which one of them perfected the disappearing act ?
The Prestige
neither, it's werner
>tfw you will never see Deutschland 2010 football again
>it was good and it was not just everyone being shit
almost every competition is won because the other teams are shit. your point ?
>didn't even notice him in the pic
h-he's too good
Kroos' tattoos look weird on him, he has the face of a farmer
true patrician
angier and borden
tesla and edison
lauda and hunt
fedrer and nadal
kroos and ozil
is there an end to the cycle of fraudulence ?
Everybody notices that Oil disappears, but Kroos's is better because nobody realises.
Actually wrong because Draxler never shows up in the first place
Why I started watching Soccer.....
this. ozil has a certain flair to his game, so he's more notable.
Özil has like two actually great games per year and that's it, the rest of the time he's just dead weight
nobody asked timo
that's not true though, he's still a 6/10 player. doesn't put in hard tackles and isn't a great finisher, but still links up with other attackers well and works hard (yes really) off the ball
he's actually a better finisher then both the arsenals strikers.
Stats say he runs a lot but I don't see him often doing something useful.
Maybe his pace is gone or he has no clue who or what he's supposed to chase around.
Kante runs alot too.
While tackling like a madman. Not as much as he used to to be fair.
>not Schweinsteiger
a lot of the off-the-ball running he does is when his team has possession. even if he doesn't get the ball he's constantly making runs, across the field or forward from deep, to take defenders out of the play. it's what he's always done, weirdly he gets less credit for it now than he used to
Can’t drag defenders away when they don’t see you tho
Did Michael Caine a crying speech in The Prestige or was that The Dark Knight Returns?
>tfw you will never see Sommermärchen 2006 again
The team that made me love football.
I wish there was a WW2 movie with these 2 as the main bad guys.
Kroos was so good at disappearing in the 2012 CL final they had Neuer take his penalty