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so his career is over now.
the MLS announcing a new signing next week i presume.
Why is he wearing a united scarf?
hes an abc
Ac Milan will buy him
He's player manager at Anderlecht now
>implying he won't spend 2 years at Guandong Rising Dragon F.C. for 500k per week before finally retiring
S on this pretentious fivehead, balotelli was less insufferable even on his worst days
Vincent Kompany is to become the player-manager of Anderlecht
How do britbongs think you pronounce "Anderlecht"?
commentators tend to say an-der-shhlekt
with like a slurping sound on the shh bit
His goal against Leicester secured the league. Kompany is truly the ultimate ABL
Great move by Anderlecht, keeps the fans calm untill winter.
wondering now if he gonna do a fellaini and leave the NT before Euro 2020 or if he gonna stay until the end of it
ander lekt
lol the chinks dont take non-white athletes
his only place is mls
how does player-manager work? Can you just think "fuck this" and sub yourself off?
i believe gullit did it at newcastle la
>permanently bench yourself due to breakdown in relations with manager
>just turn up to training every week and receive your paycheck
When he 1st cane and was switched from DM , DF he was arguably the best defender i ever saw . He is also a natural leader . And he was a rock in a shakey defense . I will miss hime dearly
nah, he was just a manager
benched shearer lmao
how to lose your job speed run
Under lake
Fuck megamind and fuck city. I remember being happy for them when AGUERÒOOOOOO happened but they are cancer on the premier league.
Only part of that City team with a bit of soul. My Sister was friends with his Niece, and I've only heard good things about him.
>"Sheikh Mansour changed my life and that of all the City fans around the world, for that I am forever grateful. A blue nation has arisen and challenged the established order of things, I find that awesome.
>"I cherish the counsel and leadership of a good human being, Khaldoon Al Mubarak. Man City could not be in better hands”
top fucking kek, a based sheik and a good human being
he's really no worse than our government or royals
acting like he's evil just because he's doing the same shit whilst being an arab is boring
nah i know we like to meme but slavery is unironically pretty bad
>how does player-manager work? Can you just think "fuck this" and sub yourself off?
that used to be the norm in the 1800s and early 1900s
now try player-president (Veron here in Estudiantes)
What slavery? England style slavery or just plain american genocide?
I'm English. Good counter argument though.
what a way to go out, amazing blooter on that leicester match and it won them the league
What a perfect captain figure.
.....have you seen how many favela gibbons made their way to the Chinese league?
Only good example I can think of is Dalglish at Liverpool. I think it only works if you are at the level where the team are begging you to come on.
oil scumbag enabler