Awlright, we're back

Awlright, we're back.

user in Yea Forums, what's up user?

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Hey mike, whats the deal with airline food?

Hey Mike. Never listened before, first time caller. What are your thoughts on Great Britain's thrilling 4-3 victory over France that secured them another year at the top level of international Ice Hockey?

Will this unexpected success be a platform that Britain can build on to become genuine competitors on the European Hockey scene, or does football simply have too much of a stranglehold in this country?

Hanging up now but listening for your thoughts.

long time first time caller time listener here,

do you think 7-1 couldve been prevented if nerman was playing? please explain in less than 500 words

What's with the diet coke?

Hey Mike, should I let Jamal fuck my gf? Thanks in advance

mike you heard of this "anime" stuff? pretty good in my opinion

Animay? Listen buddy, I had a friend from shiboygan, got into that annimay stuff our second year of college. It chnaged him, he turned into a degenerate, an outcast. Kept muttering to himself about Rei eyeanami or somethin, somethin about “getting in the fucking robot”

Nah, I dont go for dat stuff. Next calluh

Ehhh mike when are da giants goin back to da supah bowl? Da jets are outta da question cuz theyre straight GAHBAGE

not doing soccer tuhday oghkay?