World Cup 2019
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cricket discussion
2nd for the Man With No Name
Why do normies not accept that KP was in the right all along and the england team were being knobs to him?
Root on the pressure of playing australia at the WC
"Australia have always had a strong mentality, reflected the 28-year-old. They've gone into every World Cup right up there for a number of those World Cups and they've won pressure moments.
I'd like to think that the way that we've improved over this four-year cycle we are probably ahead of where we thought we would be at this stage, but we are well aware we have had strong teams in the past and not delivered, and mentality is a lot of that.
We've worked really hard to deserve the tag of the No 1 ranked team going into the tournament; I think we should enjoy that, we just need to use this momentum and change the way we operate in pressure situations."
Australia go into the Cricket World Cup ranked fifth in the ODI standings
ayy lmao
can’t imaging siding with the odious toad Swann. Absolutely grim human being .
Nothing worse than a middle class ‘banter king’
Former Australian cricketer Michael Slater is in hot water after being removed from a plane on the weekend.
Eyewitnesses have told Macquarie Radio Senior Digital Content Producer Nick Fergus about the incident at Sydney’s Domestic Airport on Sunday afternoon.
Just before 3pm, passengers were boarding Qantas flight QF2229 from Sydney to Wagga when there was a major disturbance.
As Slater was boarding he became involved in an extremely heated discussion with the two women he was travelling with.
The discussion escalated as they took their seats with witnesses saying the Channel 7 commentator was swearing and yelling abuse at one of the women in particular.
Slater then went to the bathroom and, according to our reports, refused to come out, meaning the plane couldn’t take off.
The crew was forced to call airport security, who boarded the plane to deal with the situation.
colonial 11
Spain and australia are perhaps the only two countries in the world where the men are better looking than the women
love how people support the bloke who fucked off half way through a series because Bailey was whacking him around over the one who dedicated his life to a country that wasn't even his
fucking hell we sound cooked already
yeah it was literally just to keep his test bowling average under 30. He timed in absolutely perfectly (29.96)
I remember in that same series broad got a boo boo on his foot and decided he wasn't going to bowl anymore
all while KP was out there trying his best against some of the best fast bowling in this generation
but mate
his hand was totally numb and he couldn't bowl
alastair cook asked him to go and it's not like he could say 'sorry lad I my hand is totally numb, I can't bowl' is it?
also it was actually a noble sacrifice to make way for other players. the fact that he only did this after the series was lost is neither here nor there
its poot. we already know hes gonna bottle it so it doesnt matter what he thinks. i expect nothing from him its down to the rest of the team. we need to stop being afraid of the ausgods.
remember graham smith coming out to face mitchell johnson for the last wicket with his absolutely shattered arm in a cast? haha fucking idiot just don't play lol the game is lost what are you doing ahaha your average is going to drop down
england could easily lose to Pakistan in a knock out game
Can wait
look at this clown
just retire
Black caps will win the Rugga World Cup
this World Cup will be a choking fest and Sri Lanka will Beat windies in the final or something
good memories
every anglo nation actually
trust me
doubt it will ever be topped
wake me up when we win the world cup with the women men and under 19 again. ngl that was based af winning all 3
teams look pretty close to beating England all the time , england are nowhere near as good relatively speaking as say AUS in the mid 2000s, and even the latter lost sometimes . I haven’t seen anything to suggest england have over a 50% chance of winning , which the good one day aus sides you always would have said did just because everyone else was so shit, but it’s a competitive scene atm
love sammhy
it was a broken hand not arm
nothing was in a cast
kp was the sacrificial lamb in that series
we are definitely one of the best teams but hardly miles ahead of everyone. india are on par with us and 4 or 5 teams are capable of putting in a world class team performance on their day; just about everyone has at least one gun batsman who can carry a total almost single handedly
this is the moment you knew they were going to win it
yo why the FUCK is there cricket on my tv you fucking shitskin niggers
perhaps the broadcaster thought it was appropriate to offer something cerebral for a change
for me it's athlean-x
what the fuck is going on with that photoshoot cricket australia have had done
the one where zampa is screaming and maxwell is eating his bat
Carlin is room temp.
Gear is white.
Muslims nd goths are what I fite.
I hate blacks.
I love Sheila from locals arse crack.
Pigs cannit catch me.
Broke out the slammer after a year.
I hate queers.
No surrender.
The popes a bender.
A poem from yors trooly Gary “gazza”smith.Cheers
ye love this channel.
My body is ready.
hate this goblin
Did they think this looked good?
What site did you save this from? I keep seeing files with this filename recently but wondering whre it comes from. It's not imgur, facebook or twitter.
Yea Forums. It’s because I’m phoneposting I think idk
that's an iphone filename
Makes sense. Started noticing that a lot of subhumans crying about people who hate soccer in other threads posted images with those sorts of filenames. So wondered what site these idiots are all coming fro mbut this makes even more sense.
ah yes, the five poosmen of the apoocalypse
this is england
toil on the morrow . The working week is long and barbaric
eoin morgan has an enormous brain
capeshit is literally just a mist of CGI. Nothing actually happens in the movies
although you are correct and superhero movies are fucking gay, saying so is becoming also as passe as the films themselves
you’ve been jew’d if you think this
I just think it's a different kind of circlejerk
Really, really, really wonder when snake plissken will make his return. Truly the greatest /cric/ personality of the 2018/2019 season.
The mentally ill obese dog rapist seb
the seething nonce peewee kiwi
Piss off aussie scum, go sand down some balls
>got tickets to see England v Afganistan warm-up
feels great, lads.
I can't believe we're playing australia in a warm up. you don't do that
England's kit is pretty garbage and soul less. Why did they remove the New Balance navy? Went well with red natwest sponsor aswell
Now >we look like the shitty India team from mid 00s. The most meme team in history
Plot twist: The warm-up is for Australia's benefit.
griget :DDDDDDDD
Watxhing australia or new zealand firat dates cant tell but u got some cracking gash.
It's probably Daniel
Kek this aussie cunt is like "i was in this other relationship but she had kids so they were the priority not me and just left me thinking why was i being punished for this." kek
think these pakis have figured out a way to make beach cricket watchable
yeah, I'm gonna make the post on the old /cric/ thread
I'm gonna (shit) post 'til I can't no more
I'm gonna make the post on the old /cric/ thread
I'm gonna (shit) post 'til I can't no more
I got the tripcunts in the back
Sebbo is too fat
/hoc/ is seething mad
Got Richo who's mad to match
/cric/ saved by Mado-ka
You can make the post
I been making wallops
You ain't been out Hagley O-val
Ain’t no Paki tell me nothing
You can’t tell me nothing
Ain’t no Lankan tell me nothing
You can’t tell me nothing
Poo Peeland is madder
Goosey’s getting fatter
Sebbo fucked his doggy
But emptied his bladder
/cric/ threads are a movie
Tripcunts get all moody
Incel pedo screwy
Richo touched kid booty
Ain’t no Bangla tell me nothing
You can’t tell me nothing
Ain’t no Indi tell me nothing
You can’t tell me nothing
I see they found Richo's collection.
business idea: approximate anime girl farts by their in-show diet and lifestyle, then sell jars of their farts to weebs
Might actually be the most intelligent business idea I’ve heard lads
fuck, i could sell umaru farts right now
t. sebbo
Is that that sport where it’s like our football but with short shorts and without the pads?
Honestly I'd rather have cricket on ESPN in the middle of the day instead of Stephen A. Smith shouting his race baiting bullshit at Max "White Guilt" Kellerman.
nah, cricket is like baseball with wide bats and basically no baserunning
you're thinking of gayFL
>no hockey until Monday
>no cricket until Friday
what the FUCK am i supposed to do tomorrow?
Have sex. Or watch NBA
last two digits will be nuwan pradeeps bowling average this World Cup
hockey, football and basketball make up the cursed trifecta of braindead mong sports
thinking about taking a trip to the turks and caicos islands lads
wonder if I can be eligible for their team
Can you boys try to keep this off the front page it's rather rude to the civilized world. Thanks
last digit is how many matches New Zealand will win this World Cup
based and cricpilled
the ultimate cricketing physique
this is unacceptable
i'm here to talk about BASED cricket, where's india?
last digit is how many matches Sri Lanka will win at the World Cup
obviously going to be wash outs
I am an Indian dairy owner in Mt roskill ama
how many admirals games have you been to?
a full strength Sri Lanka
Bit rude
Zero. I must man the dairy! Except we shut down shop when cricket at Eden park!
>he doesn't support his local clubs
absolutely cringe
>his chair can't support his weight
absolutely tragic
Madoka WILL save /cric/
This is the post
Yup, this is it.
At the gym lads
What you working on tonight la
Shoulders today
Nice mate get them boulders
chest and back for me
Are we in the world cup?
no but the captain of england is irish
the based ICC cut it down to 10 teams for the world cup and ireland, scotland and zimbabwe missed out
Business idea: 48 team cricket world cup
have a rational hatred for any girl that uses the word "tea" in the burger youtube sense
hate angloid girls in general just grim
>their group
Used to love digimon tttt
first season was fucking good
For me, it was Omnimon vs Diaboromon
Metal Greymon
thinking of skull greymon actually
for me its mmoloki mooketsi
not familiar with that digimon
Angewomon desu
the most satisfying shot to play you ask?
well for me its definitely the straight drive over the bowlers head for 4 runs
Nothing beats ramp shot over long off for six, prove me wrong.
Not an effortless swiveling On Drive like Mark Waugh. Pure beauty.
for me it's any damien martyn off side shot
i'd probably get Phil Hughes'd if u attempted that
for me it’s Kusal mendis’s late cut
the andy flower sweep
thinking about the dusty martin don't argue
Kashmir belongs to Pakistan.
the ricky ponting pull
the brian lara cover drive
the dilscoop
big strong maoris
struggling to muster any interest in this upcoming boredDI tournament.
based haddin
meant this one haha
the rahul dravid front foot defence
sounds pretty grim mate, i can't wait
Feel sorry for you la
feel sorry for New Zealand stinking up their group
might take the sebbopill
and even if >we win I'll find no solace as it'll just mean the redemption of Warner is complete and he'll go back to being a national hero instead a unemployed woolies shelf-stacker
Foof the poof
seb the leb
>world cup a month before the ashes
just cazzie things
Could use that momentum to mentally mash the English
the obese dogfucking lebo sebbo
High IQ stuff
I never got an invite to the classic wow beta despite playing since vanilla, having 1500 days /played time, being in in a top 25 world guild, and subbed on two accounts since 2007. If it weren't for the world cup and Ashes i'd probs off myself.
not goosey btw
im just happy theres cricket on mate
based fucking goosey
yeah true, I'll watch on Saturday and see how I feel. I am being a tad presumptuous in my negativity
anyone put any cheeky bets on for the cwc?
i put $100 on Jos Butler for most runs
trent boult to have a career ending psychologically shattering injury at $30
put 50 bucks in NZ stinking up their group
if it werent for the bbl i would off myself
does anyone have the I know everything about battlegrounds no seriously pasta
thinking about how good Brad Hodge was lads
le double century not out statpad man
so this is where the cazzies come when /nrl/ is finished for the night
fuck up josh
200 not out against an elite south african attack
I know everything about Proving Grounds, no seriously, I mean there is not one thing I don't know about it, the strats, the right spec, the reforges, mobs and spawn locations. I can't even begin to tell you how many people I have pwned in my 10 years doing Proving Grounds but let me tell you it's a lot, a hell of a lot. For all intensive purposes I should just hold back some of this mountain of knowledge I possess, my mind is just a powerhouse of Proving Grounds strategies and current rankings, but what can I say I like to educate my fellow WoW friends on where I'm ranked, surely you've all seen me relentlessly push /ProvingGrounds/ on RealID's Anounce for years now and seen my superior knowledge of where I am ranked and seen my sharp wit and clever use of "come at me's" at play. Surely you have seen me post announcement after announcement of my rank and "come at me's" that prove how GOAT my strats, specs, reforges and myself are, an it's all been for you fellow brothers, I know you all respect me an have huge amounts of admiration for me and my ranking abilities, as a great man once said, I'm responsible for 90% of Proving Grounds rankings, well I said it but you know it's true anyway. I'd just like you also to know I'd appreciate it if you asked my permission when starting a thread about Proving Ground strats, specs, any /ProvingGrounds/ generals or anything really, to be safe just run everything though me as I am the #1 Ret paly around here, Please could you also tell all the new ret paladins that I am the example they must live up to an to follow my lead of arrogant and obnoxious announcements of my rankings, well I'm off to play some more WoW.
>no /nrlel/ game on
>some pathetic attempt at a "/aus/sp" general pops up that get 10 posts
>/nrlel/ game on
>the cringe general nowhere to be found
cognitive combobulation ensues with this knowledge in hand.
fuck up josh
Sebbo on the ropes
>pozz gaynolds
i remember making that edit back when he was farming proving grounds in mop and kept posting announcements in realid kek
such a classic pasta generally, doesn't get used enough anymore
fuck up josh
this is what i will do to you
yeah its so versatile.
>NRL crowd only 16000
>trusting the (((crowd numbers)))
surely a season record breaker
this. /nrl/ is about a capable of telling the truth about this metric as a white man in a penis size census
tipping a josh meltdown
I was extremely calm yesterday with my meeting with /cric/ and /afl/, knowing that they would say I was raging, which they always do, along with their partner, the Fake Meme Media. Well, so many stories about the meeting use the Rage narrative anyway - Fake & Corrupt Press!
tell me about josh
for me, it's wondering why Straff retweeted some nobody's dishwater dull take on a scene from a 20 year old power rangers episode. Is straff finally on the ganja?
just played the fiddle in an irish band and fell in love with an englishman lads
The sad part is they'll definitely choke.
for me it's Portishead Live Glastonbury 2013 Full
such a good reunion for them
one of the only bands to put out a good album after breaking up
where the fuck is the fourth album though
cricket is home lad
so glad my ancestors were criminals lads cannot fathom the thought of living in england
haha! you thirsty lad, haha you look thirsty, what you drinking haha! what are you drinking you look thirsty!
last one was 2008 so I doubt it's forthcoming, the main songwriter is shilling Arturia synths.
>Yeah orite just pass this $500 synth thru dis $5000 vintage delay and u can sound lik me! It's mint innit
The question isn't whether they'll choke, since they will. The question is where they'll choke. Might want to put a cheeky fiver on them crashing out in the group stage again.
reckon they'll choke on the stink from NZ in thr group stage
i remember last seeing this 2 years ago but still hoping someone has it. can someone share the collage of facebook posts by indians and pakis? the filename was something along the lines of 'cricket in the subcontinent'
fuck up ankush
fuck up wankush
Don't remember that myself
>Paki paddle
Grim fucking thread.
Even /nrl/ is better quality at this point.
Kevin Pietersen: Beast of a man
sounds quite good that
tell me about richo
why does he diddle the children
Oh look here he is again, only posting to tell us how superior he is than us
Congradgelation kankaroos
sebbo discovering a long dead 2015 meme
He's not wrong
Reckon Adam Milne's allowed to have that shit eating grin.
tipping shit turnout this World Cup
Not in leeds
>Adam Milne
Wut. Do you mean Matt Henry?
>implying they're not the same person.
the rob key on drive
a full strength zimbabwe
a full strength pancreas
a full strength Afghanistan vs Pakistan world cup warm up match
A full strength hair line
a full strength hair follicle
reckon zachy hasn't seen the likes of that since warnie retired
a full strength prostate
my hairline is what it’s slways been 2bh just got a bit less density
that's what the curries say about MS Dhoni
this is the full strength post
the shane watson no footwork defence to an inswinging ball angled in at the pads
such a grim attempt at banter
none of it funny, none of it makes sense and it all discloses a fundamental lack of understanding of cricket
imagine being so desperate for a (you) that you have to (you) the sebLORD
Thank fuck it’s friday. gonna go pay my electricity bill and pick up a banitsa
do you mean barista?
what is man without toil
the lads
toil is a soul sapper
who is the cricket equivalent
Love the recordings of big rocket going off so much
thinking about xavier doherty
not gonna be working much for most over World Cup to be honest based
you now remember munaf Patel
The Alpha longsleeve
the beta shortsleeve
the Saqlain mushtaq doosra
reckon mashrafe mortaza has a bit of a brain on him
the marky v meltdown
the plovidivian paedo
why did you delete this?
suck your dead mum
not warranted mate
I want to start following cricket but I'm not a virgin. I don't know if I can still follow the sport?
you can't
>tfw ywn go to restaurants in plovdiv and eat foul looking food with zachy b
might consider it mate seeing as Bulgaria doesn't extradite
the incel paedo richo
Bit of a bummer if I'm being completely frank. Wish you the best
and prey on impoverished desperate slavic children I'm sure
*blocks your path*
Before anyone else accuses me of any more pedo shit, just know that it was a false flag to sully my good name and reputation in this community. I have never posted CP, never defended it, and I will continue to be based as fuck.
Richo out.
>mention paedophilia in bulgaria
>richo immediately enters the thread
Honestly I fucking despise Richo and have for quite some time.
The first problem is that he literally does not watch cricket. I made a post a few months ago asking if anyone had seen him so much as mention the sport before and unsurprisingly no one could. He comes here for le epic social club only. That alone wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that he put on a trip as if we give the slightest fuck about the inane, boring and middle of the road posts he makes. It wasn't a normal tripcode either, he LITERALLY went out and made a secure trip. The absolute gall of Richo. Mate, no one gives enough of a fuck about your shitty trip to actually spend time fucking cracking it. I cannot imagine the level of ego underlying that decision. He GENUINELY wants people to notice him for his high quality posts, such as sucking off Zachy B, posting a laughing Pikachu gif and this classic "now this is based".
Richo kys
can't wait to see Jofra do nothing
will be studying these closely
>channel 9 broadcasting the world cup
looking good mate
so will your mum
different broadcasting deal, they're doing the ashes as well
might put a squash ball in the glove
the incel pedo richo
Does everyone (white) in South Africa have F.A.S?
bit racist mate
not really, just honest. Look at their heads
ah yes, australians specialising in studying little girls' heads and faces
really, really, really disturbed by the level of antipodean noncery itt
going pub
Based bushpigbro
No Victorian woman is safe on a Friday evening
a full strength clive waterhouse
just dropped a truthie on /int/
west auckland is playing lads. they're down by 2 early in the first. would be nice if you could give the boys your energy.
Playing what
men with thick hair have high test warrior blood
balding men go to watch the avengers
seriously laugh when anyone plays the balding men are high test card
nice boomer containment thread
cheers OP
Warm up matches starting today lads. Tomorrow aus v eng and india v nz.
is Daniel still a Toronto blues fan?
Hehe nice
Sri Lanka looking good
Fuck you on about
some grim progression of a dead narrative
sa arent making it to the semifinals this year lads
The good looking ones are
so no Victorian women
Thought there was quite a few good looking ladies around Melbourne last time I went
and neither are nz
Business idea: start a business that involves a majorly overpriced product or service and rip people off
get your bloody feet off the couch you mutt
Awful kits wtf
>hey user, come sit and watch our sport with us
>t. Steve jobs
Anyone else watching SA vs SL?
what’s the score mate
SA 47-0 after 6.1 overs
Shit Lanka are incredibly grim. First wicket just now tho
Big Strong Western Australians on holiday no doubt
yes Nate
a very rich man
funny that
well hes the richest man in the cemetary now
>women commentating
>du plessis comes in
>run rate drops
a full strength fakhar zaman
pack up your shit and get out
I already fired you
how much longer does Amla have left in him do you reckon lads
Is the game being televised?
might take up rugby lads
It's on sky here
this isn’t a full strength Sri lanka
let it go
never met an intelligent yank
I must have made this 4 years ago
hi frens and brown people
Why are you addressing yourself as third person?
thoughts on SA this world cup mate
We're fucked as always
you now remember subhuman coloured
if i saw any of you in the street i would throw my own shit at you and then chin you
based ngidi lads
based sri lanka
got the horses in the back
I don’t get it, are warm up matches like supposed to be different from regular matches? For the Pakistani side, I don’t see that Amir or this new guy Hassnain batted but here they are bowling. What the fuck is up with that
Thoughts lads?
fuck up sebbo
Suck my whole cock
>pookistan losing to based afghans
that hussnain nigga is chucking lol
don't watch brown people play
presumably you will not be watching england v australia, you might see adil rashid bowl to usman khawaja
Morgan has sustained a fracture of his left index finger
that's england done
lol, gone for how long/
based john john wright talking about how india lost a warm up game to natal b team in their warm up game of WC 2003 still went to final
thoughts on the kit?
t.has never bowled fast in his life
imagine being a big enough brainlet to think chucking in any way helps international fast bowlers.
straight up throwing 150+ is exceptional in itself, but doing it in a weird way while trying to convince others you're not? get to a pitch lard ass
nibba ive been playing cricket for 20 years. i know that a hyperextension is.
why do you say he chucks? guy doesn't even look close to chucking
similar to tait imo
jerking his arm
Cheap paki knock off of kohli
t. just skimmed the wikipedia page of babar azam
‘’If you had told me Sri Lanka were gonna win the the World Cup before this tournament started I would have absolutely laughed my buttocks off,
It’s just ridiculous’’
Who is Reality Christ tipping to win the WC
>Losing to afghanistan
Imagine leaving the house looking like such a nonce as this
Where is his chin?
a full strength /cric/
the cric lads
a full strength chin
sebbo looking up the walkcunt wikipedia page
do i detect a touch of grey there my friend?
Should be back in time for the opener against SA.
seetho giving the sebGOD shadow(you)s every single day of the week
Walkcunt has biggish arms but no chest. Seems he doesn't know how to activate his pecs
just curls
the Jason holder full strength cock
the danish kaneria googly
He's a member of parliament now, that too of my hometown
lmao that's right completely forgot
what are his politics
honesty is the best policy
one of the premier composers of our generation
looking good mate
We're taught that in the books as kids
the amir show
the Chris woakes show
the kemar roach show
the bumGod show. You know it'll be ;)
yup /cric/ has the big gay
I have arisen
Must not stick because Indians never follow do it
>Sri Lanka already got BTFO
Plebby B on suicide watch
hecking based
For me, it's the growth of European cricket
The Sri Lanka golden age isn't due to start till next year
Backpedaly B
BASED fucking freshie how's your first day on /cric/ mate?
Like I said a couple threads ago, they need to just designate Continental Europe as a region, like the West Indies, with the best cricketers from those nations playing on the Continental XI first, before going home and representing their national teams.
the hype is at unbearable levels
a full strength alchy locks
Yo star, yeah yeah, truss
King of kings, lord of lords, truss
See 'nuff man talk about tings they don't know, blud
But you see me star, I'm here to set the record straight
[Hook: Big H (x2)]
'Bout they run the place
I don't wanna hear how the guy buss case
I'mma have to shoot man straight in the face
Try diss H, I will send man space
[Verse 1:]
Just by chance, AK Rifle make man dance
I'mma move further, I'mma enhance
Big .45, I will send man France
I will send man Prague, send the machine, I will spray up the yard
They like to act like they're really hard
Us man are famous, us man are stars
Base and snare, AK Rifle keep one spare
They were like, "H would you keep one there, and a few more that I keep elsewhere?"
Tell them straight, AK Rifle make man skate
Us man are holy, us man are great
One big machine,make you relocate
[Hook: Big H (x2)]
'Bout they run the place
I don't wanna hear how the guy buss case
I'mma have to shoot man straight in the face
Try diss H, I will send man space
Bout they run the block
Then I came through with the ball in the sock
"What we have here is cream of the crop"
They were like "Prez, can you stop?"
I don't want to hear 'bout the guy pumps weights
Turn up to estates, two three rollers but it ain't skates
Used to be a real G, now you cut shapes
You will see apes, I was on the mic when niggas had 'tapes
Man wanna fly, can't see any capes
Sick of these vultures, sick of these snakes
Same old mistakes, salute the real Gs, pick out the fakes
You was on top, you was on top, now it's all downhill without the brakes
[Verse 3: Big H]
I will send man Mars, lick man down over 16 bars
Kill all your bredrins, kill all your spars
Big .45 make a man see stars
I will send man moon, send the machine I will spray up the room
Man wanna talk all tough on a tune, AK Rifle, aim and zoom
Keep on shooting? Ha ha ha ha ha, that's amusing
I'm up there while you man are losing
Don't really like how them man are moving
Keep on firing, badmind you can't stop man shining
Lick man down if I ever find him, seems like them man all need reminding
[Hook: Big H (x2)]
'Bout they run the place
I don't wanna hear how the guy buss case
I'mma have to shoot man straight in the face
Try diss H, I will send man space
[Verse 4: Big H]
I will send man out
Ay there likkle man shower out your mouth
Gunshot fly 'round the whole of your house
Please don't speak when badman are about
I will send man west, leave man's chest in Bangladesh
No ID or proof of address
AK Rifle, I make a mess
I can get man touched, if I eat you that wouldn't even get man much
Swear, I wouldn't even get man rushed
'Nuff times though had to get man stuff
I will get man sliced, shank, that won't even get man life
Murking, that will leave a Met man nice
'Nuff times though had to get man twice
[Hook: Big H (x2)]
'Bout they run the place
I don't wanna hear how the guy buss case
I'mma have to shoot man straight in the face
Try diss H, I will send man space
a full strength rashid khan
a full strength Adolf hitler
a full strength Heath Streak
i like it
a full strength group stage
A peak Mohammad Zahid
reality cunt on aborted narrative watch
animal collective- graze
reckon each nation of’ the balkans’ should unite as a cricketing powerhouse
unironically reckon a full strength balkans would beat USA in Sofia
Which one of you lads did this?
the ket has worn off and I’m feeling extremely anxious,’gonna go hide under my bedsheets for the whole weekend with the lights turned off
They're going to come again user. They've been watching. Waiting for this moment. You cannot stop them. As you lie under your sheets you'll remember this post. Paranormal stuff is real and using drugs breaks the protective shield between our worlds. You're an idiot.
SOMEONE EXPLAIN why doesnt Cyprus have a /cric/ team? And i dont mean pakis or indians playing.
It does, retard. It has ICC status since 2017. Also, daily reminder, the Ionian Islands, which were once British (until we gave them to Greece FOR FREE as a coronation present) loved cricket, but Greece isn't a big cricket nation.
it's just some seething Deano that can't deal with pozball not being the centre of attention for once
excited by the prospect of cricket spreading into central asia from the subcontinent
you've got your kazakhstans, your tajikistans, your kyrgyzstans, the list goes on
so true
reckon turkmenistan will try to resist cricket, instead inventing their own moronic bat-and-ball sport and naming it after their president's mother
horrible idea
absolute mong
yes mate Croatians and Serbians would love being in a team together as would Poles and Germans etc
this would also definitely solve the south asian/Afghan issue and not make it even worse
it also would be completely plausible for amateur cricketers to leave their country and their job to come play in a team that makes no money has no infrastructure and no support
fucking dumb cunt
such an odious presence sebbo is
a full strength Theresa May
Imagine posting a furious response hours later thinking I'd read it.
a full strength so true
a full strength zyzz
this is a joke right the indian cricketer's last name isn't actually Coolie?
a full strength Palestine
sebbo on the ropes
a full length shoaib akhtar
a full strength pot of pu'er
heath streak>Matthew hoggard>Tim southee
a full strength pot to piss in
you need a 115IQ at the very minimum to appreciate the aesthetics and physics of test cricket
richo and sebbo don’t like test cricket because their IQs lie at a paltry 95 or so
a full strength head of hair
Yeah I said it again fuck you baldy b
How does fatguts even type? Does he have a special fat finger keyboard or does he use talk to text?
this is the full strength post
....I am back.
Fielding position for this feel?
how was your toilet break m8
lol good for our spinners
Sri Lanka
*be cricket*
Imagine selecting an option that isn't available or possible.
mo asif> Shane bond> Ryan Harris
why do working class people in england hate cricket with such a passion?
the incel pedo richo
why does bitcho love children with a passion
the ajantha mendis teesra
new thread
heath streak> hoggard> hilfenhaus> southee
This is the definitive ranking of modern right arm trundlers
they say the man who is tired of plovdiv is tired of life
never heard them say that
Stuart Clark was the best fast bowler of this century
being serious
suspect Holder is packing an 8 incher
only 5 days lads
zachy b
low t
can't wait
low insulin due to an exhausted pancreas from consuming 5000 calories of Taco Bell every day for 15 years
suspect mashrafe mortaza possesses a 140 Cricketing IQ
fuck up, only ate 1470 calories of taco bell today.
horrible attempt at banter
sebbo mate just stop trying to be funny, you're not funny even by American standards and you simply do not fit in anglo threads
*does a depression*
this is why I love cricket
>try to shake his hand
>he lays you down on the ground
reckon a full strength sebbo would stomp a full strength straffo at Taco Bell
sebbo Bell
Straffo is a man of peace
a full strength sebbo would destroy an extra strength finasteridey b at banista bell