also /beav/
Other urls found in this thread:
Bruins desu
last time I'm buying into the blots meme and brackets in general
shall be ending it all lads
I prefer it when people are white
Good OP
Do it quietly.
>new video of cartoons
LOL Golden Dawn kills you when?
Society is better when it's white
wow, very progressive of you, are you representing good american/western values?
Im representing what's best for the West. Killing commies like yourself is next on the list.
Jack, you here m8?
so raw power struggle with no actual merit to defend? gotcha ;)
There is no struggle with a dead ideology.
Why is grease such a godless commie shitskin
Do not respond
Do not acknowledge
Do not collect $200
Even worse than mine
wow, cool one-liner Rambo, I bet nurse Betty will give you extra methadone if you tell her what you said!
They battled through self-doubt, through injury, through bad calls and the good, through the nay-sayers and the shit-talkers, and I am damn proud of what they have done.
All the shit-talkers saying we lucked our way through the playoffs on bad calls are just mad their teams couldn't even make it to the finals or the playoffs at all.
In the words of our illustrious 48 "we better team than them"
Go Sharks
So what do we do until monday? Can't watch the worlds because I'm not a gay homosex.
Watch the worlds to see if Finland and Sweden manage to kill each other.
10 gorillian hours in photoshop
coulda had pic related happen, but I'm okay with it not desu
this was a good post
Is this where we laugh at the sharks?
Columbus is a better city and has the best hockey fans in the world
Its a growing market yes. Still far from a a hardcore hockey market though.
Someone post the edit of this because I got banned by some gad mods last time I posted "porn"
>Bruins vs Blues SCF
Ah, now this takes me back. Did I ever tell ya about Bobby Orr? Now that was a kid who could play, I tell ya
based mods dabbing on san jose quitters
What a horrid post. A lot of effort must have went into this. Have a (You).
Gary here. Jumbo just called me inconsolable because we agreed it was his turn and I would give him a cup but you dumb faggots couldn't just let it go go and kept posting about my refs and we had to change plans. I hope you're happy.
>no one even tried dabbing on /cr*c/ with quints
not my /hoc/
i'm retarded desu
Leave the Blues to me
Sharks fans are awful quiet today
We all make mistakes, it's why pencils have erasers.
fwiw, I got the quad 8s in the last thread
Talked to gary today and rumors about relocation to houston are very real.
trips confirm
houston sharks
smart move since mexicans already love them desubh
offseason soon
Wait, how much and how long did they sign Evander Kane for? Surely something reasonable like 4.5 million at 4 years
So are buffalo geniuses to get rid of Kane?
6x7 by the looks of it
Bruins only look good because of the teams they had to go through
>a team that’s never even been to the second round before
>a team that hasn’t been to the playoffs in 10 years
meanwhile blues had to play actual contenders every round. Blues in 5
They also got rid of ror so I'd call it a wash
prematurely laughing SO HARD at the team that gives karlsshit 9+ million a year for multiple years/
Where were you during the >shorkening lads? Me, I was shitposting in /hoc/
I haven't watched a single game since vegas respectfully threw game 7 in protest of gary's horrible officiating.
Patrician desu
Does the backup goalie get a ring and his name on the cup if he never plays in the playoffs?
kek, then why are you posting it again?
Mike yeo literally coached a SCF team to last place
no, you have to have played a certain amount of games in the regular
idk. Tuukka was the '11 Cup-winning team but he didn't play in those ploffs at all, and his Hockey-Ref page doesn't show him as a "Stanley Cup Winner". whether that thing is the same as getting his name on the real Cup itself I'm not sure of either.
Reminder philly has that man as an assistant coach alongside famous rags coach alain
are you just pretending?
Steak and shake just demolished my insides
it's true
>teams who swept a round didn't win the next one
>unironically this
aside from injury recovery, being rested is a meme
Columbus pooed on the lightning. This was the greatest meme ever, Columbus literally SHAT down the throat of Tampa and made everyone watch, it was literally 3-0 and then Tampa got fucking demolished like my asshole after a burrito
>Ottawa has the 19th pick in the first round
The Blues fell for the size meme and they are going to get absolutely styled on by the Bruins shifty forwards/D. No way a 6'6 230 pound guy can pivot with a Marchand or Krug, or even Gorrillacheck, for that matter. I predict that the Bruins' first line will light them up. Second line as well. If any line could expect a drop off in production, it's the Coyle line, which has far exceeded expectations anyways.
Watch them draft a literal who from sweden
The teds are losing their 3 best players to FA and have zero meaningful draft picks in what's considered a very deep draft class.
No matter who wins at least the supervillains just got eliminated
t. seething vaginasscuck
The number one pick is expected to be some lil Yonny Godrow halfling.
Yet he is good. I hope Hughes does well
>not a supervillain
prove it
And as sure as the sun rises in the East, the Shorkfag wakes during the playoffs and wants to die
Laffs would have unironically styled on every single western team
Fuck off. You aren’t even funny at all.
low IQ, low T
lmao her chin wants some of that piss action its escaping from the face
remember the never forget
based retard
Do you jerk off to these images
I have a folder of that shit but I’m not posting them because blue board
Can we all just stop for a moment and thank the heroes of the Playoffs, the St. Louis Blues?
I am willing to bet 100% of /hoc/ wasn't alive during the last Blose SCF and if you were do you have a grandaughter or daughter than is between the ages of 18 and 21 that is single
Seething Jew Yorker
Reminder that this chad is a bluesfag and people in Boston literally talk like good will hunting
>mark wahlberg
>ben affleck
>matt damon
>no hockey for 5 days
what the FUCK Gary
Nah he's pretty funny. You're the one who needs to fuck off.
LMAO sharks fans are fucking pathetic
so much seethe
so much cope
so much >muh vegass
lovin every laugh
Spent $6.11 on a loaf of bread today lads, glorious rye sourdough. Worth every öre.
Imagine thinking Sharks fans are seething when Vegass has been bitching about the call after blowing a 3-1 series lead, a 3-0 game 7 lead, and the chance to win by scoring a single goal for 37 minutes straight.
>thinking the Blues will win
>anno domini
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA he can't actually some teams starter
Based Big Time Tommie
So what moments were kino so far these playoffs?
San jose losing every game after they changed the refs
It’s all been shit desu
sharks fans seething hard on twitter
>we’re not seething I swear
>at least we beat vegas right?
>28 years of failure
LGBTing sweep
Sharts/Kniggs game 7
Stain Poois/Stors game 7
Tronna getting embarrassed again while Overrated Shits old team gets a first round sweep
Carolina Hillbillies getting put in their place
Vegasses infinite seethe
>a-a-at least we beat vegas
you think they will raise a banner?
sharks getting outscored 12-2 since the refs were changed
anti-sharks shitters are far more annoying atm than sharks shitters tbf lads. stop turning sharks into the good guys
If /myteam/ reaches in the draft and drafts that beta manlet Caufield I might end it desu
Wow there is a lot more Bruins and Blues fans here than I remember in past years.
Surely all these people bitching about the Sharks have had a more successful season than them or that would just make them look like petty, bitter losers.
this shorksnigger is BOILING lmaooo
Who’s bitching about the sharks? Pretty sure we’re all laughing at them.
There were plenty of fun moments tho
The greatest comeback/win in San Jose history is pic related
So where in Saint Louis do you lads live?
fuck the bloos nigga this is a laugh at the sharts thread lmao
Hows reddit treating ya
>Literally rent-free
So is this what Boston feels like every year?
that’s first round champion san jose sharts to you buddy
Boston teams actually win. Don't mistake people laughing at your choking franchise for jealousy.
Is he gonna retire?
He'll retire before you, that's for sure. Because he rich
rent free is just code for cope desu
At least >we're not >blots
This draft is draft
He’ll probably also lose his mind before me as well because of the cte
3 egg omelet and an orange for lunch
The lord* gives, and the lord* takes
*lord = Gary
Greatest players without a cup
Brad Park
Sedin twins
Lol there is so much drama in Golden buckets territory and these guys were saying something about them living rent free in our heads.
I hope that the buckets fail to qualify for playoffs. I truly hope this will help their fan base to improve as more of these terrible noob SCF bandwagoners will be dropping from the fanbase.
Right now they are even not rivals for us as rivalry means respect, they are just enemy who we don't respect by any means.
Based had one for brekky with steak and cheese
>russia and usa and sweden finalnd in the first round
literally why? gary at least knows how to manipulate the groups and results to draw dimes in the medal rounds
I refuse to believe there are people that unironically talk like this.
If they were so great they would have won
unironically hope the bloos win because it would be a big win for the alt right pic 100% related
having a cup is overrated anyway
>""your""" team needs this offseason
>sharks: goaltendies.
Also bruins/blues 4-2 Bruins
>only score 2 goals in 3 games
>blame the goaltender
Tripfags truly are retarded
>he can see tripnigger posts
Nothing like being high on the medicine listening to daft Punk 'Motherboard' n browsing God's board /hoc/
>go bloos/broons
Laine was apparently playing badminton in Turku during Finland's Germany game. The guy probably doesn't give a shit about ice hockey.
>mfw thinking about draft and free agent time
>msw also thinking about July 5-September when fuck all happens
>he filters posts
deluxe Alive 2007 is god-tier
october yet?
You're a based poster
for me, it’s the blues
Is she supposed to be attractive
t. gay
I'll give her a free solo, if you know what I mean
oh no dumb idiot know nothing about hockey orange picker called me gay what will he come up with next? bandwagoning some american hockey team to try and fit in? I bet
How about that next season though?
literally /ouryear/
i get high on prescription drugs
2019 or 2020?
2020 cup is coming home
That's all I got
is spurdo the greatest meme ever created y/n (yes)
Bruins in 4.
Talk all you want but know that if we ever played hockey I would score all the goals and ko each one of you
I want to fuck a nigger woman
i'd get pucks deep and play the right way desu
Bruins in 5
That's what I'm talking about
I would stop you at the line and you'd never get a shot on goal. All dump no chase
So gross. Like dressing up an animal. Also not hockey.
If you arent gay
Make another shitty bracket so I can laugh at it
>where the men(?) like ugly women and if you don't you're gay
me too
imagine bitching about anons posting attractive women on a siamese clay-sculpting board
holy shit yuropoor faggots fuck off
>this is a 10/10 in poortugay
Blues will sweep
This is the post
imagine being triggered by a non-American post
seething poortugay bet he goes and cries into his tuuka rask body pillow lmao what a fuckin homo
Sup Portugal
if he really has rask beddings he is cool by me
>big butts
Ma nigga
Keep dancing for me, boy
going to bed now.
sleep tight everybody.
good night, Hans. sweet dreams
lads! don't do it! don't look at the ladies lads! stay on your path!
look at these cute beavers instead!
Ha, look at these mad lads!
based sweden saving us from sunbelt yuropoors
underrated post
it's not João, it's the bruins portufan
no one cares now shut up
Is that what they’re calling pavelski’s brain mush now?
ever since broons figured out how to win without pasta they've had these playoffs wrapped up
it's not a matter of winning without him right now, it's winning with him. I don't know why the fuck Cassidy is keeping him on the first line, he's having at least 3 or 4 huge mental lapses a game that lead to stupid turnovers and Tuukka needing to make some unreal saves that he shouldn't have to.
a group of foreigners on the subway were talking about how they had canadian accents. none of them did and even though they didn't sound like fobs they still had the cadence of their origin. it triggered me. thanks for reading my blog
they are real canadians they are your strength
whens the draft again???????
He's been fine for the last like 5 or 6 games. And even before that the reason was pretty simple: he's still way better than any replacement player would be.
r u dum?
he stopped being shit during the columbus series
ayo gibs me dat puck whyteboi
halifax mooseheads vs rouyn noranda huskies coming up in about 30 bings.
the loser will have to play guelph storm in the semi finals.
Hey that's not edible
So now that the Bruins Blues SCF, will we see a Bobby Orr-esque performance?
holy shit i'm so tired of hearing about bobby orr
really cool fact, lads. the last time the blues and bruins were in the Stanley Cup Finals, the infamous Bobby Orr goal happened.
just wait your about to get 50 years of jake the snake memes when my boy debrusk gets the stan lee winning goal
this. anyone who isnt retarded knows the meme goal was essentially meaningless and the bruins winning was a foregone conclusion, the blues had been dabbed on for three straight years
like he scored the goal and then a few seconds later jumped over the tendies outstretched stick and made the meme dive, he wasnt even actually tripped. dont know why they always try to make it seem like he scored some incredible goal while he was in midair.
>Someone shit talks Bobby Orr in my thread
Bobby Orr? More like Bobby Bore cuz it bores me hearing boomers obsess over him
i'll have u zoomies know that dive is the only reason we have hockey today
>blues and bruins finals
fucking boomers. everyone knows that goal, no need to repeat it insistently
Pretty sweet boomer facebook meme idea I wanna run past you guys:
Its two pics, one is of the blues and bruins logos with the stanley cup final 2019 logo with text that says "Bruins and Blues Stanley Cup Final"
Bottom picture is the Bobby Orr pic with text that reads "Just like old times"
based or cringe?
yeah but did u know orr scoared that goal against the blues like 70 years ago? fun hockey trivia haha
cant wait for 20 years when >we start siiiiiipping over sid highlights
Bobby Orr
newest hoc meem?
I will never get back the time it took to read this post
not the same context
based because of how cringe it is. so, based
imagine how many autists here would be absolutely SEETHING when bobby won all his norris trophies
*invents hockey*
you mean maymay?
and yes
Boomer meme:
Picture of blues fan saying "hockey's changed since then. Players were tough"
Picture underneath is marchand "we still are"
Pucks? Well for me, they need to be deep
Pucks must be well acquainted with your mother
thinking this one is pretty based
Bruins and Blues, now THAT is some old time hockey
They should’ve scheduled the start of SCF on a comfy weekend day. This Monday wait is too long.
is canada even good at lacrosse
Yeeeup, see now that picture of Bobby is something you zoomer millennials will never understand....He was a true player. This was back in days without your little silly helmets you gotta wear now, nothin like smashmouth rock-em-sock-em hockey, I saw plenty of skulls get cracked in my time. Even ol' Bobby didn't even care about hurting himself when he jumped after that goal, even your celebrations are pussified nowadays!
*cranks up Def Lepard*
is there any standings board I can get that has Vegas on it?
def lepard sucks ass
a blackjack tournament winnings leaderboard at Caesars Palace will probably have the location printed on it somewhere
Are you me?
This except the opposite
>what has nine arms and sucks?
Why are black jack tournaments a thing?
You play against the dealer
A gay cat?
midnight in poortugal
My ex wife’s homosexual cousin and gay boyfriend just showed up at my bar lads had to throw them out because my bar keeps the same policy of no gays that hockey enjoys
although def leppard is gay and the band name has a cat in it
Are you scared he'll tell everyone in the bar about the time he fucked your ass?
I want to go to your bar
He’s a twink bottom
Come soon m8
Then why are you being mean to him if he was nice enough to top for you?
Noah dobson gonna win it for ryuna
Beavers are Reddit.
Reminder that all sports are scripted
Holy shit, you actually believe this
Based Chad GODsling drinks coke just like me. Pepsfags BTFO
Dogtown just south of Forest Park and further south of the shooty/stabby areas. I actually live close to the old arena's grave. I'm so pumped, boys
pepsi is better you homos. it's sweeter than coke
Here, lad. For (you).
>pepsi or coke
heh drink this, lads
*pisses in your face*
pretty gay post desu, leave the uninteresting blog posts to threads with general in the name please. also leave forever
Kofola is the best
And their opponents for completion's sake.
also dr.pepper is insanely overrated. bunch of hipsters decided it was good because nobody ever drank it so all of a sudden dr.pepper became cool. well guess what you hipster shits, dr.pepper is AT LEAST 5th tier in pop
*glug glug glug glug glug glug*
now lets play some hockey
Seething shork shitter detected
Some nutritionfag on rogan awhile back said stay away from brown
Best defensemen of all time
1. Bobby Orr
2. Eddie Shore
3. Doug Harvey
4. Nicklas Lidstrom
5. Ray Borque
bofa is a pretty good soda
I like any long grain cooked with a mirepoix, bay leaf and a spoon of chicken stock. The intellectual Jets Fans rice
>muh bobby orr
>feelsguy posting
>boomer posting
Yep already the worst and least watched Stanley cup in 30 years
shut up tranny go back to Yea Forums
is it too late for help me refs posting?
still wrong
Did he say why or was he being racist
Flames dynasty 2020-2030
Boomer meme:
*rask thanos snap*
*binnington fades away*
"Mr ref, I don't feel so good"
I'll give up a pity (You) for that response
but you already had a 10 year dynasty of mediocrity, why do you want another 10 years?
cfl training camps have started. only a few weeks until the season starts.
this is hella based
you know how I know you're a bitter cest coaster?
fix your gut bacteria, /hoc/
As soon as Tkachuk becomes captain the Flim Flams will be an unstoppable force. Also Flames Neal will win the rocket trophy next year
Ya. No one really gives a fuck. I only go so I have an excuse to walk around hammered in a muscle shirt and let kids know I'm a bigger fan and know more about sports than their parents
Fuckin rights yo the CFL is gonna be buck wild this season
Every time Boston plays St. Louis in a championship, they start to head off into a dynasty of some sorts. The opposite will happen after these finals. Blues dynasty incoming
unemployed orange picker lmao
boomer meme:
remember the last time boston was in the SCF?
*picture of the blackhawks winning*
Pepperidge farm does
Whats up /hoc/? been a while since I shitposted here. My flames really let me down in the post season so I left /hoc/ for a while. Who is /ourguys/ in the SCF this year? I am leaning towards the Bruins just because I don't want dab loose to win a cup and end their misery yet. Also fuck Maroon and Bouwmeister
Absolutely based
Midwest actually, you couldn't even pay me to live in the gay enabling, room temperature iq, America hating shithole dystopias that is the east/west coast
>left /hoc/ because team lost
typical albertan desu
Tfw no hockey tonight
where have you been while you were away?
>the discord tranny known as mariya still posts here
grim AF
Just completed a fap hero. Holy shit what an experience and I lost my vision for a second.
Any proof it's a tranny?
having a trip should make it obvious
Can you blame me? the only saving grace is the Blots choked a bit harder than >us
best in the west my ass
in your sister
oh no, it appears that i have been blown the frick out by the three digits of the devil, however shall i recover from this ebin disaster??????
>team loses so he hides in shame
typical albertan desu
rouyn noranda 2 - halifax 0
>discord tranny
>I let men in skirts live in my head rent free
Grim AF
Already planning some offseason posts. On top of the /cric/ poster exchange I have one I'm shoeing in for August long since I know it's gonna net me a 3 day
I don't really give much of a fuck who wins the cup this year 2bh. All the teams I hate are eliminated so I could care less
Maria? more like Moronic cuz they're fucking dumb as fuck and gay lol
I am indeed an typical Albertan. I am used to cheering for crap hockey teams
Step aside, plebs.
No no it foesnt you absolute fucking retarded goddamn abomination of a piss poor embarrassment to your fucking parents. I asked for proof not
>hurr I dont like tripfags
So in short your answer is you dont have any and are the biggest fucking faggot ITT even worst than the goddamn trips which is saying something because they are all awful. I hope you get injured to the point where you stay alive yet live in extreme pain that makes it impossible for you to move so the only thing you can do with your sad pathetic life is lay in bed and hurt so your life finally matches just how fucking useless you actually are.
well at least you're not an edmongolian who gets uppity in october then leaves by december
lucky digits. capworthy post, too, gj user
checked but cringed
does Sam still post here? He was one of the funniest posters on this general. His hatred for the sunbelt was so entertaining to read. Even though I am a closet Canes fan
>an typical Albertan
shut up sam
do NOT reply to Sam
sam moved to las vegas and lives with his boyfriend there
Don't not reply to me or I'll kill myself. And by that I mean go get high and come make even worser posts in 2 hours
Sam died of aids, very sad.
My V8 Ram could destroy any Duramax
-an typical albertan
this is very sad
Yes. Shall be doing this. See you all later
but whos /hoc/s team?
I don't want to get caught cheering for the reddit team
cheer for whomever you want, you sheep
I trust he brings us seven games and much joy
blues - reddit
bruins - /hoc/
Bruins are /hoc/s team. All boston sports is /hoc/s teams except for the patriots bevause Tom Brady is a convicted discord user (pedo, homosexual(hes kissed his son on the lips) ). I'm cheering mark wahlberg Stanley cup
both teams are based and cringe at the same time
I hate the hockey offseason. Nothing but shitball until October. Sad.
I love the hockey offseason
but tom brady is based
>/hoc/ teams
>knights (but only when they arent seething)
Reddit teams
Everyone else is pretty much neutral
the draft is pretty fun but the rest of the off season is gay
fuck no
yo Randy from Raleigh -- How you holding up bud I know you're here you autistic fuck
Tell me who you cheering for?
This isn't up for debate redditor
/hoc/ teams:
Faggot bullshit sunbelt fat reddit handicap capeshit anime casuals:
Everything else
We have basedball
bootlicking cunt detected
shut the fuck up ducks nigger
might drive up to Manitoba this summer to beat the shit out of sam
based and redpilled
this is what newfriends post. we will never return to 2015
>Boston team of any type
Kill yourself
Also/hoc/ is an anime general
well everybody else is fuckin out so I guess we're chrring for the broons but I doubt this list because the oilels are fucking lame so I doubt the validity of this ranking not gonna lie
you'll get stabbed before you even reach winnipeg
>2 combined SCs vs. 7 (plus all the junior-varsity pre-1968 Cups for the Laffs and Bruins)
really jogs my noggin
how could you care less?
meet me in medicine hat
we can drive up in a convoy
Baseball is cringy as all fuck. Especially if you like one of the 20 odd teams that isn't in the playoffs every other year. 160 some games. Yea, let me get right on 450-500 hours of my summer in front of a tv watching some Dominican rub Vaseline on his dick and eat Spitz. Get outta here
/hoc/ doesnt like winners because their fans always go to shit.
you sound very new desu
I'd have you 6 feet deep before you're even cold
Seattle Slappers
with some fat ass indica brought to you by the cuck in chief mr justin "fag boy" trudeau
At least we don't have to listen to the "hockey" media talk for hundreds of hours about how Jumbo Joe was on the Bruins 15 years ago
1:23 am lmao
>t. Not smart enough for baseball
It's ok tho alot of pro athletes at other sports werent either.
>sidney Crosby included
feattle flappers
>no potvin
Terrible list
t. sports "fan" whose baseball teams have been even less relevant than >his hockey teams
yo hooks me a bite of some mo fuggin onion rings
My apologies. I forgot the intellectual prowess it takes to be one of the two guys on a team of 23 that has to remember no more than 5 hand signals a season.
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
Baseball is boring as shit
syd the kid wouldna finna bouta been any good at based ball
Being awfully generous in what you call a "sport" you fucking store brand spaniard
/hoc/ would you rather have the 80’s oilers dynasty, or the isles dynasty?
>showing his ignorance and unintelligence in one post
Isles and it isnt even close. Fuck non flam albertans
if i'm being honest with you i'd rather not watch 80's hockey at all as it was a joke
VGK and Blackhawks are /hoc/s only teams
>played by Puerto Ricans
>requires intelligence
hit me up when you can doink a 90mph slider out of the infield, champ.
>baseballs for intellectuals
It's cricket with walls. Go be a nonce somewhere else
>Reddit’s two teams
Fuck off. The whole city of Chicago can go fuck itself
that's easy
I ate foab vietnamese girl's ass out last weekend
Checked and kekked, what a based series that was.
big brain post
also baseball fucking sucks you spic faggots
Speaks the sharks fan. If your team can’t form a dynasty, what impact did it leave?
>5 cups in a 7-year period
>4-0 in 4 straight
>n-n-not good!
are there things you aren't a braindead contrarian about?
Post a vid of you doing it remember 90 mph+
Blakpill. Isleanders was only ever hockey dynasty. Oilers were cheated by NHL to ruin original Jets by garys predecessors (also was satanistst) and everything before the 80s is original 6 babby bullshit
Alright g'night /hoc/
go Bruins I guess
off season is GAY
flames neal XD
you say that every year
WHO are you?
>going to bed at 7pm
the riddler
>who who
>who who
boiling hot take you got there, Jacques. tell us how you really feel tho
I really wanna know
>muh secret club
kill yourself retard
just a gay
>⊑ ⟒ ⊬?
⊬⊬ ⋔, ⊬' ⟟⋏ ⋏
Elias, what does it feel like to dab the entire NHL?
Made some goat curry
what does shannon do on nights like this?
⟟ ⋏ ⊑ ⊑⟒⊬
Baseball is the most onions of all sports
⊑⋏⋏⋏ ⟊⟒ ⊑⟟ ⋔⋔
ah my good sir you must be looking for /cric/ this is /hoc/
goes to the park and watches children play hockey and writes down their stats on his whiteboard
>lookin tight 12
t. Yea Forums poster
based cunnyposter
why wouldn’t karlsson ask for doughty money?
Tampa can get fuuuucked
it's spread to Yea Forums now, there's no hope
*dumps the puck in*
so basically only possible if everyone is traded and point gets a bridge deal
Karlsson to the isles tbqh. I could see leddy or boychuck getting traded also.
*dumps the puck*
*hang on the ice while everyone changes lines*
*waits for you to go pick it up behind the net*
*follows you hot and knocks you head first into the boards from behind*
Nothin personnel
*calls an icing* weren't on the red line mr
>that slight blood from overwipe
*dumps it in*
*battle along the boards*
*takes the hit but also sends it back up high before i get crushed*
*teammate walks in*
*top shelf snipe*
very good, However......
If I would've played hockey instead of getting pissed up with the Slav exchange students all the time I probably couldve been a Junior B captain at the very least
if you don't get a little blood then you're wiping like a pussy
Rip ryuna...
for me? it's irish spring body wash
>when you poke through and get poo on your finger
in my nhl 19 simulation blose went up 3-1 in the finals but then lost 4-3 lmao but you can't take seriously a game that had the >laffs winning the cup
this scf has me severely depressed
where did you get this picture of my daughter?
sorry she calls me daddy now haha lol
Based roleau keeping the huskies in it
who is we? and post a stream you fuck
sorry i don't buy poor people tp
enjoy your herpes haha XD
you never poo’d under a bridge wiping with a soggy newspaper?
what would be the most boring scf matchup? east team would definitely be the teds. maybe stars/teds?
no at that point i would just wipe with my underwear and leave them on the ground
>this man became one of the highest paid actors in hollywood
blows my mind to this day
That's soccer
*scores on /cric/*
*skates down the bench giving all the lads knucks*
hey stop that
probably this or maybe canes
Go on NHL network if you have it. They put it on there
have to agree with poortugay on this one
quit being a poorfag and spring for the old spice
Ruins and blose
Florida arizona without a doubt
i honestly can't even imagine being poor (and i was poor just 18 months ago)
You fucking casual
lack of breadbakers confirms /hoc/ is postponed until stan lee starts
for me, its 6 figure salaries, unbiased opinions, and life experiences
couldn’t find it but found a yt link
3-3 5 to go
for me it’s boats, radon, and beavers
might be cool actually
some khl teams probably
kings v. sens
posting in the last /hoc/