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what happened?

Based GB.

are there any sports France is good at?

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We beat France at Ice Hockey after being 3-0 down

>ice hockey world championships
>GB vs France
>winner stays up, loser is relegated
>France goes up 3-0
>Guess what comes next

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we have a hockey team? france has a hockey team?

did they do it 4-3?

>Our only 2 relevant players weren't here

>we have a hockey team?

Yes they're elite.

Yeah. We're part of the elite now and play at the top level of the World Championships.

Basically, both us and France were thrashed in our first 7 games so this was the deciding match to decide who finished 7th out of 8 to stay up.

We came from 3-0 down to win and end France's 15 year run as a top division team.

Apparently we got promoted to some important league recently, and this was a match to stay in, losers gets relegated.
That's all I can figure out from the bbc sport page, it's extremely barebones, can't even find a table or anything.

>can't even find a table or anything.

Just use Flashscores and go to the hockey section, click on the game and check the standings.

as usual wikipedia does a better job than "proper" journalism

Basically yeah, we won the 2nd division last year after being the Liverpool of 2nd division Ice Hockey. This yeah we got BTFO harder than 2007/08 Derby and then just screwed over the French to relegate them instead of us

>it was 3-0

>-32 goal difference

The absolute STATE. No wonder we're only good at tray sliding for winter sports.

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>World championship takes place during NHL playoffs

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France are going down because they lost in OT to GBR after being up 3-0

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lmao i though for a moment it was about a real sport

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np: ABBA - Waterloo

this is why we shouldn't be studying this meme language

Imagine blowing a 3-0 lead

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For me, it's field hockey.

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Always rated hockey lads

yeah I can't really even mock you for this
who the fuck cares about hockey lmao




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you can laugh at our rugby team and organisation backstabing eachothers

Daily reminder diveball is not a real sport


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Is this the reason they lost? Too many ethnic French gentlemen playing hockey.

Too bad hockey isn't a ngubu sport so France can't get players from it's colonies to save their asses this time

the only rivalry that matters in sports between france and england is rugby, and we're shit

rule britannia

they have quebec tho

Fucking astounded that the poms stayed up.

she cute

wow its fucking nothing

I think this semen slurping sport is for me.

your presence is requested in /f1/, fren.

based and elitepilled

its that time of the year again

>this is a 10 in Britain

C'mon we all know why. it's the only way any team besides Canada has a chance at winning. Gotta have some parity to give other countries the illusion that they are as good at hockey as us

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in early years skodacup was in january.
how many nhlers would be there in january?
0 or 0?


>1 - 45


>still in the ELITE nationons league and the ELITE hockey league
>france got dabbed on in both

yeah...i'm thinking we're based.

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haha we won u lost hahahahahahaaha


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It's coming home it's come home
Ice hockey(?) is coming home


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british public be like
>we got ice? where?

the lake near me froze over last winter and some old geezer died because his dog went on the ice and he tried to get it off and went under

happens here regularly, too. idiots with their pets.


I'm french and i had no idea we even had a competitive ice hockey team.

>Finland only won the World championship twice even though that's pretty much the only thing they live for

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Didn't some woman drown fighting a Swan to get her dog back a few years back

Football. They even won the world cup.

swans are vile tbf

Only the coach is or rather was.
Texier looking hot though so there's that.

This is what you british fucks consider a good looking woman? Kek. This bitch would be below average in America.

You don't have a competitive ice hockey team


Yeah. You've been at the elite level for about 15 years, this is our first time in nearly 30 years so us staying up is definitely a major upset.

France definitely aren't among the best, but they're okay in the grand scheme of things.


We beat Russia once

umm we don't care about hokkei. Pesäpallo is the highest level if sports.

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>tfw not French
God bless bros

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> Competitive
No sweetheart

>australia has several medals from pesäpallo world cup

Huh, didn’t know that. How many aussie football medals do we have?

Not enough australian heritage living in Finland to get those.

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I’m not British lad. I’m Scottish with Irish roots

>I’m Scottish
Literally British


‘British’ is an angloid social construct

sounds pretty British to me

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Any sport where you can pack as many big niggers as possible.


we're GOAT at pétanque

this is another agincourt

like scotland, norn and eire

>english "women"

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4-3 over time.

france has had more NHL players though

Could someone explain what they've lost at? I don't follow whatever non-event this was that didn't even make the BBC Sport homepage.

Don't worry about it abdul ahcmad. It's white men's sports thing, you don't like it.

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look at the flag you silly mutt

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It’s literally not. The germanoids came over the North Sea, pillaged us, raped us, expelled us from what is now England, and forced up to set up our own meme countries before finally taking over the whole place with ‘Britain’ as its Trojan horse.

Thankfully our Irish brothers were able to resist, and hopefully we Scots will also rise up one day.

Free Alba!

>GB actually has an ice hockey team
>They beat another team
what in the world

>tries to do the raffl-leap

France not Africa

you have an ice hockey semi-pro league even

Pour moi, moi, je, je suis dans l'opinion qui France, la France, c'est une merde, ça langue, c'est une merde, la mot "pourra", c'est une merde, Henri V, Wellington et Bismarck, ils n'ont rien fait de mal, Paris, c'est l'étoille noire qui propage merde et statism pour tout l'Europe et tout le monde, le football français est une merde, nous (pardon, on) avons baisé cet pays de merde dans le cul en 2016, meilleure jour de ma vie, et Tintin est meilleure qu'Asterix

any sport where finland could top a group is clearly not worth anyone's time

Frankrike? More like Fran-yikes, ammarite?

they didn't come


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it is ok fren, it could happen to anyone

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70% of Portugal would be jobless without France

what a piece of shit. why did you post this?

Christ, what sport is this one?

Jessica Ennis is a fucking cutie

ngubu wasnt playing

France was never good
The gap between the top 7-8 nations and the rest is gigantic

Mate the average in your country is 40 lbs heavier than her. Pipe down tubby.

Canada/US/Russia/Sweden/Finland>>Czechia>>Switzlerland/Germany>>Everyone else

20 years ago there was a top 6 with the Czechs and Slovakia was a clear #7 but they both dropped off

Lad, this means Brits are objectively more chad than Frogs.

The top 30-50ish quebec memers would do ok

hahaha the thread is still alive, looks like anglos love to celebrate even pointless victories.

>tfw 2012

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nice proxy nigel

they are staying in elite group, though, unlike you

score smart > score much