Do you watch sports with your gf?

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Good one op

sure, she loves NBA

kys nigger

my wife has no interest with sports.
fine by me. Whenever she has shown interest she says something completely stupid and I cringe telling her to shut up.

rather go pub with lads

Only NFL and Overwatch League

I don't have a girlfriend, so I don't care.


You’re fekked lad

don't have one

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>Whenever she has shown interest she says something completely stupid and I cringe telling her to shut up.
You're a retard.

When i came to this thread i said i swear if thats not a webm of her deep throating that banana....fuck your mother OP

seethe more incel

My Russian gf likes only hokkei so she made me start watching it. Bretty cool sport actually, I don't really understand it so well yet but it's fun, I'm enjoying myself

no, i watch them with yours

No, watching sports with your girlfriend is gay. That's why I only watch sports with my boyfriends.

>Team that puts Puck in goal most times wins
>Doesn't understand

I bet you suck his dick as well

What's his name?

>with your gf

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Yeah we watch football and basketball together. I'm a huge Saints fan so she's also a Saints fan. I don't really have an NBA team but she likes kawhi

For real.

If by "watching together" you mean me telling her I'm putting on football tonight while she waits for my attention then yes, we do

Only during halftime!