thoughts on this
Thoughts on this
>no ball hair
How is that possible?
Excuse me, this is 4channel.
Explicit graphic images, such as this one, are not allowed, mmmkay?
>watching porn from an anti white men company
disgusting 2 tone dick
2 tone dicks are aesthetic as fuck . it's the genital equivalent of green eyes
Sorry I only watch trap porn. I suggest you stop being a faggot and do it too.
blue eyes>grey eyes> green eyes desu
2 tone dick means it's circumcised, the brand of the star of david
fake tits over small, natural tits yay or nay?
when are the americlaps finally gonna stop the jews cutting their dicks up? jews just seep their culture into you until its too late. atleast some americans are becoming woke about it
>penis on a guy
>isn't even feminine
Get this faggot shit off my board
her tits are natural
No thanks. Most boring stuff available. For me, it's Woodman.
I think you're a sad cunt Josh.
Kys kiwi fag
>posts on Yea Forums
>calls others sad cunts
I have blue eyes, wanna kiss me, faggot?
I dont post on Yea Forums GOTTEM
you can shave it; just pull the skin tight and go slow
Yea Forums is a Chad board
you don't have sex either
>he doesn't know
Literally had sex this morning, what now
>posts porn on a sports board
I don't go to fucking sports board to discuss porn, the same way I don't go to IRL sportsbar and expect it to be a brothel.
my first thoughts were “I bet she’s tight”
>not watching the game, enjoying a beer with the lads, while getting serviced by a top tier ladyboy under the bar
You havent lived yet la
So proud to be uncut. Didn't even realize it was a thing until I was an older teen. Mom was a hippy. Didn't even get my second round of vaccinations until I was about to go to college and she had passed away. Don't necessarily agree with that but I'm happy it also lead to her declining my circumcision. Jesus I feel so bad for the multitude of cut men in my country.
Woah, whos the dude???
>not mentioning red eyes
Xev is literally the most pleb tier zoomer porn out there
Having "sex" with your hand doesn't count Bruce
The fact that the majority of American couples willingly submit to what is essentially a Jewish ritual mutilation being imposed on their male children is disgusting to me.
>but muh health benefits
literally just wash your penis every day
Why are incels so triggered by tats?
don't worry I changed the page style to Futaba it's okay now
let the dick cheese grow
it's gods own lube
great now I need to have a wank
1. name?
2. has she done anal?
3. has she done BLACKED?
Stockings/lingerie like that is a major turn on for me.
pretty sure thats gia paloma
of course
no idea
Circumcision in America has nothing to do with Jews, it started to try and stop people masturbating.
>wanting to infect yourself with an STD
>jannie deletes my thread about voting for a football club's mascot within a minute
>this shit stays up
Why tatcattle so triggered by the fact that tats are lame old people shit now? Either go full face tats or go full notats you just look like a coward otherwise
Based Xevchad
*gia dimarco
anyways shes ancient
It's Janice Griffith. She's hot as fuck.
Pretty sure she's done both but I can't be bothered to actually verify.
>from having dick cheese
Are you retarded? He never said anything about having sex
dick cheese is just dead skin and it only occurs when you don't wash daily
Dick cheese leads to unhealthy conditions for the penis, leading to unwanted diseases similar to an STD
If you want Hiro to hire competent people consider buying a Yea Forums pass. Can't get elite jannies for free.
tushy = blacked = vixen
If theyve done one, theyll do the others
>unironically believing this
shut up /pol/ faggot
>being a retarded faggot that believes retarded faggots on Yea Forums that blame everything on jews
especially now they just lube their dicks. it clearly hasnt worked so why not stop it
It became the norm and no one ever questions it, pretty easy to figure out.
>how retarded are you to believe retarded faggots on Yea Forums
>instead of just believing me, a retarded faggot on Yea Forums
Honestly the all the Jewshit sounds alot more convincing now that you've said your piece.
Jews literally use foreskin to create anti aging cream.
>fapping is the devils work and sends you to hell
classic america was so shit
I really couldn't care less you brain dead mong, I actually researched it myself like anyone else curious about it should. Continue being a retard though
> stopped working
Stop watching porn
>I really couldn't care less
>I actually researched it myself
>couldn't care
>actually researched it
they changed the url to Ngl, I was worried as well. Yourporn is a top tier site.
>unironically believing the """official""" story
>being this brain dead
fucking hell thank you
whats so good about this site compared to other free porn sites
has a large BLACKED library
>jews tricked americans in to circumcision 200 years ago
Nice conspiracy theory pal
Content mostly. It has full HD scenes (so 40min+ instead of the 15m edited clips on pornhub). Also a shitload of mydirtyhobby and manyvids stuff.