Peak kit thread?
I'll start with season 2008/2009 Manchester United home kit.
Peak kit thread?
this kit is shit
this font was cancer
aig ads if literally aids
Shut the fuck up you retarded de-evolved Portuguese
Get some taste. It was an extremely aesthetic kit.
>a red kit with a retard ad
whoa nice taste
>his country is not even allowed to post in Yea Forums anymore because mosque shootings
lol subhuman
The DNS block was lifted a week after the shooting you retard
>his subhuman street shitting country actually got blocked and now cops are literally on surveillance at his shithole home, parked on his toilet with their 1969 ford transit van, to kill him after the first incel post
The DNS block was not government ordered it was the ISPs being reddit they realised it was retarded.
Why did everyone drop text shading and outline in the 2010s in favour of muh minimalism?
Looked so much better before
That shit looked fucking retarded
It's a trend, that type of font will come back in the future
Credit where credit is due.
No, it looks timeless compared to what we have now
Half and half kits for striped jerseys are so great. People are hating on the new Juventus one because they got reddit so deep in their minds they became literally braindead.
The collars on last season’s kits were nice. The pin stripes on next season’s kits would be nice if they went all the way up
>it looks timeless
go back to r eddit
kill yourself
text with varying stroke width almost always looks more timeless
Binlandfeld :DDDDD
go back to r eddit
>reddit invented the word timeless
you don't even know how your language works and what "we" means in that sentence
go back to mexico
It's good that we're in agreement now go back
why does reddit live rent-free in your heads
ya boiling?
t. The literal Mexico of Europe
basically any Arsenal shirt home or away from 99-06
as roma
peak aesthetic
Most Milan kits are great
>a red kit with a retard ad
still better than Fly Emirates, Qatar Airways, Etihad Airways or other muslim shit
2014's 2nd uniform is kino
*dabs on muslims*
I want to post this. The best Inter's away kit that were ever created.