>women's football
Women's football
Oh look, I’m a man, I put a thing in a thing and people cheered, wow I’m a sports person now.
>he enjoys watching fit young men run around on a field wearing tight shorts and getting sweaty
t. seething splitarse
>Being this triggered by emerging sports that will eventually dominate pubic demand
alri, bbc
There'll only be greater demand once the trannies kick the real women out and the quality shoots up.
Do you know how sad some of you incels sound?
get raped
Why are you even here?
Yea Forums is an incel site, get out!
sex. have it
Top level Women's football is seriously comfy and there are a decent proportion of qt3.14s. You can even fantasise that you'll get a 3 way with some of the bi sexual ones.
Have gaysex
Is this an invitation, Pekka?
Football is for womens
listen im not gay but if you guys are down to fuck im down to stick my penis in your asshole
I just want a cuddle really.
i'm going to watch the world cup with full expectations that it's going to be a disgrace that i get to laugh at
oh yeah we can that bro
Unironically gayer than gay sex desu
Yeah you tell em girl! Yasss
>women's football
what a redundant statement.
Lel but this, football is for poor plastic faggots who will buy anything stamped with the precious colors of their team