Remember when everyone thought that these two monkeys would be Messi and Ronaldo's successors?
Remember when everyone thought that these two monkeys would be Messi and Ronaldo's successors?
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I dont know what the fuck you're on about, they're both still top tier and bettee than 99% of all players out there
>better than 99.9% of South Semenmouth-on-Tyne FC
Oh wow what an accomplishment
Who is it now? Mbop and who else
Man Mountain
neymar only needed to tone it down a little bit, everything else would happen naturally
on the other hand, bale would never cut it in that insidious locker room
Are you clinically retarded? I didn't say 99% of ITALIAN players, i'm talking about ALL of them.
Here's a quick list of strikers that both Neymar and Bale are better:
-Vini Jr
-Diego Costa
-Manduzick( or whatever the fuck you spell that)
-Douglas Costa
They're literally better than every single active players playing in France, Spain (with the sole exception of Messi, of course), England, Germany, Italy (with the sole exception of Ronaldo), the whole continent of Asia, Both North and South America, Africa, and the Oceania.
lol no
>better than Salah, Hazard, Pogba, Griezmann, Dybala, and Mbappe
Cr7 ft. Bale vs Messi ft. Nerman in classico's was kino as fuck
It ended too early desu, why did the fucking monkey go to PSG of all places?
Neymar settled for a farmers league were he looks elite and will never win the Ballon d'Or or the CL.
Bale is hated by pretty much everyone at Madrid and has two options: going to a shit hasbeen team like United because no top team would want him due to his attitude, or staying in Madrid and never playing again. Also he turns 30 in some weeks lol
Aguero, no. He's turned into a well rounded beast under Pep.
The rest are worse, yes
He won the CL in 2015, you fucking retard. He scored 10 fucking goals and tied in the artillery with Messi and Ronaldo.
Know your facts before you talk shit you fucking mongoloid
>le 29 year old prospects
Yes, they are.
He's not wrong about him running off to a shit league, ungrateful monkey should have stayed with Messi
Are you high on suco de macaco?
Based Brazil
If only Neymar stayed at Spain. What a little bitch.
Barcelona would have dominated europe so badly. But the pretty boy wanted the cash and now hes just a "super star"
he could've won the Ballon door. Last Year was HIS YEAR. Fucking Modric won it, like really?
Neymar was the away goal scorer of Barca. In the Bayern Barca game every counter attack looked like a goal. He killed the games with away goals against Bayern and Atletico Madrid (Copa del Rey) in the 2014-2015 season
He got greedy, he did the same thing Ronaldo did in 2009, he traded everything so he could single handedly make a team rise to glory.
He was offered to have a whole league by himself. He was offered the challenge of making a Tier 2 team become a Champions League contender. But, unfortunately football is a team sport and one man alone can't win the CL by himself, the best example of that is Messi in this year's CL. But if you were offered such a deal wouldn't you have done the same?
Bale couldn't stay healthy, and him falling in and out of the line-up sporadically caused chemistry issues, on and off the field.
Nerman became a headcase and foolishly ran to PSG to escape Messi's shadow, inadvertently falling under Mbappe's shadow instead. His entire tenure in Paris is a lost weekend that he would undo in a second if he could.
Wasted potential from both.
I meant while at Paris you idiot. Of course he won the CL before and can win it again, and can win the BdO one day, but not if he plays for PSG.
If the wages are similar then no because PSG is not a good club and Messi takes so much attention from opponents that you're going to shine being that talented
Mbappe's "shadow" is just the promise of "maybe he might won the ballond'or one day" and thats it. Mbappe had a great WC last year and thats it.
So far he disapeared in all of the big group stage matches in the CL, after that he just scored a tap-in and then completely fucked up vs ManUtd.
Disapeared yet again in the French Cup final and got fucking red carded.
And that's it. That is Mbappe's season in a nutshell. A promise.
I also forgot to mention that Neymar has also had trouble staying healthy. That can't be ignored
Oh yea, money is still a big factor for his choice, i think he earns something like €100,000 per day
>Brazilian brain functions
highly incorrect
Unbased and bluepilled
We all know moura and kane are their actual successors