Attached: respect.jpg (573x322, 31K)

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Nah. Fuck niggers.

your mom does

Attached: 1558243254616.jpg (120x125, 2K)


I have two dads.

fuck you kike. leftist commie jew

Attached: 1557733071765.jpg (979x513, 136K)



lol when I was young and saw uefa respect emblem I thought it was bayern's and and then I hated bayern because I thought they support muslims haha


shut up nigger

Niggers are equal to humans #respect


Australia NO!

Sweden YES!

we must secure a future for white children.
jews will not replace us
seig heil

the beauty of the white race shall not perish from the face of the earth

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Unless you are armenian

I'm going to say the N word.

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OK this is epic

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based and redpilled thread praising kek so hard right now bros

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Seething Paki

Noooo my advertisers!!!

Don't do it, Steve, or they will block you again ;_;

what is your FA doing to help refugees?
>ctrl-f polish: 0 results

Wow you are so based and cool poland! Now clean my toilet

Very cool of them to put the Europa league in a country that doesn't respect Armenia

God, I hate shitskins so much, bros.

he’s Canadian so she’s probably fucking dogs desu