Fucking destroyed

Fucking destroyed

Attached: 20190519_132353.jpg (1075x551, 236K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Eurogays btfo

>Yotsuba background
what irrelevant board is this?

the truth


Attached: ah hahaha.jpg (367x451, 65K)

Trump supporters are uneducated

Imagine living your life basically worshiping (sic) domestic nignogs that earn muuuch more money than you just because they run into designated zone. The absolute state.

get that edgy Yea Forums shit out of here this is 4channel

How will Yea Forums ever revcover??

>That flag (in the picture)
>That post (in the picture)

>the board filled with redditor retards

Wtf I hate sports now

>sportsball sux!!1!

>it's about the player and not the sport itself
It's like these faggots always out themselves as the losers who never played sports growing up



Attached: NiggroFL.jpg (335x375, 39K)


>/pol/ memeflag
Opinion discarded

He's right you know. If you watch sports without making money on it you are a bread and circus pleb

On the flipside everyone spends their free time on worthless shit be it vidya, tv, movies, shallow books and magazines, and about 12 hours of internet a day

I support my club, I don't care about the players playing for my club, they're soldiers, they're tools made to make my club shine, as soon as their performance drop I shit on them for betraying my club.

I've felt more emotions watching sports than any TV show or even anything in my personal life. Unless you boycott every form of media and entertainment, you are a hypocrite for criticising sports fans. These clowns probably watch twitch streamers for 8 hours a day

Why can't people on this site shut the fuck up about race already? You can't go a single thread without some faggot screeching about "le niggers xD and also le joos :DD:D".

I sometimes fantasize about the players fucking my WIFE.

t. Tyrone Greenblatt


Why are you so obsessed with gay people?

t. Hasidic Homeboy

Attached: dk-effect-1[1].png (356x245, 25K)

You're not white, Juan Gomez.
>newfag rebuttals
You're not white either, Tyrone Muhammad Deshawn.