really bad manners
Really bad manners
Other urls found in this thread:
i wish i were in the middle
>gosh i wish that was my head
really bad manners
Only boomers whose wives think watching porn is cheating watch this sport
Nah. It's boomers who themselves think watching porn is bad.
LMAO that little Indian girl's face after she motorboats the girl in the stands.
why are there children here
what porn is this
that dad with his 14 yr old girl kekek
god bless america
tokyo soon, brothers.
So do I, it would end the suffering
I hate niggers so fucking much
LFL deserves to be on National TV. I heard it's getting a deal made with Fox and TNT recently.
kek, their reaction to the titty motorboat is glorious.
Whitoids get twerked on
How often do you think she calls him daddy?
good clean family fun
wtf I love female sports now
wtf I'll watch this league now
jesus christ.. what team is that? did that guy even get in trouble?
>did that guy even get in trouble?
Nope. That's his daughter.
>tfw no thick legfu
imagine the smell Ivan
legendary webm holy shit
Sony playstation -2019
They need to bring a team in my area already
based retardo
is there any stream for this brutal sport?
>really bad manners
is twerking the most vulgar thing ever?
I've been wrong about women's sports this entire time
allah will punish us for this
So they don't grow up to be furries, faggots, trannies or pedophiles.
I could excuse the rubbing as harmless enough but the flicking of the nipple with his thumb at the end is fucking nuts.
me on the right
i've watched this webm probably 1,000 times now and it never fails to make me laugh
wtf i hate craig foster now
wtf, did someone call the cops on his ass?
Top kek
based Rampage
God bless Adrian Purnell, first of her name.
how did no one react to this?
these events are roughly on par with a monster truck show in terms of the audience. its not like he grabbed some soccer player's ass at the women's world cup.
Just giving her an 'atta boy' pat on the ass. Happens in many sports, mens and womens
The virgin male
The chad female football player
top kek
Giys, what's the fastest way to get a black woman to stick her asshole in my face?
Try the pool
>Sir. SIR! EXCUSE ME! Please stop enjoying her ass!!
What the fuck was his problem?
fuckin dead we live in a society that this has happened at
You could still be the first and last though.
Societies. They'll get you everytime.
literally rape
looks like Jontron desu
was that a janny in the yellow shirt?
wtf i LOVE america (and israel) now!!!
So footballers can fuck their own daughters in public without getting in trouble? Nice.
top kek
There is nothing better than a woman with a thin tight waist and a big fat wide ass. My ex was like that Fuck it was sooooooooooo goooooddd
absolutely shoahed my sides
It's funny when Chad does it huh you fucking slut? When user does it you call the cops you stupid bitch? huh, huh?
Have something you want to talk to us about, cocaine-kun?
i feel like this was staged
Have coke
What in the fuck
Why did he think he could do this?
Was he right? Did he even get in trouble?
That was another woman senpai
they even kiss their sons
legendary thread desu lads
Funposting threads
>yellow shirt
when will they learn bros
he not cute
Isn't that what happens when any athlete jumps in the stands? Doesn't everyone try and touch them? Imagine if they didn't allow male fans to keep the same relation with the athlete's as other sports.
Didn't know Tom Bradiez played soccer
Give how they barely wear anything, how do they not hurt themselves?
American women are stronk and American men are weak and get grass burn
Big sweaty tits and big sweaty bundas make for perfect cushioning
Is that why there are no Asians there?
Correct, chestlets and asslets aren't allowed to play
but then Anri would be the most GOAT MVP of all time player then
imagine the fucking smell
>both instagram users watermarked in the video
The boy is visibly retarded. Should have done a post term abortion desu
If the WNBA was like this people might watch.
Based bollywood
Redpill: There are more latinos comitting pedophile act than White people.
Redpill: African-americans have much higher rates of incest than even the most fantastically stereotypical imaginings that coastal urbanites have of southern white trash
really good womanners tho
just a lil rub hahah
LFL is legit
>tfw you spot your favorite gloryholeswallow vid in the wild
She's the guys daughter so probably a lot haha
Though you still have a hard time overlooking how amateurish the playing is. They can't run very fast or throw very far--it's about at the level of a good high school football team.
I dont give a fuck about that lol! They're savage. Thats NOT why people watch that.
Holy fuck lnao
she is even fatter lol
>the level of a good high school football team
That's astonishingly good for a women's sport though.
Oh my God I can't stop laughing. This is pure kino
I think I read somewhere that a 25 year old woman has comparable aerobic capability to a 14 year old boy. By the age of 16, the boy outperforms her.
thanks alot
What sport is that? Seems to be one I'd like to watch for some reason.
Me on the right
this is his daughter, copped heaps for this
Typical German behavior
>it's another "beta males compete to see who can be the biggest eunuch on Yea Forums" thread
Just kys already and be done with it.
>tfw ywn make out with a shota
I'm getting the word...
anyone have the one with the two portuguese girls celebrating the euro win?
god make it stop
There are more women watching that I expected.
Not fat enough to be a janny
i assume they're lesbians and/or friends of the players.
this thread took a turn, a few turns
>when you go to the lingerie sports game expecting decorum
wew lad
the niggest nigger
Who's your LFL jewfu bros?
Big Mama wan snu snu
Very aleph
HOLY FUCK I wish that was me
is that mia khalifa?
That's rape
he's a degenerate
This is the best thing I have seen on here all day
Why, because he's white? Whereas this is perfectly ok huh?
You fucking racist stop posting.
Have Sneed.
ive been so poisoned by liberal agendas that when that guy slapped her ass i thought, "oh shit he's in trouble"
i want to die
Fun fact. This happened after white girl got like 14 yards and a first down.
the Chad toddler
>continues clapping
every fucking time KEK based retard
cmon man
that's just the Turn Down For What music video dude
i love America so fucking much lads
my dick
LFL is trying to get a TV deal NBC, CBS Sports or others outlets. Nothing has happened but they will get an TV deal before next year.
at least they've given up on trying to sell "we're just as good as the men" and are selling what the people really want
this some joe biden shit
you have to be really polite for the nigger not to chimp out
based brapchad getting a piece
Is this pep autism or perversion?
i'm not a fucking nerd bro id on't know what the hell metadatat is just give me the source jesus
Bibi looked mighty fine at the Pokalfinale. Want to be lectured by her.
small white penis spotted
Her fingernails make me cringe
they are still built like a man per se but because they are human which means they suffer the same chances of surviving a car crash or something but just that woman are obviously naturally weak
Literally rape
No surprise, (((Craig Foster))) welcomes white genocide and has disgusting tendencies
fucking yuck
God bless America
They are trying to get a TV deal made here. I'm hoping many outlets are interested with LFL. Also next year more expansion teams will be announced after this season.
>expecting black women to cater to manlets, especially white ones.
is that his mother or what??? we need context
This is so fucked. Yeah I know that's his daughter but you can clearly see him rub her nipple with his thumb.
what the fuck
Imagine if the sexes were reversed.
Holy shit is this televised? any streams available?
not unless they censor the shit out of it and what would be the point then?
lfl australia got canned because they couldn't secure a tv deal too
>He cute
Jesus christ another month alone in the basement for him eh
It took me a full 3 mins to be able to reply to this as i was uncontrollably shitting tears and holding back my laugh puke
Not televised afaik but hey post the videos on their youtube channel 1 week after the live game.
didn't that girl actually lose one of her eyes because of this
couldn't laugh at the webm anymore because of this
Chad reborn
>b-but don't say swear words on telly please i-it corrupts our youth
because we are living in the end times
that's what you get for keeping le based retard around and act like he's perfectly normal and harmless.
Is this full contact? How do they not get grass burns or mess up their skin?
it's obviously not real grass.
>this thread is still up
Wouldn't turf hurt even more?
why can't americans just stop. just leave us alone.
Indians are so ugly.
Typical Chile.
it should, but maybe this is some type of turf that doesn't burn, i don't know. maybe they water it a lot.
Not going to happen on a major network like that, really unlikely on even a regional cable sports network unless they change the name of the league and make them cover up even more (they used to wear thongs, now they're wearing the equivalent of bikini bottoms and hot pants)
>If the WNBA was like this people might watch.
WNBA players are virtually all ugly as fuck. Even in revealing clothing no one would be interested
There is no way to make the WNBA watchable
LFL was broadcasted in France a few years ago
the chad retard
Fucking hell the switch on his face as soon as she turns around. So much hatred. He's gonna beat the shit out of his kid later.
He's looking with disdain at the motorboating. Not at his daughter.
You don't understand. He's going to beat this girl so she doesn't ever think about doing the same before making her read the quaran for 600 hours
They switched to wearing tights instead of panties for a couple years, I assumed this was the reason but now they're back to panties so idk
Is it still airing now in France?
>lfl australia got canned because they couldn't secure a tv deal too
Fuck the kiwi's, I hope they LFL US get a good TV deal with FS1 or AXS TV. I'm sure Mark Cuban would definitely love LFL.
There's one Japanese player that plays for the Seattle Mist
I would type something racist after seeing that ______ defile my beautiful huwhite princess but I don't want to get b& before the Europa League final so I guess I'll just sit here and grit my teeth whilst Becky gets humiliated by Na'Teisha.
just say it:
Teenage pregnancy is very hgih amongst latinos.
It's not that rare to hear about 13 year olds giving birth.
I hesitate to attack them too much though. Europoors were like that once, a few hundred years ago perhaps.
I think the virgin Mary was only like 13 or something when she had Jesus.
Chimps used to have it so good.
We need to go back to marrying off girls before they balloon into worthless gigasluts like in these uncivilised times.
Well they're quite well-dressed by French standards.
.... . .... . .... . .... Look into it.
Imagine giving whores this much attention.
>w-why do girls act so badly, bros?
It's like that comemrcial where the black guy stops the white guy from hitting on those women.
Why can't we be cool like black guys, bros?
Based, thanks user.
Pudgy nerdy nigs look just like that, Raheem.
>fingering buttholes with a boner
Alpha move.
Not anymore unfortunately. The channel broadcasting it has turned into one of the biggest sports networks and they don't have the same freedom that they had a few years ago regarding their editorial line.
Impossible seeing how this video takes place outside
cute and hot
What's the point in having children if you can't molest them (in a non sexual way)?