FIFA Qatar WC will have 32 teams

There were talks of increasing the total of teams to 48 but it has been dropped due to money and political reasons. I don't know what those political reason are because it's behind a pay wall but I assume it's because Qatar has slave work building shit and FIFA doesn't want that amount of heat at the moment

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thank god, the 48 teams world cup was designed for 2026 with 3 hosts and 3 places for them

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MUH SLAVE WORKERS, those workers have a contract they must fulfill that contract before going back to their shithole as soon as they get a good paycheck which is more they'll ever get in the shithole they come from, and the safety in qatar is infinitly superior to the shit safety they're used to in the shithole they come from.

Be aware that Qatar is hated by saudi arabia because they want to do their own things instead of bending over to the saudis who think they're the big bosses of the middle east, saudi arabia, israel and usa are friends, all that anti qatar propaganda come from them.

*gets given a dollar by his qatari overlord*

The idea pre dated the hosting vote

best news of the year

still will be winter though

I wonder who could have been behind the idea to expand to 48 teams..

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sure it was to make sure china can participate, but the 2026 introduction was the perfect time to do it, 3 hosts

>"world" cup
>"skilled" nations scared to lose to third worlders

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Quit this bait, my fellow american. Not a single person was "scared" of losing to bad countries. 48 teams would completely fuck the format of the tournament and was a blatant cash-grab on behalf of JewFA.
Be part of the solution, not the problem you mong.

>burgermerica needs to pay to host the world cup or else they wouldn't qualify

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Our qualifiers will still be kino.

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Stop responding to bait, retard.

Qatar and Saudi are just different flavours of shit, fuck them both.

of course but one pretending to be better than the other is infuriating

Thank fucking god. Shit countries have to get gud

Fantastic one, user

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letting more teams compete will make the tournament worse how? There will still be a top 16 you can watch sweetie time to share your toys and let other countries have a chance

Yes, it will make the quality worst. Even 32 team format had shitty teams like Panama, which got slaughtered in the tournament.


how long until it's a completely open tournament and qualification is just for seeding?

>letting more teams compete will make the tournament worse how?

No one wants to watch Azerbaijan play against Puerto Rico, or the Guyana Francesca play against Kuwait

Just take the WC away and give to England or Australia goddammit. Grow a fucking pair

Well this slightly delays the utterly inevitable later expansion to 64 teams for a proper power of two, at least.
Hopefully it never gets any bigger than that.

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We don't need help from a proxy fag to make us look dumb at soccer, we can do that on our own

The only way a 48 team tournament would have a higher quality than the current 32 team tournament would be if all sixteen extra teams were European.