Player scores

>player scores
>proceeds to bow down

Attached: 1493410467587s.jpg (250x206, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>player scores.
>does an imaginary line of blow off the pitch.

Attached: 91688318.jpg (472x461, 30K)

>player scores
>robot dance

Attached: 9DC7D550-0C99-4BD6-905E-570E09F6E20A.jpg (226x240, 7K)

>player scores
>gets on his knees
>smashes his head against the pitch
>starts chanting something in arabic

Attached: 1556961065312.jpg (641x530, 41K)


>player scores
>entire team plays duck duck goose

Attached: 1547818162274.jpg (670x472, 51K)

>player scores
>climbs the fence to celebrate with the fans
>unadvertedly gets his wedding ring stuck between it
>jumps off the fence to go back
>rips half of his finger off

Attached: wott.png (325x306, 123K)

Surprised it wasn't Maradona desu

D-di-did this happen?

Attached: 1546353529516.jpg (640x659, 40K)