Was he rated outside of Mexico or is he a literal who?
Was he rated outside of Mexico or is he a literal who?
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he was 'that guy you can name from Mexico'
do CHI's who rate him living in usa count? If so yes very highly rated
unironically in his prime was almost at the same level as Puyol
I always knew who he is but I always had trouble pointing him on discussions because there are atleast two Rafael Marques playing in brazilian football at any point.
He was the donald cerrone of defenders.
ah yes....stern looking mexico dude....loved watching that guy (score|pass|defend)
He was actually better. In fact Poop Guardilel used to slide Puyol into RB when Marquez was healthy.
>Be the most successful Mexican player of your generation
>Make millions playing in Europe
>Living the high life
>Still a drug dealer
Where ever a Mexican is, he must deal the drugs.
Literally only played when other were injured. A sub per say. A nice one at that.
I believe, besides Mexicans, people who are real Barcelona fans (and not the third-world "fans" who are only fans because the club became a fad starting the 00's) have him in high regards.
he was pretty universally regarded as decent. I think only mexicans saw him as elite though
i consider him world class player with true skill
Did you hear Esteban Loaiza was actually drug smuggling himself? At a least Marquez was only laundering money.
Here he was rated as God Tier in his Barca days. Before and after that he was absolutely irrelevant. I still remember his penalty against Portugal in the 2006 WC lol
i reckon he was better than puyol. he looked better on the ball, had more skill and grace. top tier defender/defensive mid.
99% of people don't know his name, let alone his face. I guess he was a big deal outside of Europe, but here we have a different view on players. Experts will know him, obviously, but I wouldn't say that people rate(d) him.
cringe and redpilled
I'll always remember him as being the choking bitch that he is.
>swears by cuautemoc
Literally who?
>Mexican delusions
he was an ok CB in his prime
Always choked with the NT
just like messi
Messi took them to finals. This fraud had to stick his foot out for Robben to dive
He was a boomer by then. His prime was in 2006, and he didn't fuck up there. It was a brilliant Maxi goal.
He was present in every blunder in the world cups. Him being outed as having ties with the mob is very suspicious maybe he rigged the games who knows.
Isn’t this the drug dealer player? Also wasn’t there some goalie who was kidnaping people?
He is a brainlet with shitty friends. He clearly got dupped into money laundering without fully realizing what was going on.
You mean Gato Ortiz. He belonged to a kidnapping gang. Apparently he would hang out in the Monterrey affluent society, and give pointers to the actual kidnappers. Or something like that.
Kaiser de Michoacan.