Usual shit, picks close once the main card starts. Rafael dos Anjos vs. Kevin Lee Antonio Carlos Junior vs. Ian Heinisch Megan Anderson vs. Felicia Spencer Derrick Krantz vs. Vicente Luque Charles Oliveira vs. Nik Lentz Davi Ramos vs. Austin Hubbard
The Florida Highway Patrol said Green lost lost control of his 2011 Dodge Durango on Sunday morning on Interstate 75, veering into the path of a truck with a trailer in the next lane. There was a chain-reaction crash involving three other vehicles that killed two passengers in a Toyota Yaris – Emelina Morfa, 67, and Emma Suarez Hernandez, 76 – while the driver was seriously injured. Green and another driver emerged with only minor injuries.
Two weeks before the accident, Green, 28, was cited for driving with a suspended license and no proof of insurance after a fender bender in Deerfield Beach, Fla., that caused less than $1,000 in damage.
Green also was pulled over by Fort Lauderdale Police on April 20 for expired registration tags. An officer said “a smell of cannabis emitted from the vehicle” upon contacting Green, who then admitted to having marijuana and “mushrooms” in the vehicle, which were stuffed in his shoe in two separate bags. So great when a hometown guy is fighting for his community, really heartwarming stuff.
Mate, you couldn't heem your way out of a damp paper bag.
Hudson Bell
>not watching aspen next c
Angel Baker
He eats his grits like a good nig.
Landon Cox
we gunna just pretend we didn't see some fucking matrix shit that last fight or we just gunna talk about pizza like a bunch of fatasses?
Logan Reed
Kodak / Xerox
industrial decline, with tons of pretty parks and beaches in the Summer and a dumpster of snow in the Winter. Student city and low cost of living but tons of white flight
its comfy in the Summer similar to Syracuse and Buffalo
Andrew Long
Some call him the Spic Remover
Gabriel Lopez
>Dodge Durango More like try to dodge Django kek
Thomas Anderson
Hoping Jourdain heems this ape, crowd is fucking cucked beyond belief.
>toyo tires plug during the break UFC is getting meta with their product placement.
Alexander Bailey
Based groid took out two spics.
Ethan Brooks
The other guy moved up a weight class to take this fight
Jackson Flores
10 - 7 jourdain
Isaiah Scott
Brazil rising ossu
Joseph Mitchell
Y'all heard of Hawlk Hawlgin b? D-D-Dimepiece for shure. I'm talking chiseled tan and a peach of a hog my guy.
Andrew Walker
L..lads I've missed the whole card so far. I saw some Aus webms and it looks like I've missed so much good shit. If the card gets shit now I've tuned in, I'm sorry.
He killed two Hispanic people. According to Trudeau's mathematical formula 2H (Hispanic) > or = 1B (black) and one identified as a female so
1H + 1HF > 1B
Clearly, not racist.
Ayden Parker
You should've done Michel as a single he was great odds.
Jack Williams
Where's Kofi from
Carter Harris
based and redpilled
Xavier Flores
>moves to the opponent to his face >runsaway when hes getting jabbed the fuck out >repeat
Kevin Sanchez
Desmond beat the mighty Ross of Pearson, so he should be able to beat this French goof.
Carson Martinez
Dominic Hill
#23 is unironically winning this fight
Ayden Jackson
Elijah Carter
Green getting on his bike, must've stole it.
Jordan White
Why are there so many lightweight fighters? Like way more than any other division. Is mma a true manlet sport?
Aiden King
ufc is dead
Xavier Nguyen
sex != gender We don't know how they identified
Dominic Davis
What fights are you guys looking forward to tonight?
John Myers
>lol there's nobody above 6'1 in LW
Matthew Long
Whats up with Jourdan's leg? Is he bleeding?
Cooper Clark
megan " vampire slut " anderson
Alexander Jackson
Il est un peu mauvais ton "chum"
Cooper Thompson
Green was kicking off saying all of his losses were just because he was fighting outside of America and then he does this in his hometown against a featherweight fighters.
Nolan Powell
All of them, as I am a real fight fan.
Jordan Jones
based Do Bronx
Noah Sanders
Didn't Desmond Green almost die in a car crash or something
Mason Flores
If I had to summarise this fight in a film quote, it would be:
>Desmond: You're a big guy >Charles: For you
Ayden Smith
It's okay you only missed four spicy heems
James Harris
Whichever turns into a 5-round horizontal chess battle on the canvas.
Give the fight to my boy Jourdain, at least he tried to entertain
Levi Bell
Green is such a lazy piece of shit, hope he loses for being an oversized bum
Adrian Torres
>get 3 takedowns that last for 5 seconds each and do zero damage while getting hit and backing up for most of the round >win the round regardless This sport is broken.
Cameron Cruz
Who is John Reese?
Jaxon Powell
have you been doing ketamine or drinking heavily or both?
you could have a kidney or bladder issue
100% see a doctor asap
Hunter Martinez
why are the fights better on absolute bum cards
Aaron Williams
Very McGregor.
Samuel Butler
Bullshit, Fuck NY
Grayson Davis
What a fucking joke decision
Daniel Parker
Hunter Perez
Jourdain should automatically win because he's a fucking bantamweight and Pussy Green is a lightweight.
Who the fuck spends the end of the fight RUNNING away from a dude you have a SIGNIFICANT power advantage against?
Leo Bailey
Holy shit, talk about a fucking robbery. I was rooting for Desmond but he totally lost that 29-28.
Jason Bell
Cameron Bailey
Either you ate beets or something else with red dye in it (some haribo candies use beetroot for color), or you have a bladder infection or bladder cancer. If it happens again, go see a doctor.
Mason Allen
Obviously Desmond ''bernhardt'' Green is german by descent as is Jonathan ''Friedrich'' Jones.
Hunter Johnson
He sounds retarded.
Zachary Taylor
he'll be decent at his actual weight class.
Mason Lee least we can suffer together
Brody Gonzalez
Just a bit of rust buildup, no real issue brother
Benjamin Cruz
Pussy nigger running for 15 min and still wins, jesus
Caleb Barnes
Made me think.
Eli Perez
Who cares Who gives a shit Girls are for kissing, not fighting I think one of these guys was my janitor in middle school Lentz starches this homo in the first round literally who
Jason Fisher
All the cuckolds in the audience clapping for their pet nibba who just ran a marathong
Imagine the memes if RDA ko's Lee and then says that
Brandon Sanders
>sitting dude with the cap on the right looking into the camera
John Mitchell
who's ready to watch another pathetic WMMA match?
Tyler King
>Aspen Ladd comes out to The Promontory
OK !
Leo Walker
Julian Jenkins
Nathan Morris
Reminder to always bet on the dyke (Eubanks)
Carson Hernandez
bros, are we fucking back?????
Adrian Murphy
>Dude just let him hit you lmao
Chase Jackson
>Fat fedora >Cokehead cheater >Not champ >Boring piece of shit >White >Whatever the fuck he his, actually fun to watch >same thing the only problem here are niggers
I hate watching wmma so, so much outside of the champs
Oliver Barnes
This sijara looks completely different from flyweight sijara. Flyweight Sijara is a beast, this girl is timid and gassing
William Nelson
This is like watching a fight in slow motion.
Benjamin Thomas
If Aspen wins this fight will she be Aspen Gladd?
Dylan Reyes
It's a fantastic habit, engages the core, promotes healthy breathing, influences the judges and establishes dominant psychological ascendency over the opponent
John Hernandez
why isnt she shooting a single or something 2-1 eubanks if she keeps this up
Kevin Thompson
You are witnessing history, its the Ladd era bro
Hunter Green
rock'em sock'em dyke-bots
Logan Phillips
Whobanks is she gassy'd
Chase Moore
Nah, second round was 10-8 for Ladd. Draw or win for the Ladd
Luke Lewis
>kebab >white >french flag Checks out.
Jack Thomas
No for sure cutting weight gives you a great tank
Jason Fisher
they both look so slow
this fight feels like slow motion
Isaiah Torres
Owen Fisher
Robert Cook
ladd with the questionable fight iq not going for the take down earlier
Thomas Carter
It can go either way in my opinion. I think Antonio can get the takedown but Ian is a great wrestler
Lucas Howard
but maybe it means more telegraphed strikes
Adrian Lopez
>Khabib >not white >indonesian flag Go away chinknigga
Nathaniel Lewis
Bring in Iron mike
Owen Jackson
holy fuck Ladd is terrible
Kevin Powell
Brandon Thomas
Aspen Sadd?
Oliver Turner
WMMA is so fucking stupid, standing and trading with 0 impact punches
Jackson Brooks
I scored it Eubanks I also don't really care
Lucas Gonzalez
For sure Shittaker is the REAL champ even though he didn't beat the lineal champ, has no defenses, and hasn't fought in a year my guy
Colton White
Ian Harris
I hate Sicaca Whobanks so much that it makes me root for Flabb.
Nathan Fisher
>Germanistan shit talking based Poland
Alexander Murphy
Suprised the ref didnt start chanting worldstar at the end of that "fight"
Noah Allen
why is WMMA allowed
Ryder Garcia
I'm gonna. Fuck Aspen Ladd meme hole
Aaron Allen
You guys rockin' toyo tires?
Aaron Perez
how could you score the last 2 rounds for her?
Joseph Cruz
I could have slept until now and not missed a thing
Jason Gonzalez
Aspen Slag?
Mason Brown
robbery desu
Isaac Collins
Well, that was a horrible decision.
Cameron Cooper
breathing and exhaling properly is essential for striking,especially heavy kicks
see how the thais do it when throwing roundhouse kicks
Yeah it was just made for ronda rousey and serves no purpose now. The girls used to be decently attractive, but now it just looks like a bunch of tranny men.
Decision was right but you are also right in that these girls should be fighting in Mississippi casinos not national fucking tv. That looked like me and my brother fighting after 23 beers.
him losing to the Real Estate agent didn't do it for you?
Evan Barnes
I know you guys don't follow WMMA or Aspen in particular like I do, but just keep in mind when you say she has bad striking: She is next in line for a title shot, unironically. :)
So, what is Cody’s thot, exactly? Is she a porn star? Google says she’s a model of some sort, but that face and fake titties seem to indicate otherwise. I’m guessing she’s just another delusional Instagram “model”.
David Perry
Nice delay
Jace Morales
Those are Haitians, sweaty. Also get some new images you utter embarrassment of a niglet.
Gavin Taylor
kek how the hell did Lee still look drained at 170? he looked drained but huge somehow
Cooper Anderson
thank you based Hana
Alexander Edwards
>I know when that hotling bling >that can only mean one thing
Look at those rounded shoulders. Ramos is on juice.
Hudson Mitchell
Ramos is literally the Michael Venom Page of bjj
Gabriel Watson
for me it's the blonde qt official
Ian Moore
We’re in here
Benjamin Walker
BROTHA' I think you are right but I disagree
Jaxson Price
>double nut heem
Jeremiah Bell
This shadow boxing foo' finna get heemed
Angel Wright
Paulo The Natty God Costa
Jack Torres
>Puts on helmet >''Hello I'm your ufc rochester fighter for this eve'' >Flexes chest but goes for deep leg stretch instead >''You should warm up correctly, always but never forget your equipment'' >Gets on bike >''Wearing light colours and reflective fabric can help drivers seeing you when you're out for a ride'' >''Drive safe''