Yep, going to juve is going to shut up my haters

>yep, going to juve is going to shut up my haters
when will he take on a real challenge?

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He will join PSG after that

Don't think he gives a fuck toobeehonest

at least him with tsu would be the meme that keeps on giving in one way or another.

>stay 3 years at Juventus
>stay 3 years at PSG after that
>break year
>become Spain NT manager after World Cup 2026

he's not going to juve though

yo shut up

he's going to italy. city will get banned from champions league so i doubt pep will stay in england

the qatari and british media are repoting that the move is imminent

think he hates spain

>Go to the club that's won Serie A 8 years in a row

Real challenge

>city costumers ACTUALLY think pep will waste a year of his life in a club that does not compete in Europe when he already won everything else there was to win with said club

Why not coach the Brazilian team while he's at it

he'll win the CL with ronaldo and BTFO Messoyfags

got to prove he can do the domestic treble back to back
and beat the 96ers by a single point of course

Yeah he should take a job at Brighton just to prove a point.

So, we'll never see a Messi-Guardiola reunion? I thought Messi may move to City to play with Guardiola and Aguero, but now at Juve it's impossible

He wanted to be Brazil's NT manager a while ago but our dumbass federation didn't allow him.

why don't all the good players just jkoin the same team, like ronaldo and messi in the same team would be unstoppable

if reports are true messoy stopped listening to pep at some point. I don't think he gives a damn about coaches, he just plays his way and that's is. Football's LeBron

City representatives are using calling the move rumours "ridiculous" and "unfounded"

so that pretty much confirms the move is on

>dat jacket

Why is he so /fa/ bros?

>Spain NT

With the "current" gv of Spain I believe there's a chance, but he'll never accept this neither pretty much of the "real" fanbase.