WhY aRnT wOmEn PaId ThE sAmE aS mEn?
WhY aRnT wOmEn PaId ThE sAmE aS mEn?
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we already have this thread, u a gay man
the consensus was they should use youth team nets
meme aside, she's absolutely right, smaller goals and pitch should make it more bearable
shouldn't it be bigger since they are less skilled
They want to make the whole field smaller, because woman's bodies aren't made for hard physical activity, but they refuse to admit it.
Women's bodies are specifically made for one hard physical activity tho
Go to bed dad
she's not wrong though, women's football should adapt to their capacities (and any other sport tbdesu).
They will never agree to it, it will make them look like children.
Their sport already does. And the colossal amount of social engineering resources they are wasting on pushing it only highlights that.
it's not for the scoring it's for the goalies
Women are shorter on average, so it makes sense. I bet male goalkeepers are on average a good 10cm taller than female goalkeepers.
god euroshit football is so fucking boring to watch. Holy fuck. She's right. Make the pitch smaller, too.
She's correct.
this is just a /pol/ thread
She's right, and the pitch should be smaller, and maybe 9 Vs 9
It backfired yesterday as well. I didnt know the size of goal was proportional to the amount of money paid. If they made the goal smaller the GKs might become half decent and it might make the product a bit more entertaining.
have sex
ok virgin
Ayo this is raciss
I think it's safe to assume the people ITT who are getting upset about women's football are less likely to have had sex then the ones who dont care
kys for typing like this
She's not wrong at all, you need to change the sport to accommodate for the length of a person anatomy. No reason a woman's body should block less of a net than a man, on average.
Why are you talking like a redditor?
He is one
Leddit’s not so bad
>iPhone poster
little kids use the same sizes and don't complain
Little kids use modified goals in the first world. It's not until teenage years that they start using the full size goals and that's because they're going to eventually grow into it
is there any sport where men and women can compete in the same competition? what about golf
No they don't.
>t-the guys laughing are getting upset..!
>n-not me, the snarly passive-aggressive moaner
have sex.
Chess but you know how that is haha you need big smart
OP is obviously assblasted by women
Yank sports arent gender segregated. You could have a MLB female or NFL female afaik
No female could ever play in either league. Thats why softball exists.
It's not realistic but are there any rules saying they cant?
Baseball is one of the least athletic and physically demanding sports. It’s why you see so many Jewish and Asian players good at it.
Long distance running for sure
they can only very rarely compete in chess or snooker
>Long distance running for sure
You should clarify that you're referring specifically to ultra marathons. Women are VASTLY inferior to men in normal marathons.
Equestrian sports don’t have a female and male distinction.
interesting. i knew about the ultra marathon stuff and thought it was the same for normal marathons.
how is that possible?
Why are you typing like a 12 year old from a 2000 AIM chat?
its the new hip schtick to highlight sarcasm.
Why are you typing like a fucking retard?
Ultra marathons can be much longer. It's only when you get to the 24 hour ones that you start to see parity
i know that but why is the question
The men's nets should be larger. Maybe them somebody could score without a corner kick
I wish I could score with a goalkeeper
that's stupid manlets like messi have no problem
The theory right now is that they have higher tolerence to muscle fatigue so while they're not as fast, their muscles don't tire as much and they don't require as much bloodflow. But of course this diffence is only at the extremes.
have sex
Probably the worst meme in existence, primarily used by redditors and twatters.
hey op, serious question here. why are you such a flaming faggot?
>And the colossal amount of social engineering resources they are wasting on pushing it only highlights that.
Welcome to the modern world of affirmative action and equality of reults, brought to you by Soros and his useful idiot commies.
Corbyn voter detected.
>Needs more commercial breaks
I agree with you at some point tho, I'd like to let the pitch as it is, size wise. But I'd make the game 10 vs 10.
>More spaces
>more paceys ngubus
>more goals
It won't happen because it would make the women's game look like a childish version of the men's game and suggest that they're not physically equal (which they aren't)
its really really really hard to hit a ball with a stick 400 feet, women could never do it
This, they play while wearing pants and belts for fucks sakes.
Mens world record for 24hr is 303km
Womens world record for 24hr is 262km
Not even close
wtf humans can run 303 km in a day?
Wchich is why they play softball.
The only thing women are good for is sucking my dick. Honestly I have never in my life met a woman whom I respected.
>what is softball
why do we need this thread again?
The pants are to protect your legs when sliding. Fast running is still absolutely required unless you’re the designated hitter.
Read before posting you fucking retard
But user, what about your mum?
But what about the hot dogs and cheeseburgers in the dugout? I never understood that requirement
They should make her goal mouth smaller
Husband escaping his wife’s nagging.
Am I right fellas?
Post it.
Incel containment.
womens' golf has tee-offs much closer to the hole IIRC. There's probably a dozen or so sailer blog post to google on this if you're interested.
any thread you visit is
/po/ thread fuck off back to your shithole you cunts
Today, a Canadian made a post which was not utterly abhorrent. Remember this day, friends, for it shall not soon come again.
>what is zero contact ice hockey
Try not having contradictory posts maybe?
sports related thread, faggot
discuss the topic or fuck off
they look so uncoordinated. like literal children playing.
kek fucking idiot
rugby players used to wear belts to keep their shorts from falling down because suspenders were reckoned too easy for the opposition to grab hold of
Try being able to have reading comprehension above kindergarten level maybe?
Calm down Ahmed, go beat your wife some more and collect your free money, everything is going to be alright.
>what is sports that no one takes seriously and will never have mainstream commercial success
You fucking retard, thanks for proving my point.
Better than any shit poomericans write.
Chess is actually separated by gender too lel
Women are biologically and evolutionary inferior to men IN EVERY SINGLE WAY, this his how we evolved, this is what we are, nothing will change that.
The only thing women can do "better" is to be emotional instead of rational.
>the girl who kicks the ball directly into the face of her own goalkeeper and in for an own goal
>Equestrian sports
They also have better looking ass and waist.
The fact that you even consider making a comparison of attractiveness tells me how fucking big of a fag you are.
To be fair the second girl slipped
I mainly watch track and field and I can't see what's wrong with that. In shot put, javelin, discus and hammer throw, women use a lighter object and that's never even questioned because it's totally normal. A woman couldn't throw the 7,26kg shot even 15m.
Again, no one cares about those "sports".
Women will never agree to this at the pro-level because of optics, if they are a laughing stock now, just imagine if they were reduced to play in a kids pitch.
This is why you're all virgins.
>tfw might be reincarnated as a woman
People misunderstanding this is really starting to get irritating... seriously. They're not asking for the EXACT SAME SALARIES as NBA players. They're asking for the league to pay out a higher percentage of its revenue to the players. The NBA's CBA is structured so about 50% of the league's revenue goes to the players. In the WNBA it's about 25%. That's what the issue is about.
Women's basketball is, at some level, viable. Internationally it's viable to the point that WNBA talents can earn multiple times their yearly salaries in one season. Furthermore, the WNBA itself is young. It's less than 25 years old, and while its growing pains are visible now, it's actually fairly successful compared to the NBA, which if you don't know was in a fairly dark place financially from the late '70s to mid-'80s. Keep in mind that around half of the NBA's teams lose money, but end up breaking even or even profiting from revenue-sharing. Complaints about the product itself (quality of play, excitement, visibility) are valid, but correctable and can be compensated for, as in any entertainment product.
In my opinion, given these three facts, it is a little confusing as to why the WNBA's pay is so low. To be clear, I don't mean in comparison to the NBA: I mean as salaries for any job: the minimum salary for the WNBA is around $40,000. This may seem like a lot, but the WNBA also requires all US talent to wait 4 years after turning 18 before entering the draft. Obviously this has lots of ramifications with degrees and job viability: why go to school for 4 years when you'll be locked into a career unrelated to half of your education, requiring extensive travel and risk of injury, with a cap on how much money you can earn?
These women did not reject you in high school. These women aren't the reason you're alone. Don't take it out on them. As a longtime viewer of the WNBA I can tell you that there is a ton of viability there.
When you are a paid SJW NPC that can't even read properly before copying a pasting your pre-written mumbo jumbo of lies and propaganda.
If you believe in reincarnation you have bigger problems than being born again a woman.
Why would that be? For stating facts?
>tfw you could be reincarnated as an Argentine
WNBA has needed the direct financial support of the NBA to survive since it was founded
Another reason people don't like it is because the women who play it are REPULSIVE
Re virgin question: Yes
>tries to clear ball and ends up blasting it off goalie's face into own goal
retard kino
4channers calling other 4channers virgins in 2019... Miss me with that gay shit. Shows how much banter went to shit today. I've been relatively successful with beautiful women for most of my life and why anyone would call someone an incel or virgin today is beyond me. Facebook tier conversation. Yeah, I'm sure everyone having a laff on women or a bit of right wing tendencies is a closeted beta fat virgin. Get your head out of your ass.
t. a commie fuck
зaнимaтьcя ceкcoм
So believing that people deserve to be compensated for their work makes me an NPC? But repeating "fuck roasties" isn't NPC? There's a reason these terms are considered Orwellian. I would suggest you try not to swallow American political memes whole.
I presented an argument. You're free to respond to it but that would require a functioning brain.
hi incel
And where does the compensation come from? Not from revenues there are none.
So it come out of pocket via cash redirection (nba/soon nhl).
Not sustainable even remotely and thats 1 factor of many why womens sports Just. Dont. Work.
Try something other than memorizing your social "science" profs rants for once, jesus.
On a serious note, why are so many of the goalkeepers so clearly out of shape?
>2.5 days
>And where does the compensation come from? Not from revenues there are none.
That is specifically addressed in the post you're responding to: The NBA's CBA is structured so about 50% of the league's revenue goes to the players. In the WNBA it's about 25%. That's what the issue is about.
We're talking about a percentage of a revenue. You can't tell female players that they don't deserve a more significant share of the revenue while telling them at the exact same time that there is no revenue. That's an obvious contradiction. And it's contradicted by the facts (the percentages I cited).
what makes you npc is pasting your shit in a thread that's nothing remotely about it
kek based
the OP image was about women's football, not the WNBA
fucking hell
yOu HaVe tO gO bAcK you cringey incel faggot
I found the incel thread?
How did you miss his point that hard? He's saying the WNBA is already in dire financial straits, and having to be propped up by the NBA. And that's when they're giving the players 25% of the revenue. So where do you think that other 25% is supposed to come from, if they're already having to be subsidised by the men's game as is?
>I found the incel thread?
cope tranny
So have much have you spent on women's football you creepy male feminist faggot?
>reddit is getting angry
well I know which thread I'm gonna bump forever
This. So much this.
Nobody wants to watch a bunch of ugly dykes miss layups for 2 hours
You see misses like the second one in men’s football pretty regularly. The rest of it though...
>women want to be paid equal to men in sports because they believe men and women are exactly the same
>tell them true equality would be them earning a spot on a mens team or competing with other men to join the team
>"NOOOOOO we want equality and thats not fair because men are faster and stronger than women. So just give us money instead!! Since men and women are equal"
How does nobody in msm media see the hypocrisy in all this. Equality means equal not give us more money because nobody watches women sports because men do it better. Id love to see one of these women actually attempt to join a mens team instead of just whining for shit. But of course that would be too hard when they can just latch onto #GURL stronk bs.
>women want to be paid equal to men in sports because they believe men and women are exactly the same
Literally no one is saying this though you doofus.
>if you dont agree with me you clearly hate all women. Literally ALL of them
Nu males and single moms are why America is falling apart
And this is what you show every one of these feminists crying for equality in sports. But knowing them they'll just start squaking and say the video is fake or "only some women are bad!!"
>That's what the issue is about
There is no reason to believe that players should always get the same proportion of league revenue.
Player salaries are just one aspect of operating costs, and salaries are determined by the bargaining power of the players.
Non-player costs tend not to scale with revenue growth. This what gives players an increased share of revenue.
I am sure there are many problems with the way the WNBA is run, but player pay as a proportion of revenue is not one.
The commisionar for the NBA came out a few weeks back and said in at least a decade he DEMANDS there be at least 10 female head coaches. Not hey lets interview some to see if They are good candidates NOPE. If it has a vagina it gets to be a coach. And people applauded him. This world cant end soon enough. Allegedly the NFL wants in on this shit too.
I met one but she was an anamoly and ive yet to meet a girl who thought and acted like her. She was good with money, legit book/street smart,not a giant slut, confident but never dressed like a whore, had a real personality, and was very loving.
Its so easily answered and such a simple answer. And msm and most normies completely ignore this. We are different and have different strengths and weaknesses. It doesnt make one better or one worse. It just means we have differences.
>"Why cant the mens league whos finances are literally the only reason our sport hasnt died, give us more money we clearly didnt earn by being carried by the mens league"
Wow true equality. #brave # GURL power
And yet the vice president of the WNBA came out last year and said the wnba DESERVED and EARNED the right to have the nba compensate them MORE. What a bunch of children.
>unironically using the term 'MSM'
And where is that magic 25% going to come from? I hope not from the nba. Why should the league who is keeping your lights on pay you more because "Hey you guys EARN more than us. So pay us more of what you earned because reasons!!" Or heres a better idea! Why dont some of these women go play and live in europe where they can make money OR bust their ass and try to join the nba. Keep in mind outside of nature nothing is stopping them from attempting to earn a shot at joining nba league other than even the best WNBA player couldnt hang with a D league player.
you literally and i mean literally could not pay me to watch this fucking trash so how the fuck do these cunts expect to be paid the same as the men when you also couldn't pay me to watch the bundesloga, french league or any of the other non epl leagues that serve as feeder leagues to the only relevant league in the world.
1. Everyone wants to make more money
2. Society gives free money to #equality measures and other virtue signalling shit
3. These people know they can get more by playing the equality card.
It's all an elaborate cash grab same as everything else.
Look out the feminist is in derail thread mode.
this was honestly the most interesting soccer match i ever watched
Have Sex : The Thread
In other hand woman models and pornstars earn more than their male counterparts, its injust? No its just where people take more attention.
creepy male feminist: the thread
Please clap
It already is. Might as well turn it into a more unique product that still keeps the heart of the sport rather than the inferior version of the men's game it will always be.
>It doesnt make one better or one worse.
Men are objectively better at everything they are biologically capable to do.
Yea Forums is so dead with its fucking "general" threads that i can keep this alive for a week with no effort.
Because there arent many and putting a fatty retard that has no training is better than a cardboard cutout (sometimes).
I think women's football would be way better if the pitches were smaller, goals smaller and it was split into 3 half hours with a 10 minute break.
They simply don't have the same stamina or speed as men. Some of the goalkeeping is absolutely pathetic in the professional women's game, every time I watch.
But the problem comes at grassroots, you'd have to have women specific pitches and goals etc which would be expensive and would lead to the same problems with accessibility. .
I think women's football would be way better if the women were taken out and replaced with men
Let’s just cancel women’s sports like God intended
Start lifting. Eat less shitty food. Drink less sugary soda. Play less video games. Start reading classical literature. Then have sex.
>classical literature
Got laid on a cinco de mayo. Not my problem if women can’t draw dimes.
That's why he is what he is; no-one respects his mum.
Stop raping kids, Ahmed.
Ahmed, do you have your internet license?
Yes, humans original biological niche was persistence hunting before we were the smartest most civilized animal by so many miles. A pack of humans with spears can chase any other animal until it's too tired to continue.
>Woman """"sports""""
Maybe softball, MAYBE, but that's it
Looks to me like an average De Gay game, desu
Well, two. But you mightn't be capable.
12,5 km/h pace for 24 hours, that's fucked up and impressive at the same time
>Honestly I have never in my life met a woman
>this thread managed to stay alive for 3 days
>throw in
>player throws the ball at opposition's head twice
When you're so deserving of everything a man receives that you require reduced standards just so you can claim equality to men