Fc Bayern have gewinned the league
Mein song edition
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era of the bull
era of the bosz
era of the cock
era of the horse cock
>Tfw you don’t have to pretend to rate the Europa league anymore
Lyon could choke the qualifier or Leverkusen or Lyon could finish 3rd in the group stage
Lyon don’t have to play qualifiers of Chelshit win the EL.
Excuse me, but /bundes/ don't have four direct spots for the group stage?
Tfw Bayer shares gonna skyrocket with cl qualification and havertz sale + brandt new contract
is it sissy to want some caffeine free cola?
>Havertz sale
not happening
>Brandt new contract
Not happening
why is bayern wining a bad thing ? why aren't the other team motivated to topple them ?
Wtf James is ripped
I'm calling the local sharia council Mohammed
dubs and Leverkusen win a title
>one off
how fitting
unironicaly sharia would clean up the favelas
I know, Sharia would solve some major problems around here, but we are a nation build upon Catholic structure and heritage.
good night
you people have more and more evangelical nutjobs though
Buy some kids, we can't rely on Pulishit forever
>wake up in the morning
>Buyern customers still seething
best way to start the day
>Professional Athlete is fit
Not everyone is pudgy like you Coluche
Yeah they must be devastated to lose the championship on the last day
If you topple them they'll destroy you, or at least try. See how many titles dirtmund won since they did. Or what happened to Frankfurts coach after they won the cup. You simply don't fuck with the Bauern. Roll over for them and let Ribery fuck your ass one last time.
>20.36 Uhr: Wie unser tz-Reporter vor Ort bestätigte, ist Jerome Boateng nicht mit dem Rest der Mannschaft am Nockherberg eingetroffen. Um 18:12 ging er wortlos durch die Mixed-Zone der Arena. Später wurde er von einem Sportwagen abgeholt und ist ohne seine Kollegen abgefahren. Schon während des Spiels wirkte er uninteressiert und feierte bei den Toren nicht mit seinen Kollegen.
Does BOA, dare I say it, lack the Mia San Mia mentality?
/biz/ here
quick update on dortmunds share price situation lads? i bought some when they won the league a few months ago
>tfw no black gf
>this kills the ba*arian
He's getting ready for his career in gay porn.
Wurstl is going to ship him to the epl/psg.
so Greaseman will go to Buyern or Barça?
Bayern have already come out and said that they've set a (£70m/$90m) limit and wont be crossing it this season. Restructuring will continue but it'll be by poaching younger cheaper players.
Unlikely that Bayern will pay his release clause + wage, and I don't see a reason why he would want to join them. Barca makes more sense.
I don’t think so, Bayern don’t have Uruguayan players.
Kompany should have become a player-manager at HSV
>expert in killing stuff
Who would have thought.
schokoelfen desu
bayern likes to sign german players so yes. also the festgeldkonto is about to get emptied.
post schokoelfen
Would commit Rassenschande with her.
Fuck you for making me think like this tho, Shlomo Goldstein-Shekelberg.
Google Lola Chuil and try not to fap.
Reschke to >Schalke
ive heard man united are gonna try and buy sancho, from a good source. how much do you think hes worth based on talent, and why do you think pep didnt see him as a guy worth this much?
im not a customer, im hoping united get ripped off
really tired of this brandt to BVB nonsense
>how much do you think hes worth based on talent
in a real world something like 60m€, in the crazy eplel world something like 150m€
>and why do you think pep didnt see him as a guy worth this much?
you need to feel good to show your true potential. city is full of mercenaries in a way that every player there is 100% professional. they don't need to feel good and things like atmosphere are not important. for sancho these things are important though and thats why he couldnt deliver at city.
why is every team with -burg at the end so shit?
City knew he was good, that's why they didn't let him go to Arsenal or Spurs
early bayer cope?
>you need to feel good to show your true potential. city is full of mercenaries in a way that every player there is 100% professional. they don't need to feel good and things like atmosphere are not important. for sancho these things are important though and thats why he couldnt deliver at city.
Based Doofmund retard
hello, my friendly man of taste
Fucking Dirtmund trying to cuck Bayer from snatching the treble.
i mean atmosphere within the team, not muh gelbe wand. and its fact that some people need a good environment while others dont. take a lewandowski for instance. this guy could flourish in any team. someone like sancho needs other conditions.
Evangelicals aren't this conservative, they just want give the impression of being conservative, actually the priests are frauds ( cheat their wifes, are theological frauds, pretend that an random hangar is the church of God) and their family usually have kids who end up being degenerates ( Majority of evangelicals I know either go out having fornication or is extremely lefty)
>Unter Christian Heidel wurde das Spielerscouting teilweise outgesourct, Schalke verfügte nur über drei hauptamtliche Scouts, von denen einer, Seppo Eichkorn, in der Winterpause auch noch in den Trainerstab gewechselt war. Heidel vertraute auf 27 Honorarkräfte, größtenteils Sportstudenten, die den internationalen Fußball von Deutschland aus via Fernseher sichten sollten.
heidel ist echt der größte hurensohn
hallo mein bruder, wo ist die jugundherberger bitte?
Boateng hab better things to do
>According to Bild, Boateng missed yesterday's title party to attend the wedding of his best friend. Bayern knew about it. He will be present at the more important title celebration on May 26th at Marienplatz.
>dutch fashion sense
casteels to replace gürki at dortmund, etch this post into stone
>no Havertz
>größtenteils Sportstudenten, die den internationalen Fußball von Deutschland aus via Fernseher sichten sollten
What the actual fuck?! Have we finally found the origin of >schalke?
whoscored automatically gives +2 points to dribble merchants.
poor man's courtois
Wer hier /meisterfeier/ nächste Woche?
No Havertz, no party. Any others, like from K*cker or something!?
Just wait for FIFA's.
literally the opposite tho
Not yet, I think
Here have some €25m, don't spend it all on Monsanto compensations, kiddo :^)
He's better than Dembele, that should give you a ballpark estimate
>the chad dortmund equity holder vs the virgin leverkusen online broker
They already have Demirbay to replace him
Why does Brandt want join Dortmund anyway? He wont win anything while there, will be played out of position and doesnt even get to play with Havertz anymore.
>Demirbay to replace Brandt
>will be played out of position
What makes you think that? He'll be played centrally most likely
Brandt isn't going to bvb you retards
Favre is a peak brainlet
Leverkusen have the same chances of winning a title as BVB, especially that Bosz will have the chance of make some signings
what are you implying here? Demirbay is great
instead of Reus? Brandt is supposed to be the Pulisic replacement
How fucked are Hoffenheim if the rumours are true that Schulz and Amiri have release clauses in their contracts? Also how dumb do you have to be to have three starters with release clauses?
Fair enough.
I can imagine a fluid system with that setup. Alternatively, Reus on the left wing and Goetze as striker. The most important thing for Brandt is that he's allowed to play inside, really. Isolate him to the line and he's useless.
Hazard is the Pulisic, with Sancho moving out left. Since they're looking at Brandt they'll probably switch to a 4141 like they played a few times this season.
Watch Brandt more please, his speed on the ball is something rare.
The club has basically nothing to offer
brandt comes so that favre can lead his striker system to the final form. götze/alcacer/reus will each play 30 minutes per game.
Right, I forgot about Hazard, but i doubt that Reus will play CF
If the bong is right with his 4-1-4-1, it will look something like this?
Yeah, but Demirbay wont drag you down too much
This is a funny post
I don’t know. Honestly Havertz/Demirbay/Aranguiz/Baumgartlinger sounds static as fuck, and I’ve seen what a static midfield can do in the first half under Herrlich.
confirmed lads
Big if true.
Will the HSV fans randalieren?
What does Michael eat?
yeah, buy more old has-been's
Gulaci’s sloppy seconds
stream for Konfi where?
100% pure Styrian pumpkin seed oil
Canadi to Glubb is apparently confirmed, calling it now, it will be a Rapid-tier disaster
>customers actually believe this
she's the best
When will the Relegationplayoffs happen?
23. and 27. I think
>hiring /trb/ autists
What a brainlet
the hopes of strikers
>So kostet ein Stehplatz auf der Nordtribüne im Unterrang 49 Euro.
Reminder that the Hamburglars asked for €49 for a standing ticket at their Nichtaufstiegsfeier
does he have the mia san mia mentality?
someone has to pay for lasagne's salary
Milner, on the other hand...
fucking bottlejobs
enrique woke af
yeah, as if we don't have enough shit teams in 1. bundes
Guys, prepare your money. I have received the information that Paderborn will buy the game against Dresden at half-time. Huge influx of money coming in right now, prepare your wallets if you want to be rich
There's no way Dresden doesn't sell the game
big if true
yes yes watching the barca game
>tfw it's starting to set in that Reus lost his only shot at the german championship.
dont worry, next year is literally our year la
I only have 4 quid to my name where do I send it?
>next year is literally our year la
...until reus picks up a season ending injury in the summer preparation
GO, HSV! Only 20 goals to go, you have 45 minutes left. Maybe less goals needed if Bochum scores more. You can make it to the Relegations, come on!
you can't
fuck off
>autist not able to read sarcasm
ah yes vidal chimp out. in other news, the sky is blue.
messi score goal!!
Paderborn and Union are slipping
fucking boycum ruining everything
Germany truly is a 1st world country. Dresden should've sold the game for 200k instead they will win and no one will remember their win within a week
Polter will score in extra time like he always does this season.
Okay this is going to be epic
der scheiß neger von berlin versaut jeden angriff
What happened?
Union scored 2 goals in 3 minutes and now theyre level with Bochum
Berlin in /bundes/
And that benefits them how?
so union berlin just need to win to not play the playoffs
poonion need a goal to steal a bundes spot
FUCK bochum. thank god i didnt go to a single game this season.
One goal away from the promotion
if they score one more theyre direkter Aufsteiger
based uwe
too bad union couldn't capitalize on paderborn's choke
scheiß nigger uezs
>Stuttgart vs Union Berlin playoffs
Post predictions
time to break Tasmania's record next season
fick die paderborner hurensöhne. richtig erbärmlicher verein. mit so einem stadion sollte man nichtmal 3. liga spielen dürfen.
i actually played against paderborns vasiliadis, when he was in backnangs youth team
>Der Rote von Backnang
Stuttgart to win (sadly)
True, looks like a shitty version of Buyern's amateur stadium
Mann wie kann Backnang nen Ort in Deutschland sein, das klingt immer wie Thailand.
After watching Union for a while I'll say that at times they play better than any Bundes 2 club except Koln and at other times they're pretty bad but their worse trait is that they are chokers. Stuttgart have been slightly better towards the end of this season so I expect Stuttgart to win but would rather have Union in bundes
when was the last time that the /bestbundes/ team won the relegation? I can't remember
When it comes to Danish football, we’re all about Fremad Amager in the /bundes/
ugh another lame club with an ugly stadium and no fans
gib back Mr. Tedie! :(
düsseldorf against hertha
>slipping to Bochum
never change hipsters
Union is the club for bearded hipsters who just moved to Berlin, I'm glad they won't go to the Bundes.
wow, it's pretty bad
Relegation 1.-2. Bundesliga
>VfB Stuttgart - Union Berlin (23.05. 20:30)
>Union Berlin - VfB Stuttgart (27.05. 20:30)
Relegation 2. Bundesliga - 3. Liga
>Wehen Wiesbaden - FC Ingolstadt (24.05. 18:15)
>FC Ingolstadt - Wehen Wiesbaden (28.05. 18:15)
>RB Leipzig - FC Bayern (25.05. 20:00)
Tag der Amateure - Finale der Verbandspokale (25.05.)
>Tennis Borussia - FC Viktoria 1889 (Berlin)
>FC Oberneuland - Bremer SV (Bremen)
>Eintracht Norderstedt - TuS Dassendorf (Hamburg)
>Torgelower FC Greif - Hansa Rostock (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
>Viktoria Aschaffenburg - Würzburger Kickers (Bayern)
>Optik Rathenow - Energie Cottbus (Brandenburg)
>TUS Bersenbrück - Atlas Delmenhorst (Niedersachsen)
>FSV Salmrohr - TuS Koblenz (Rheinland)
>Chemnitzer FC - FSV Zwickau (Sachsen)
>SV Rödinghausen - SC Wiedenbrück (Westfalen)
>TSV Essingen - SSV Ulm (Württemberg)
>Alemannia Aachen - Fortuna Köln (Mittelrhein)
>Wuppertaler SV - KFC Uerdingen (Niederrhein)
>SV Elversberg - 1.FC Saarbrücken (Saarland)
>Germania Halberstadt - Hallescher FC (Sachsen-Anhalt)
>VfB Lübeck - Weiche Flensburg (Schleswig-Holstein)
>FC 08 Villingen - Rielasingen-Arlen (Südbaden)
>1.FC Kaiserslautern - Wormatia Worms (Südwest)
>Preußen Bad Langelsalza - Wacker Nordhausen (Thüringen)
>KSV Baunatal - Wehen Wiesbaden (Hessen)
26.05. 14:00
>Karlsruher SC - Waldhof Mannheim (Baden)
European Finals
>EL: Chelsea - Arsenal (29.05. 21:00)
>CL: Tottenham - Liverpool (01.06. 21:00)
>be bold
>26.05. 14:00
>Karlsruher SC - Waldhof Mannheim (Baden)
Many will die on that day.
If it was 40 years old you people would call it comfy
stadium is fine
in 40 years it will still be a soulless lego stadium
>muh Logen
go fuck yourself plastic
it looks like an open air prison or some kind of square where chinese dissidents are executed
Any Hertha fans here? I se you’ve just signed >our CB, Boyata.
He refused to play in a crucial CL qualifier for us and he makes a load of mistakes on the ball.
Kinda sad about HIV. I'd really like them back in the league.
Paderborn is fucking boring, Union in the Bundes on the other hand would be kino
>7 (seven) NRW clubs in bundes next season
A club that thanked Buyern for trashing them 20:0, that's what this league needs
Jz 1 Schnitzel
>schnitzel mit spargel
>kein ketchup
whats the matter?
you forgot to turn on your proxy
>“We know exactly which clubs have knocked [for Brandt],” Voller told Sky Sport News HD.
>“Brandt has some requests, and in the next five, six or seven days there will be a decision.”
>Voller has also refused to rule out the possibility of the Bremen-born international remaining with Bayer Leverkusen. “By reaching the Champions League, we hope we have a small or big chance (that he will stay),” he said.
> Wie das Programm „Carrusel Confidential“ des Radiosenders „Cadena SER“ berichtet, wechselt Rechtsverteidiger Mateu Morey (Foto) aus „La Masia“ zu den Schwarz-Gelben.
Holbæk are back in the divisions!
After today’s 4-1 win against Skjold-Birkeröd, Holbæk Bold- & Idrætsforening lead Danmarksserien Pulje 1 by 13 points with four games to go, and have won promotion to the 2nd Division.
At least one person in the world... Thanks, but I guess it will never happen. It's unironically over.
Havertz will stay(see latest instagram post) and brandt will also stay, because they are closet homos.
True. I really can't imagine both of them leaving for different clubs. They aren't retarded, winning something with Leverkusen is at least as probable as winning something with Dortmund, they just need the current squad, a non-retarded coach and some luck. It's either Bayern or abroad in the long term, but right now, there's no reason to leave.
Nah, they'll be back. The time in the 2nd Bundes should also help the club in the long run.
Where's Arp going?
Can we please not have /bundes/ for a while?
>Jann-Fiete Arp basically confirms that he's joining Bayern this summer: "After the goal, all the feelings overflowed. I was waiting for this moment for a long time, the best way to say goodbye to everyone. I think the change of scenery that awaits me now will be good for me"
why is this guy going to bayern again?
same as kurt and weißer. can go either way
>Und weiter: "Natürlich werden auch viele schauen, wie sich das entwickelt mit Leipzig und Nagelsmann, da wird wohl eher das zweite Jahr das interessantere. Jetzt ist nur klar: Da trifft ein talentierter Trainer auf eine talentierte Mannschaft, aber keiner weiß, wie das wird. Wenn wir überzeugen als Gruppe, können wir eine interessante Alternative sein. Wenn Bayern wieder mit zehn Punkten Vorsprung Meister wird, wird kaum einer sagen, ich gehe nach Leipzig. Wir müssen schon versuchen, die Großen anzugreifen, damit Spieler sich sagen: Dann werde ich eben dort Meister."
i feel something big happening with leipzig. the era of the bull is upon us.
>Wie vielen anderen Spielern hatte Nagelsmann nach der 2:4-Niederlage am Samstagnachmittag in Mainz Mateta die Hand geschüttelt - und war danach verstimmt. "Ich mag das nicht, wenn man einem Spieler die Hand gibt und er einem nicht in die Augen schaut und dann noch dummes Zeug erzählt. Das ist einfach respektlos", ärgerte sich Nagelsmann hinterher.
>Und weiter: "Er gibt halt die Hand und schaut irgendwo hin, dann soll er es sein lassen. Dann soll er beim nächsten Tor zur Tribüne rennen und sich feiern lassen und mich in Ruhe lassen, dann ist alles gut - oder mich einfach anschauen."
Cant wait to finish 4th in the CL and get 8th because Nagelsmann doesnt coach defending
please, you have much better defenders than hoffenheim.
>bullying an autist over media
I hope this metrosexual laptop coach meme cease next season.
when you have upamecano aka giga nigger and halstenberg then you dont need to coach defense. those man mountains do it by themself.
the real question is how much worse Memelsmann can make the best defence of the league
I'd assume over 40 conceded
i will remain skepictal until Nagelsmann proves me otherwise
>forgetting Giganigger 2.0 Konaté
yeah i'm thinking they are becoming a football superpowerhouse by the year of 2022
totally forgot, its RB Leipzig birthday today
get in here
What is a good pick-up line in german?
because they hate you and want to destroy you
ficki ficki
Let's face it
Austria > Germany
>the seethe of austrians when they are reminded that they are germany's nicaragua
wtf i hate the eternal ösi now
t. markus steyr de souza
more like padershit lmao literally 6 points to every decent team
only thing theyll pad is lewandowskis goal tally. infact they were born to
>76 goals scored this term
looks good to me
>Douglas Santos: "Für mich ist es hier zu Ende"
welcome to leverkusen
>people already deluding themselves that anyone can challenge the bauern
>Pillen will win the treble next year
Every fucking season. Also might be the dumbest post I have seen in a long time itt.
Unironically hope fore the Dosen to save us, but I can't tell how much meme is in Nagelsmeme.
Oh sweet Ossi child, Uli only talks like this because he has Werner secured already
But Werner going to Bayern will weaken them further, and with the GOAT wingers gone, they will shit the bed next season and make way for the Bulls
eyebrow raising post
>But Werner going to Bayern will weaken them further
I don't rate Werner but you have to admit that he's Leipzig's best performer this season.
Even if he turns into another Götze, they still secure the pecking order
Why Porsche, Audi and BMW produce /elite/ cars?
What about Mercedes?
What about Mercedes?
Yeah, they are good but not /elite/
friendly reminder that in france you drink coffee not in cups but bowls. truly a wicked and backwards people.
schoko bump
>Reschke at >Schalke
I still rate him tßh. Should be interesting to see if he is the one that can un->schalke them.
Please stop typing like a retard
gib chocomel
first time I hear of this
>lewa banged rihanna
not fair lads
but that's wrong, Pierre
scoring 20 goals off of 8000 chances isn't good
Konaté and Gulacsi were Leipzig's best performers
who didnt?
too much photoshop
who doesn't?
I meant offensively. Anyway, Poulsen's conversion rate isn't necessarily better than Werner's, and the latter has way more assists. Unless you have a good replacement for him, I see his departure as a big loss for you.
Replacement is called Cunha.
He will come good, I guarantee it.
I'd take someone who can win a duel alone up front over a Stümperfuß like Werner every day.
Let's see if he’s the real deal or another Brazilian fraud.
I just hope Leipzig doesn't buy Belfodil, anyway.
hopefully we get rid of the niggers kimpembe and kehrer
Kimpembe to United, but Tuchel is retarded enough to keep Kehrer around.
I hate that constantly depressed look on his face.
pls stop posting this ugly slag that was btfo by Chris Brown
Cunha actually have the potential
It's amazing how PSG miss Ligue 1 talents and always pay gorillons by some ok ( at best) players
kimpembe for herrera and 10 gorillion. now that would be based.
yes we, i only live 1000km away from paris and have bandwagoned them since one year bby xx
how can i adopt the mia san mia mentality and use it in my life?
first of all stop watching porn, second go become /fit/ and get a balanced and healthy food and a decent haircut
beat your girlfriend
increased Weißwurst uptake
jordan peterson tier
kc legends
be self-righteous and self obsessed cunt while stop paying taxes
Become a wrist watch smuggler
I unironically dislike Jordan Peterson
Only turbo brainlets rate Peterson.
I know
What does Dirk have to do with anything
>tfw you watch more Bohndesliga than actual Bundesliga games
something is wrong here
>Danish 2nd league
Nils Bomhoff's heartache is very invigorating, to be fair.
>too dumb to answer to Denmark
guess it's time for bed now
Start trading stocks (focus on options for quick losses)
Well it’s the third tier, but it’s still alright.
the Rautenperle episode with him and Tobi is pretty entertaining
I'm becoming old, I start watching football when Schurrle was a prospect and now he's a boomer flop
And then you realize that his decline mirrors yours
I started watching football when Marco Bode and Ulf Kirsten had their peak.
I started watching football when Gourcuff was hailed as the next Zidane. Now he’s getting relegated with Dijon.
real nigga post. hopefully /bundes/ can handle my decline.
Not really
He was /elite/ with Bordeaux, I miss the Ligue 1 without P$G
Same, I pretty much stopped watching Ligue 1 since the QSG takeover
For me, it's Olaf Marschall.
>Im Mai 2010 wurde der Mittelfeldspieler von Trainer Raymond Domenech in den Kader für die Weltmeisterschaft in Südafrika nominiert. Nach dem dortigen Debakel der Nationalelf durchlitt Gourcuff eine sportliche Krise, die dazu führte, dass Domenech-Nachfolger Laurent Blanc ihn zeitweise gar nicht mehr berücksichtigte.
Kek... Ribery's bus mutiny destroyed his career.
>twnb a second 97-98 Kaiserslautern
fuck buyern
Tobi is the only one with actual Ahnung. Eddy doesn't know shit about football, not even the Eintracht.
I don't think so. I'm afraid they'll dissolve in a few years after not making it /backtobundes/, maybe even after getting relegated into the 3rd league. What the fuck did go wrong this time? They had a comfy lead and only had to bring it home. Nobody would have cares whether they would have finished the season as 1st or 2nd. Whatever happened after the 4-0 against Pauli, it destroyed the club's season and - in my opinion - ended the club's life as a whole, maybe they don't know it yet. To be honest, I think the club was dead all along. 100 million in debt, not a single good player, worst reputation possible in the whole business, hated by almost everyone. I don't know how they did it, but they managed to drive one of the biggest and most traditional clubs in world football against the wall. The history of Hamburg ends here. Maybe some franchise a la Red Bull will establish a new Hamburg club in 20 years or something, that's the best they can hope for. None of us will live to see Hamburg in the Bundesliga again, let alone reclaiming their former glory. I'm sorry for everyone who has believed in them, nothing will be left of them but the jokes and sneers, not the titles, not the memories.
>None of us will live to see Hamburg in the Bundesliga again
See, that's exactly what I mean. Everyone hates them. People have joy in seeing them fail. They fucked it up themselves. 30 years ago, they were the pride of the nation and undoubtedly Bayern's greatest rival. Now, they are a joke. And not even a shadow of their former self. Somehow, they still have a shitton of devoted fans, must be real masochists, but sooner or later, they will all be dead. And with them, the last bits of memory of the club will die.
"The Hamburg Bulls " is a name that would be perfect for the American market.
*asks question that would require for Tobi to monologue for 30 minutes and get mad if he can't break it down into two sentences*
You just need a forward who really wants to score goals
Not feeling sorry for them. The hype they created at the end of the last season/beggining of the new season was probably their last straw. But after only 10 matchdays they fell back into their old HIV ways by firing their coach, because "reasons".
>that HIV feel
please explain how?
Are you looking for ways to fix Chicago?
'ate HSV
'ate HSV
'ate HSV
'ate HSV
'ate HSV
simple as
Who's more reliable between Kicker and Bild?
That's a good question. Most would instantly go with Kicker, but they're not as good as people think while BILD isn't as bad as people think, at least when it comes to sports. Kicker's player and especially team grades are kinda retarded. BILD sometimes provides actually good and new rumours, but sometimes they fuck it up as well. I think it depends on how you ask and if there is a category you'd like to put focus on. I'd probably go with Kicker, it just seems more natural, but it's honestly close. And this isn't a compliment for BILD. Both could be better. That's just my opinion and you are free to disagree with me. But please don't be mean...
you're cute user.
I was gonna be mean but I won't because you wrote so nice
lmoa fucking homo
Kicker is more reliable. BILD releases bombshells from time to time. Both have by far the best Bundesliga reporting. If you're interested in a specific club, you might find a local newspaper with better sources. BVB worked closely with Ruhr Nachrichten for example.
cute chocolate bunny
I know that feel. At least other people have reason for wageslavery – they support their families. Why should I work? To extend my masturbation marathon for another 10-20 years? To improve society in which I am outcast without friends and gf? Is having job while being single the ultimate cuckoldry?
me in 10 minutes
based jt spilling the truthpills
why is he so cute?
as some other user wrote in an earlier thread: the purpose of life is literally to procreate. a job is only a means to this goal.
the purpose of life is to watch footbal and play games
a strict system that sorts people out both socially and financially.
yes yes
I love him but come on, he had 6 godlike months then disappeared.
whats wrong with Peterson? Apart from the facts that he see's the neo-marxist conspiracy everywhere and I find his interpretations of fairytales and biblestorys to be a bit "forced" at times.
Other than that, he just seems like a really resonable /pol/ dad. I mean someone who used to be /pol/ and then worked his way out of it, to focus on what matters.
Ribery won more titles in his career than Dortmund
Can someone post the webm of the girl saying schlecht?
Germany we need to talk...
Thank you.
Time for wörk
first for dresden
>Brandt-Wechsel nach Dortmund wohl fix
>Nach Bild-Informationen steht Julian Brandt trotz geglückter Champions-League-Qualfikation von Bayer Leverkusen kurz vor einer Unterschrift bei Borussia Dortmund. Leverkusens Rudi Völler hatte der Bild zwar noch gesagt, dass Bayer "die Hoffnung noch nicht aufgegeben" habe, allerdings soll der Wechsel noch in dieser Woche über die Bühne gehen. Brandt habe sich gegen europäische Top-Klubs und für den BVB entschieden, im Falle eines Transfers überweist der BVB rund 25 Millionen nach Leverkusen.
>Orban ahead of Konaté
At least he's not going to buyern.
I agree, he's too bad for us.
>no mia san mia mentality
Sad! Better sign a wonderkid that scored 1 (ONE) goal in 2nd /bundes/.
Fake news la
>Mvogo unzufrieden: "Nicht noch so ein Jahr."
>Yvon Mvogo (24) will sich nicht länger mit seiner Reservistenrolle bei RB Leipzig begnügen. "Ich bin nicht nach Leipzig gekommen, um auf der Bank zu sitzen. Ich möchte nicht noch solch ein Jahr verbringen", sagt der Schweizer Nationalkeeper. Doch genau das droht ihm: Ralf Rangnick hat bislang nur Marius Müller (25), der Nummer 3 unter den Leipziger Torhütern, einen Wechsel in Aussicht gestellt. Er werde Müller "nach Kräften unterstützen", einen neuen Klub zu finden, so der RB-Macher. Das bedeutet aber auch: Einer Ausleihe von Mvogo, für den RB vor zwei Jahren immerhin fünf Millionen Euro an Young Boys Bern bezahlt hatte, kann Rangnick nur zustimmen, wenn er einen entsprechenden Ersatz verpflichtet.
Mvogo leaving the Bulls?
>Thiago over Adams
don't go ngubu
Buttblasted shareholder
>Jetzt ist es amtlich: Tim Walter wird neuer Trainer in Stuttgart, der VfB überweist für ihn eine Ablöse an Holstein Kiel.
classic dortmund to buy a bunch of notorious /weakmind/ players
dortmund's end game is to become la masia 2: ruhrpott edition it seems
Brandt, Smole Hazard, Reus, Sancho... that will be a force to be reckoned
Why nobody commented? Is this really normal on Germany
Reckoned with
yes, thanks!
too bad their shit defense will fuck it up again
Kinda, there is a fisting club on my way to work but they keep your privacy intact so it's not something you are telling other people about
>its a Dortmund buys the league episode
Why is this allowed
In my first apartment I had a strange neighbour that looked like the Rammstein lead singer and on Sunday evenings he would come home from parties looking like a zombie drenched in sweat. I would bet a 3 digit sum that you can find him at this establishment.
>replying to american Yea Forums bait posts that are over 10 hours old
why would you do this
would have been better than the shit we got
So you're lowkey a /fs/ poster?
Kicker.B*ld (((journalists))) can't even count to 29.
Uhm but that's correct
They won 28 Bundesliga Meisterschaften and 18/19 was the 56th season. 28*2 = 56.. so?
forgot pic.
dont tell him, let him figure it own its own
just a spoiler: you are your pic
nvm, I am your pic, I thought you are
>dortmund destroying the league
just as it was getting interesting, too.
>gegen europäische Top-Klubs und für den BVB entschieden
What did he mean by this
/bundes/ is declining hard
>b-b-but bayern are buying all the good players from the other teams!!
whats better when searching for a job? staying at home while losing money and waiting for something good to come? or applying and working at some shit job while applying to better ones?
mach aushilfe in irgendeinem discounter wo du einmal die woche 8 stunden arbeitest
>FF USV Jena will be promoted to the 1. /wundes/liga next season, as they won their deciding match on the last day. The 1. FC Köln secured promotion already one week earlier and will complete the /wundes/ next year.
>Buyern München II is the champion of this years 2. /wundes/liga, ahead of wolfsburg II, both teams can't be promoted into /wundes/. Claudia Vonkova, wife of her teammate Lucie, scored the winning goal in the 79. minute in her very last match, as she will end her carrer after this season.
Wrong, they are LURING the players from other teams. Big difference.
Leverkusen (including Brandt) are currently on a team trip in Barcelona btw. Doesn't seem like he's leaving at all.
Install Uber and swallow the gig economy pill
By that logic I should have never left school after our end-of-school trip.
>tfw finally found the Dürüm patrician way
Doner plebs have to know and see the light!
Preach it abi!
>wife of her teammate Lucie
why is this allowed?
check the news in a few hours
Yesterday, Kuessel was russian, tonight he becomes german, what will this shapeshifting lizard become tomorrow?
friendly reminder today is the A-jugend halbfinale rückspiel between the schalke and the dortmund
>den nationalen und internationalen terrorismus DIREKT subventionieren indem man bei verbrechern essen kauft
nimmer hochmachbar
I'm too pure for this word
I already miss him lads.
>not posting the stream
>Manni Bursmüller is dead
Did… did Lewa do it?
>not posting the bundes edit
couldnt big clubs from outside Germany want them?
>Zeitnah wird Amazon eine vier- bis sechsteilige Dokumentation über den #BVB ausstrahlen. [BILD]
Glad that Brandt doesn#t join Buyern, but I would've loved to see him under a coach like taktik Tuchel or Nagelsmann
FunFACT!: Brandt is a more complete player than Havertz
>Nach seiner aktiven Karriere als Fußballspieler wurde er von 1996 bis 2002 Kicker bei Rhein Fire und dadurch mit 52 Jahren der älteste aktive Footballprofi der Welt.
>Pulisic replaces Hazard at Chelsea
>Hazard replaces Pulisic at Dortmund
yes I am back
Walter to Buttgart should be interesting. From what I've read and saw, he's some state of the art taktik autist, but I fear that these things won't work in an enviroment like shitgart.
what if Kruse is the granate Uli was talking about
DOes he come with the Mia San Mia Mentalität?
thought he has great against bayern
the chances are pretty good!
Kruse is the best german striker since Klose. Too bad that Popel-Jogi can´t handle characters like him
Kruse is also in his 30s.
Wrong haircut. Sad!
BVB 9 is the niggest of 9s
three steps more and it would have been a goal
Get on my level!
fuck off tom you failed abortion
>ynr Johansson
>80m for a defender with a dodgy knee
>30m for a CB who LARPS as RB but is shit at both
>Potential free transfer for a porn star
No offense to Boomern but Dortmund are having the better window so far.
>No offence
But it is no defense for duselmund at this point to be desu, it'll break their neck next season as well.
Hernandez' knee will (hopefully) be fixed by Müller-Wohlfahrt
Nothing to say about Pavard
Probably one more big name this season and Havertz next season. And some time for the young players to grow.
Then Bayern will have the perfect team
Learning to defend standards can't be that hard
>And some time for the young players to grow.
Not going to happen at buyern
why don't they raid leipzig for konaté and upa?
fuck mcdonalds
Well they have no other choice. With Ribery and Robben gone Gnabry and Coman are pretty much set unless they are willing to spend gorillions for complete wingers
>In der Rückrunde kassierte sogar Nürnberg weniger Gegentreffer.
fckn based and redpilled.
I think I will vote green
>eating on a transnational company
You should literally support you local business la
>think i will vote for my own demise
fearmongering letztwähler detected.
Who's is signing Durm btw?
Heut 500g Heidelbeeren für 2€ bekommen, geil!
>ja aber natürlich sind millionen illegale, kriminelle und kulturfremde einwanderer gut für unsere zukunft
wahl-o-mat said green, so I vote green
simple as
Aparently >we are linked with Wesley from Club Brugge
There's now way that he's worse than Tielin
no clue who that is
its kartoffeln, spiegeleier, spinat I guess
>let us sell the country, goyim, otherwise the evil leftists will ruin it completely
>When I took over the team, immeditaly I said I want to play offensive football.
>oy vey! they are ebil nadsis, goyim. don't vote for them
>oy vey! they want to sell their country to the russians, goyim. don't vote for them
So which one is it? I am confused.
Both. It was the only sane government in western Europe showing that something can be done against multicultural madness and that there is an alternative to the alternativlose Zuwanderung, cant have that
Not saying the arent retarded and corrupt scum but I would take state contracts for Russians over more Kanaken and the eventual dissolving of Austria into a European superstate any day
>yes goyim just vote for das kleinere Übel
I’ve decided that I will vote for Radikale Venstre in both the EU election and the parliamentary election.
Redpill me on SpVgg Greuther Fürth.
denmark confirmed for zecke
Neither. Jews don't have anything against racism as long it's against muslims, and there's lot's of profit to be had with favorable arrangements with the FPÖ
The red block is going to win anyway so I want to vote for the most liberal party in the block so it doesn’t get too socialist or anti-immigrant.
no more android for huawei? lolwut
>denmark wants more arabs
yeah what a shocker
The rules are plenty strict. The Social Democrats don’t even want to take in refugees. Whatever, I don’t want open borders, but when it’s too hard for even Americans or Australians to move here it’s too much.
>denmark is racist
yeah not surprised
Vestager is a Radikal. If everyone votes ALDE she will succeed Juncker.
>denmark is a globalist
yeah thought so
yes yes
my favorite things in life are green
No surprise. Bremen is a shithole on par with Berlin, Saarland and Ruhrgebiet.
cuck mentality
Which one of these is the least plastic?
>oy vey, goyim. You have to take these six trillion arabs so we can expand
hmmm leverkusen to be desu. from least to most:
Amount of plastic:
Leverkusen < Wolfsburg
Guten tag, friends? Are you looking for new, youthful additions to bring in big euros and spotlight to >your squad?
That's how I feel as well. Bayer is pretty based, probably the only club to have a legit European trophy but no domestic title.
Interesting, why Wolfsburg last? I thought Hoppen and Leipzig were the worst by far
eh sure leipzig and hoffenheim are newer, but still. wolfsburg has a really pathetic fanbase, although it is quite a relevant city economy wise. literally empty seats all the time. no soul whatsoever.
hoffenheim is a Kuhdorf, so no one cares about the club but thats not their fault i guess. still somewhat attractive football.
leipzig ist pure cancer obviously, but the people seem to really enjoy and support their club so i guess thats that
the girl i love is from bremen :(
tfw just rubbed one out to _the_ best amateur video of all times
good night, fundes
redpilled Ösi
stay truckin'
anyones knows a porn site, like a tube site that has amateur only?
>autosaging the thread with 10 posts left
just always remember that they do it for free
really nice for Kroos to get the extension so quickly after the season
nice long holiday coming up
he's playing Zidane so well