You will never go see a game at a multi-purpose stadium

>you will never go see a game at a multi-purpose stadium

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How fucking amazing would it be if both the games played at the same time.

>CF gets laid the fuck out
>kickoffs nail the pitcher in the head
>second base steal and a run up the gut ball at the one yard line at the same time

Threads like this make me sad we can never experience the more rowdy days of sporting events. It’s nuts to think of 10 cent beer night or anything that happened at Veterans stadium ever happening nowadays. Not even a boomer but I imagine sporting events were a big live shitpost then.

Delete this.

Looks awful

>tens of thousands of people
>statistically SOMEONE is guaranteed to be having sex at that moment

If you think about it like that all stadiums are technically multi-purpose

Delete what?

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What's the point if they don't even play at the same time?

Was that the easiest home run stadium ever? There's no wall

Yankee stadium does this with NYCFC games

always see games at multi purpose elite stadiums

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Would be fun


Literally the GOAT stadium.

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It’s a hard yikes from me

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I once played checkers on a chessboard, does this count?


It's a footy and cricket stadium, both sports are played on very large oval fields. It plays host to rugby leagues, the olympics, holds the world record baseball attendance for a game, among a lot of other records, and was the birthplace for two different sports.

Good. The Oakland Raiders stadium was a mess and it's good that they're getting a real stadium

>you will never see Marlboro billboards again

The 80s were a simpler time

aus football is played on an oval pitch?

yeah, the sport was originally created to keep cricket players fit during the winter.

People shat on it for its entire existence, but now that its gone, people are realizing that it was the mvp for Minnesota sports, especially during those two world series a few decades ago

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Pack and brewGODS fan here miss games at the old HHH the new stadiums just arnt the same

Oakland fan checking in, love the shitty concrete mess that is the coliseum, feels like home

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As someone who's only seen the on TV, it honestly doesn't look that bad. I'm sure the facilities aren't great but I can understand if people feel attached to the place. Can't say the same for the Trop tho

Lmao not a single good seat in the house

MCG's actually really good to watch games live at.

So build it then.

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