited a couple years and then sued the Cowboys for his embarrassment.
still hurts
He wanted the keeper to boot it.
if this was a womens race Yea Forums would be laughing their ass off right now
Keeper got mad because of the time wasting tactics of the striker
this is the kinda shit that made me fall in love with the game, miss those times :'(
weghorst, luuk de jong, memepiss, redpilled babel....
I hate that we got Messi and Tsu in the same era. As great as it has been, now we have to wait forever for another goat.
Phil Foden is going to become the greatest footballer to have ever lived
probably fat. Despite how big it looks, it's doesn't seem to be too deep
Gee, another Ronaldo special when unmarked from three yards out.
>Black people in toronto are too poor to afford Rapties tickets
What an absolute society
What are the rules in that situation? Home run?
wtf is this dross?
excellent point.
thx for depressing me
disrespectful af.
making the country's moment all about you.
fuck this asshole.
>hairpulling girl
What if the ball bounces back to the other side? Who gets the point?
The guy who hit it
Ball being hit out of play has to be a home run. There are no vertical fouls.
Youre a fucking retard.
I know it's only 1pl8, but seeing a woman with proper form is fucking rare.
>Not putting politics away in sports
For once I side with das Juden.
i want her so bad
Spanish girls be hot. Genetic elite.
i wish i had the webm though
teemu pulkkinen a bust
>Football Manager VR
>3 MBs
>when you're a burly lifter, but still a cute, clumsy girl inside
Jesus this is porn. Look at that fucking hair. Goals right here.
Goalie caused the resulting goal, very poor.
Barcelona in a nutshell.
Lol kino
I want to punch that girl
Why is that the 'best' thing?
I need this in hi def
Lol based
Can't stand that prick
if you look closely you can see it was messi who signalled the rat to do it
Wow you have so many things in common with Messi.
haha imagine if she didn't wear a helmet haha
like her face could get in a full sniff of that delicious bossom haha could you imagine?
haha poor guy
It's as athletic as any other women's sport
The ref blows for an infraction just before the ball is passed. Everyone else stops apart from the striker who continued on then waited till the last second to knock the ball past the keeper, rather than allow the keeper to retrieve the ball for whatever the infraction was ie offside, foul
I want to wait until that girl is of age then track her down and hate fuck her
bad goy
the best part of this is that the linesman fucked up as he wasn't even offside, kek.
So gay
Yes i am the german Messi (Sandro Wagner)
what the hell
even tho this is America and you guys sue everyone, there is no way he sued anyone for that
what was his name again?
I'm afraid so. He wasn't even injured if I recall. He was a head coach who might have just won state or something. I can't remember every detail. But he sued the cowboys because of "embarrassment." Would have never played another down for that clown if I were a player on his team.
sauce pls
it was ruled a a double.
>when you say you eat ass but have no idea what you are really doing
Sometimes is better to just shut the fuck up, burger.
that literally made me jizz in my pants holy shhhitt
he hit it with his back heel
god i fucking hate ramos so much
what was he supposed to do? he was lying on top of the things
Wan;t there an anime version of a webm like this? Maybe even te same one? It was hilarious.
So they drive with a big ass bar in front of their faces now?
Based Arse
Atheist btfo.
more like he's too afraid to lose because for that he will get sentenced to death
Kek. Still makes me laugh how anyone who actually played football can say "era" with a straight face. The way Robben falls alone makes this "no era", its a clear dive with minimal contact. It puts a smile on my face that Robben choked against Spain in 2010. Get rekt you Gouda-eating prick.